Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 "Long Walk."

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Fantasy Girl - Cando

        Hot damn, is it cold. The lowest temperature for today was 43 degrees. I checked the temperature this morning and it was currently 44.

        Psychology was probably the easiest of the all the tests and quizzes today. The multiple seemed, just, logical. When I got the FRQ, I was like "Huh, these terms weren't really in the chapter." Then I looked at the top of FRQ paper and it said "Chapter 9: Cognition." I was like "Aw shit." I studied the wrong chapter, heh. None the less, the FRQ was pretty straightforward and easy so, not a problem. I'm guessing I'll have to do the same notes over again, huh.

        English was a real fuckfest again. The teacher's trying to make an Honors class as if it were an AP. Like, come the fuck on, not all of us are going to take AP English, and you're just driving people away from it. I know for a fact that I ain't gonna do it, just because I already hate Honors English. Just imagine an AP version of it. Ho, ly. And yes, we did do like another sort of constructive response. Again.

        Now, Lt. I think I'll just try to hang out with some other people. Not sure who, maybe just head on over to the lockers like during lunch and just do whatever, or something. At least it'll be different, new (after a while), and interesting, rather than watch Lt talk shit and copy down homework. I'm sorry, but, I just don't like her attitude. I've slowly watched it changed since the first time I talked to her. Now that I'm considered close to her, a close friend, she can just be herself, which includes shit like, being so prideful of herself. And like, her ego. There's just something about it that I just can't handle anymore. And, to make things easier, she doesn't wait for me anyways anymore when walking to our spot, so, guess she doesn't really like talking unless she has to or whatever. She's confusing alright?

        Anyways, Biology was just another quiz. This time I made my most logical choices, and uh, hopefully I get average on it. For math, oh boy, shit was hard. There were so many steps for each kind of procedure, not even sure if I got even one right, that's how doubtful I am. For lunch, just another day with the cast. US History was another notes day. And finally Chinese, where Mt and I converse some more while we do Chinese work while practicing saying words and shit.

        First KDT practice for the Interact Dinner show performances thing (where my old buddies will be attending, yes, like last year at the dance thing) is this Friday, there's this lightsaber rally/rave/party/like one of those color run social event things/event coming soon to the city near me. It's like a super large gathering of just people with lightsabers, go both enthusists and casuals alike. It's on the 30th of April, so, hopefully my cousin and I will be going. I asked the KDT people if others can still join, and yes, they can. So, Ek and DrewN may be participating soon, who knows. And the last bit of news, that I can currently remember, is that I reached level 104 on my Xenon today. Not that great of an accomplishment, but whatever. Anyways, see ya.

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