Monday, February 8, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016 "A Super Time."

Sunday, February 7, 2016
Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Dope - BTS

        Yes it is 2:16 AM as I'm doing this post. I could've done (most) of my work earlier, but uh, decided not to. Also, the Super Bowl and Lunar New Year.

        And no I did not watch the Super Bowl, and no I did not celebrate Lunar New Year. I was wondering where everybody was, wondering as in, why there were only a couple people online on my League friends list (which is small in comparison to others). I then realized it was both the Super Bowl, and Lunar New Year's. People are out with family, some even having the time of their lives (band members from my school performed at the Super Bowl, some even got to appear in the crowd on Television and one dude even got to shake Chris Martin's hand twice during the performance). But for me, I just started games on the game Stop and refreshed Facebook and YouTube multiple times, to find people's videos and pictures from the Super Bowl and Lunar New Year parties.

        I can't really give a shit about he Super Bowl, umm, we don't have cable, my parents cancelled it after I stopped watching TV for like, 2 years or whatever. Or a year. I forgot. Also I don't care for Football, or the ads. You can always watch them after, and they're mostly just skits anyways, not like I've seen the same from YouTubers.  For LunarLunar New Year's, my parents are mostly neutral. They don't go crazy over it,  they don't fly to relatives places and have a big party. I just sit in front of my PC all-day. But, I was productive a bit today. The KDT president said in the group chat to message her if we're intending to be a cabinet member next year, since she's a senior and will be graduating.

        I'll be joining KDT again next year for sure. Being a leader in the group would be cool, but, I think others deserve it a bit more, like Ln. Also, you gotta be able to teach and know the dances (correctly) to many songs, or, able to pick up the dance to new ones that are requested. I don't know if I'll be able to do all that, heh. But anyways, I decided to get a head-start on learning BTS' "Dope." I started with half speed and got the first chorus down. Only the first, and only the hand movements, not the legs. I put it back to full speed and was like "What the fuck." Forgot it was at a high BPM at regular, heh. After some more practice, I got the first chorus hand movements down.

        On Friday we have uh, evaluations in terms of if we perfected the moves we learned for Twice's "Ooh-Ahh." Tomorrow is a quiz for Bio, quiz for Math, and scheduling orientation for us Juniors, utilizing English class time, which is a godsend, heh. Played League today with my buddy Ec, watched a ton of random videos, I wondered where my cousin was, forgot it was the Super Bowl today, so. Anyways, sss ya.

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