Friday, February 12, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016 "Relax Guys."

Thursday, February 11, 2016
Week: 26
Songs to Remember: Hit It - Bubble X

        Another great example of why I don't like my English class. Most of us students don't have much signatures on our participation sheet because we didn't write down the times of when we asked questions. Because, like, couple months ago or so, the teacher said that asking questions don't count as participation. And so now he's like "Yeah, asking questions is participating." And I didn't mishear him originally, others remember him stating that. It's fucking ridiculous.

        But anyhow, Psychology is just a multiple choice portion tomorrow because we're having a rally so automatically it makes all classes shorter. English, where we took some time to finish our "artworks," put 'em up on the walls, walked around and looked at 'em. Break was just the usual again,apparently Deadpool is coming out tomorrow in theaters, DrewN and I are working on a schedule to go see it.

        Bio was just a free day again, nothing due tomorrow which is like, thank the lord. We're like "You serious" and the teacher's like "Yeah, you guys need to relax, it's Friday tomorrow." Also she won't be at school tomorrow, probably due to like, kids stuff. Math was "swell." It was an easy quiz in my opinion, spent Biology time to study for it. I'm not expecting a 100%, but a 99%. Lunch, which was the usual, except Am joined with us this time.

        US History, where we get a love'hate project. I hate it 'cause it's a project, an excuse to have us do work over break, but I love it 'cause the projects the teacher gives us always give us some form of creative control. He gives us 9 different projects, we choose one to do. How fucking awesome is that. We can either do an essay on Jackie Robinson, a serious scripted interview about an Arkhansas incident, design a bomb shelter and make a miniature one (I'm leaning towards this one), write an essay and dress up like what a teen would wear during the 1950's, make a mock CD and mock car magazine as if they were from the 50's, write an essay on the space race and moon landing conspiracy, learn and be able to teach a dance from the 1950's (of which a fellow KDT cabinet member is in my class, I knew she'd pick this one straight away as she heard it. I'm leaning towards this one too since you don't have to do any paperwork), or do a usual presentation on the 50's.

        Talk about creative control. So anyways, that's for another time, for Chinese, Mt and I finished up the script, uh, comic, recording projects. Now all we need to finish is our individual Blendspaces (which Mt was so kind enough to do most of mine for me since I was doing the video. She even showed me some neat Chromebook shortcuts I haven't seen/used before so, that was nice too). And yeah, Tomorrow's mainly gonna be a relaxing day, catch-up day, and also a KDT evaluation day. It's 12:19 AM, I gotta refine this dance to make sure I don't screw up tomorrow. Anyways, see ya.

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