Friday, August 14, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015 "The Days."

Thursday, August 13, 2015
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: Peanuts Song (피너츠송) - Ahn Yong Jun (안용준)

        I think I should lower my expectations. Otherwise, things veer off in a different direction, and I end up hot and sweaty by the afternoon.

        So let's just start off with waking up. Last night I had a few people message me, talking 'bout random shit. Those people were none other than Ad, my buddy Et, and Ln. I would've probably stayed up 'till 1:00 AM or something if it weren't for them. They were all like "Alright, good night" at around 11:30 PM. And so since everybody was going to sleep around, I might as well.

        Probably one of the best decisions of my life. However I still had trouble sleeping. Was it because I'm too used to sleeping at 2:00 AM? Maybe. I shifted my sleeping position a whole bunch of times before I was able to sleep. Even had to turn on the fan on because it felt pretty warm. Woke up multiple times during the night, went back to sleep, ending up waking up at 6:00 AM. I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't. I basically stayed up for a while 'till 6:30 AM.

        During that time I checked Facebook and whatnot to see updates from people. One dude said in a post that our classes were already up on Schoolloop. I was like "Aww yeah" but then I thought about having it be a surprise. "Fuck that shit I wanna know now", so I went on as quickly as I could and bam. Saw my schedule and teachers. I was actually happy with the whole thing, well, at first glance. That was until I actually entered the classrooms and some of them kinda made me unhappy with the whole thing.

        I was thinking "Wait, why am I going so early" and then I remembered "Oh right, schedules are supposed to be handed out at 7:45 AM". Which, that's when they're supposed to, you can actually get 'em earlier. Anyways, wore a long-sleeved shirt and a white jacket (I always wear a jackets) thinking it was going to be cold. Brang my Bio book and English poster with me (after getting ready, breakfast, all that). Ln actually messaged me saying that there's so many people. I was like "Huh, really?"

        During the walk from the back of the school to the main area, I was like "Yep, seen it all before". It was the track and swimming pools. Yeah I didn't really enjoy P.E, heh. As I got to the P.E locker room area, I was like "What the- huh, that's new". They completely removed the portables, the ones that were used as locker rooms for the second half of last year. I'm guessing they finished re-making the locker rooms )the ones that's connected to the gym building).

        I noticed there was A LOT of people. It was around 7:30 AM now. I was like "Damn, I knew I should've came earlier". I texted Yn to tell her I was here, at school. She didn't reply and I'm guessing she was busy, so I just went and got my schedule. And yes, it was at the usual place. (room). Went in, the schedules were alphabetized in sections, found mine after seeing 3 schedules of people with like the exact same name as me.

        It was the same as I had saw online an hour before, except it had room numbers on 'em. First thing I did, was text Yn if she had chose a locker yet and where she was at. She said she did, at the E building, but didn't say anything after that. So I went on over to look for a locker, preferably at a place where it's relatively close to Yn's locker. She didn't give me specifically what it was, sooo uh, I just looked for a nice spot.

        There were no fucking spots. Good ones, anyways, it's like 4 square lockers tall right, and the middle 2 are basically all taken. Most of 'em, anyways. So it was either the top-top one, where I couldn't reach, or the bottom ones, where I gotta crouch down near the ground. These were pretty bad. I looked for ones in the open space between the F and E buildings (as those were kinda the most convenient as basically all my classes are in the E, F, and L buildings (P building portables for Chinese is the only other place).

        I decided to just have my locker be at the open space towards the side of the E building. It was basically diagonally across from the E building ones (of the open space area), so, doesn't really make a difference. As I headed on over to look for a locker at the E building, I saw Zi, who was standing in the middle of it all talking to her friend. I was like "Ay Zi" and she was like "Ay". She was like "What's your schedule" so I showed her my schedule.

        Apparently we both had the same math class for 4th period, but for some reason, she got changed to a different period. Ah well, boo hoo. I mean whatcha gonna do? So anyways, went on to the E building, found myself a locker, the 3rd-tier-from-the-bottom lockers were all taken, I mean, ALL of 'em, were taken. So, I had to settle for a locker on the 2nd tier, in the middle, which was fine. Locker 219 baby.

        Put my Bio book in there, my poster (which just so happened to fit), and uh, headed on out to take a look at where my classes are. So, 1st period, AP Psychology, in room F20. I, for the love of me, could not find room F20. I saw all the F's, and the spot from F21, to F22, and back to F01. As I was circling the F building, I ran into my buddy Drew (the dude without glasses). Apparently he's still here, I'm guessing he didnt move that far away. Anyways, I went towards F01 to ask where F20 was. And holy hell, there was a huge-ass line extending from the theater to the F building. I was like "Oh, this is where people who didn't get to register, register". Didn't remember seeing that last year, or even a line that big. Hmm.

        So I went into F01 after slicing through the huge line (which got longer afterwards). Apparently I was a bit anxious, so I accidentally asked where "L20" was instead. *sigh* Fucking Drew. I then asked again, except this time it was F20. She said straight down and to the left.

        Well, I went out the door, happen to see Ic (from last year's Chinese class) standing in line. I was like "What are you doing here? Oh right, you were in Japan right". Yeah, he was in Japan so he missed registration day. That's the price to pay if you get to go to Japan. Anyways, chatted with him for a bit, went off to find F20. Out of nowhere my buddy Ec comes and he's like "Sup". I was like "I can't find F20". Took about 10 seconds after I said that and we found it. Fucking Drew, man.

        We walk for bit, umm, basically 'till the bell rings. I came across my World History teacher from last year. I was "Ayyy". I think she remembered me. As I was walking to 1st period, I was like "Yep, this morning didn't really go as I expected it to". I get in to F20 (which was located like, right behind the huge-ass line from before, probably why I couldn't find it) and expected to see a lot of people I knew. A big "nope". I saw little neon-colored pieces of paper on almost every desk so I thought "Oh, must be assigned seats. As in, find your name and sit at that desk". I looked all around for "Drew".

        I asked if there were assigned seats, the teacher said "Nope, just sit at any place where's a colored piece of paper". Well, it was 1st period, and in my anxiety, I mistook it for "Sit at the spot where your name is on the colored piece of paper". Holy fuck, Drew. Well it took me a while, but I just sat at a desk near the back (it was a very small classroom). And then as the teacher explained it to another student who just camr through the door, my mind finally clicked and I moved to this seat that had the stupid paper on it.

        When everybody got in, umm, the teacher introduced herself a little bit, I saw a fair amount of delinquents in this class who seemed like they just wanted an easy AP class. Probably seniors or something, I've never seen 'em in my life. Anyways, the teacher then starts with an ice breaker. FUCKING WHY. This shit has got to be the most cringiest things ever. The ideas are just edgy, and having me talk to the people whom I have no interest in becoming buddies with (about, 3/4 of the class) is not going to change my mind.

        The ice breaker was that those pieces of papers had names on 'em (of people, not related to our class Drew). We had to find the person who had the matching name and sit with them. The names were like "Bonnie, Clyde, Brad, Pitt, Calvin, Hobbes, etc". So let's say I have "Brad". I had to find a person who had "Pitt" written on their stupid piece of paper. I, had what seemed to be "Pinky". I was like "Huh, is it really? Or is it 'Puinky'". It was cursive, and it said "Pinky", and I thought the names were like, of celebrities or famous real-life people.

        I asked the teacher what it said and she said "Pinky". I was like "Oh fuck me, what name has 'Pinky' in it". But good thing I have some bootleg memory because I remembered at that moment "Ohhhhh, Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain...". Fuck me this is so stupid. Most people didn't know what their names were. People had "Calvin and Hobbes" or "Bonnie and Clyde". I figured those out in a second. But "Pinky"? Nah I gotta dig that one outta my memory.

        Turns out nobody had "Brain" (it was on a desk by itself), so she had me and this one other girl sit together since we didn't have a match. Then she revealed on the board what the colors meant on each paper. If we had pink papers, we had to tell the other person what super-powers we would have. If yellow, we'd tell what place we'd want to go, etc. There were about 4 colors. This, is, so, fucking, cringy. My partner and I chose the yellow one (since she had yellow, I had pink, so we could choose whichever) since it was the easiest to remember. "What is your favorite color?". Fucking bootleg.

        So we introduced ourselves "Hi, I'm Drew", etc, etc, "My favorite color is green", etc, etc. We then had to be in groups of 4, then introduce our partner to the other partners. FUCK, IT NEVER ENDS. So we did the thingy, etc, etc. God damn these ice breakers make me wanna transfer out of the class just because of it. After the cringiness was over, we moved on to actual shit that had to do with AP Psychology. In our group of 4 (holy fuck really), we were to write on a whiteboard, what we think Psychology is. "The study of the fucking mind".

        Etc, etc, this shit is so cringy I don't wanna talk about it anywhere. Move on please. We did it for another question, then after that, we could move back to our original seats, if we wanted. Wh-wh- fffff. I don't- I don't even, alright? So after the dude that I actually knew moved back to his original seat, my partner stayed, the dude's partner stayed where she was, I didn't wanna move because I didn't wanna seem like an ass. We finally moved on to actual stuff. Nope just kidding, we get arts & crafty.

        We had to draw an outline of our hand on a piece of paper. The teacher then showed this mnemonic device shit (fucking bootleg as hell), having to do with our hands. She said to hold out our thumb (like a thumbs up), and point it to the back of us. That stood for "Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic". As in, shit that happened in the past. The next finger, the index finger, we pointed it to our head. It meant "Cognitive", thinking.

        And of course, the middle finger. The teacher just put it up like it was nothing. I was like "Ohohh, okay, that's good, that's bootleg, I give you that one, heh". She's like "I'm not flipping you guys off, this stands for behavioral". I forgot what that meant, something 'bout the middle finger and offensiveness but uh, yeah. The rest weren't that important. And uh, yeah. She then had us write that shit down on the fingers of the hand we drew and we were supposed to cut 'em out. And like, draw pics and shit on 'em.

        We didn't have enough time anyways. She also included that her boyfriend's husband has only a limited time to live so she's not going to be here tomorrow. We'll just be getting our textbooks, and uh, yeah, unfortunately. But yeah, I only knew 1/5 of the class, and all the people I knew sat basically close to one another. The rest I didn't have interest with, or, sat too far from me, or, seniors. Not the ones I'd hang out with though.

        And then came 2nd period. I went to my locker (the place was surprisngly empty) and got my poster. Located at E13, I was of the first few in. The teacher was a male, so that was different. I never had many male teachers, so it was nice for a change. I was looking for a place to sit, umm, the room was fairly small, and the desks were formatted in a bootleg way I've never seen before. I just sat not too much in the back, not too much in front. Actually, I saw a buddy of mine from Chemistry last year, who sat down, so I decided to sit next to her.

        Soon more people came in, I saw A LOT, of people I knew. Around, ehhh, 3/4? My buddy, the other Drew (with the glasses) was here, his buddy as well, Js, ummm, a dude from my Chinese class, uhhh, some others, and uh, yeah I kinda forgot, heh. Everybody's a Junior so of course we'd know each other. After everyone got in, the teacher did attendance and then showed us a slideshow about the class, Honors English, himself, etc. As he was speaking though, I noticed he looked a lot like Rhett, from Rhett and Link. If it weren't for the calmer voice, he would've been a very good Rhett clone. I think it's just the beard though.

        Anyways, he explains how's he taught in all grades, uhhh, taught basically in a lot of places, some, high-standard places, don't really remember because of all the big organization names, uh, yeah. Honors English, this is the shit that caught my attention. He said, recently the board of education contacted our school to tell us to stop giving students A+'s in these big classes (like Honors). They said it was impossible to get an A+. He even said that our school tried to convince 'em, but they were pretty adamant about it. I was like "HOLY SHIT". Well, good bye world. Well, it wasn't like I was gonna get an A+ in Honors English anyways, heh.

        Umm, he had use do this bootleg questionnaire to help teach us better. Basically it was those bootleg personality things, you check off stuff that applies to you, the most in a category and you're that or something. He also had us write our name, our birth date, the results from the bootleg quiz, and our favorite number, on an index card. And on the back, to write a couple quotes we think are best (from our poster). Why our favorite number? I have no idea. That was honestly the hardest thing so far today, in terms of choice. "Hmmm, I could be an ass and write 21, but I'm feeling a 23, or maybe I should do the OG 58?".

        Towards the end of class, he collected all the posters and had us move around and shit and discuss quotes with one another. I gotta say, I got my eye out on a couple people. Okay, one, ya got me. Didn't even get her name. Haven't seen her in my life though. And uh, yeah, that was Honors English. We got a test tomorrow on the Joy Luck Club on quotes and the story (even the teacher said the names were kinda confusing. Like, am I right? Fucking, mother's mother's boyfriend's daughter. Holy shit).

        After that, it was break time. I first went back to the place where I've always hung out. My buddies were of course there. I ran into Ek (not literally) on the way there. I'm guessing she doesn't hang out there anymore, which is fine. It's always time for change. And uhh, after a bit of calming myself, I went ahead and walked around, seeing if I could find Yn. She, doesn't respond at all really to my texts, but when she does, it's like, during class time, and you know I don't do that shit. So, I walked around a bit, I saw Ln on the way around, which was cool. Didn't see Yn though.

        Bell rang, it was time for 3rd period, AP Biology. Room L46, good thing I found it in the morning so I didn't have to scramble to find it. The room had a, Biology, atmosphere to it. Really it, was pretty much the exact same as the Biology classroom from freshman year Biology. *shudders*. Anyways, most of the seats were taken, ehhh, I didn't feel like sitting next to someone (the seats were the same way arranged as like Chemistry last year. 2 seats next to each other, like, 6 columns of seats, around 5 down seats each column). Not every seat was filled though. I decided to sit near the front, with an empty seat next to me. When no more people came, and this random girl sat next to this hot girl that I saw but didn't sit next to because I thought she reserved for someone and because I think I know her.

        First thing when I saw the teacher. "Damn". That's all I gotta say, say no more. She starts talking 'bout AP Bio shit, etc, etc, her webiste (weebly of course), etc, etc, and how them teachers are trying to make it a bit easier for us. And uh, yeah, pretty much. I was expecting Ek and/or Ag to be here, but, nope. The teacher took attendance and called out Ek's name. I was like "Holy fuck, she better be busy waiting in line to fix her schedule or something". And uh, the teacher passed out some shit, explained some shit, etc. She also said she thought about quitting teaching, just this summer. She came back for a part-time job, teaching only 2 periods, but missed it so much she decided to come back for good.

        She seems like a pretty good teacher. And no shitty ice-breakers? I like it. So yeah, the homework for today? Finish the bootleg AP Bio summer assignment. I was like "Wow, holy fucking generosity dude". She also said we didn't need to bring our textbooks to class, so I was just like "Holy shit, not fucking bad yo. You're my favorite so far". Seriously, I could not be more thankful. Well yeah, I could, if only Ek or Ag freaking showed up, heh.

        The bell rang and it was time for 4th period. Yes, Honors Pre-Cal. Also known as "I'm kinda more worried about this class now than AP Biology or Honors English". I walked in, one of the first few people there. Ahhh, the feeling of being back in that classroom. Same teacher as last year, my arch-nemesis. I thought I was done with this teacher, but uh, guess not, heh. Just one more fucking year, and it'll all be pretty much, go to school, do shit outside of it. Like, college applications. Anyways, I sat down, just, somewhere in the middle. Then the teacher tells me to come up, so I can see the seating chart. The other people got up to see as well. Soon other people came in, we're all trying to look at this small-ass Mac screen, and on it was a a Microsoft Word document, with tiny boxes with our names in 'em. In tiny, fucking, font. Even with my classes, and standing a foot away from the screen, I could barely see it. After making out my name, it seemed I was seated at the back.

        Yep. Fuck. I hate being at the very back. Well, everybody else came in, they sat where they were supposed to sit. I see a lot of the same people from last year's Algebra II/Trig class. People like that one girl who sat in front of me, At, my buddy Drew (the one with glasses), and other people I know were like, all in one spot, the lower left corner next to the door. Even Jc was here. I didn't recognize her at first, but then she was like "Drew!" and I was like "Ayyy Jc". Not sure how the seating chart was made, but I was like "Oh come on, you gonna put all the cool people over there huh, and have this side be the meh people". Anyways, the teacher does the usual stuff, the same basically as last year, talking about the score sheet, how we had to have a separate binder, etc. I was like "Yep, just like how I remembered it". But wait, there's more. If I hadn't known it was Honors Pre-Cal, the teacher made sure I did know. We all had a bootleg quiz. Just, just to see what we knew. I was like "Just end me, right here, right now. Where's a katana so I can commit Sudoku?".

        But really, the quiz was fucking, holy shit. Thank goodness the teacher said we can skip questions we didn't know, because I would've been on the 1st question 'till HalfLife 3 comes out. I either didn't get the first question or forgot, probably both. The rest, were, in my opinion I'd say I forgot 'em. Except for the sin and cos stuff. Well, yeah I kinda forgot just a little bit. I had answers, but weren't confident in my methods, if they were the correct way. You know what? Bootleg, okay? Towards the end of class, the teacher collected all the quizzes and said "Do you guys think I should grade these? Have it be the first test/quiz of the year?". I was just like "Go ahead, do it. I've got nothing to live for, I ain't afraid to die!". No but umm, the, the quiz was fairly difficult as I wasn't exactly ready, heh.

        And so it was lunchtime. I went to my usual spot again, just to have my lunch. I didn't plan on staying there, for the rest of the year even. Maybe sometimes, but, I needed something different. Just sitting there, eating my lunch, reading Reddit on my phone, I was just like "Why am I doing this here when I could do this at home". It was true. So, I walked around. Just, walking around again. After I got near to the F building, I see in front of me Ek, Ag, and Jk. I was like "Oh hey" and they were all like "Ayyy". Ek invited me to walk with them, I was gonna do it anyways but, yeah. Now these kind of surprises, I'm liking. I asked Ek why she wasn't at 3rd period Biology. She said she switched from 3rd to 4th period, where Ag is. I was like "Wow" (she later explained that she had 2 3rd period classes, so she got to choose if she wanted AP Bio to be 3rd or 4th period). We went to visit this bootleg science classroom. I, never had this teacher so, ehhh. Neither did Jk. We then went back to Jk's locker to find Jv, you know, that guy from Badminton. He wasn't there, Jk kept on trying to ship Ah and Jv together. I'm just like "FUCK". On the inside of course.

        The bell rang, looks like it was time for 5th period. Yes, U.S History. With none other than, drum roll please... my geography teacher! You know, the one who told lots of stories and advice and perspective on life. Pretty, pretty insightful. Anyways, I was contemplating on sitting in my old seat again. But uh, a couple of people, this girl (who was sorta my buddy back in 6th grade) and her buddy sat at these desks to the left side of the room, so I decided as well to sit there. And uh, an old classmate from 9th grade English class sat next to me. She was like " Oh hey Drew" and I was like "Hey". Sucks that Js walked in after her, before I saw her. But it doesn't matter, okay, it doesn't matter.

        After everyone got in, I look around, the teacher looks around. I see my neighborin the class, the one who lives next to my house, heh. I also see, umm, one of those twins from 9th grade English/10th grade Chemistry. I really cannot differentiate between which, because I forgot. I also saw that one girl from my Bio class in 9th grade. And uh, Js. Yeah, oh boy that was fun while it lasted. So uh, yeah. I also see delinquents as well, uhh, some who are like, seniors, maybe. I don't know. Anyways, the teacher dude starts talking about U.S History, and life, and uhhh. Well, life and his personal opinion. I was like "Aahhh, yep. Just like how I remembered."

        After a bit of talking, he moves some people a bit around, and uh, passes out the syllabus. Yes, the syllabus. He goes over it, explains some stuff, just a bit more about life, aaand uh, some of the things around the classroom. His classroom is by the most decorative I've ever seen, ever. In any other classroom I bet. He's got posters on posters on posters. He's got student made stuff, pictures, photos of his classes students, past students, current students, a fucking Pillsbury doughboy statue thing in the back. Fucking lord, it's as decorative as it gets. Anyways, uhhh, he talks a bit more about the class, ummm, some back story of where he came from, just his life, our life, in general, ummm, just the usual, heh. Good news is, I finally got to relax in a class today.

        Bell rings, it's finally 6th period. Chinese 2 baby. As I came out 5th period, I was like "Awww fuck, this shit's far as hell". From the F building, to the P building portables. As I was walking there,almost there, I see El in front of me. I'm like "What the shit ain't she supposed to have P.E this year since she's in an academy". But then I was like "Oh, she did P.E freshman year, then language and language then P.E. Oh. Well, whatever makes the series more interesting I suppose. I see there's already a line in front of the door. I see a lot of people (whom actually seem interesting), though about half I don't know. I get in line, and as I'm standing there, I could see this girl coming over. I was like "Hey, that's that one girl who dated Jv for a bit and the one who does bootleg rhymes or whatever on Instagram and Facebook". She was in the class. Anyways, I was really, really hoping to see my Chinese teacher from last year. And yep, she was there, hugging everybody coming through the door. I was so relieves to see her again, heh, believe it or not. Definitely did not want anybody else teaching me Chinese besides her.

        I sit down at an empty table with Jk, who was there. He recommended I sit behind him though. Why? Not sure, but probably to have a chick sit next to him. And well, El came through the door, Jk was all like "Ayyy" and motioned her to sit next to him. She looked excited at first, seeing Jk, but then she sorta backed up a bit after seeing me. I was like "Heh, is this going to be a running joke now? How it ends up me and her having to sit next to each other?" Fucking bootleg. She sits next to him anyways. I was pretty comfortable in my spot regardless, but then the teacher was like "No empty seats" and had me move to the empty seat at the front near the door, to the right side of the classroom, in seat, numero 1.

        I actually had a good view of everybody in the class. I didn't know half of 'em really, heh. It was mostly like, sophomores. I knew about 1/5 people here, and that's mostly from that, they were in my Chinese class last year. The mood was nice though. Everybody was cheery. Well, for the most part. I noticed this one dude, he seemed like he's popular around these sophties. I just, made up that word on the spot, heh. Not sure if it is a real word. Anyways, the teacher explains a little bit about her summer, some good news, some bad news, etc. She didn't say anything about retiring though. I'm guessing, it was just a false rumor? She didn't mention anything about it. Huh. Anyways, she has people come up and talk about what they did over the summer. Most of them were really, really, cringey. Not gonna lie. This dude used the word "game" as a verb. Like, "I 'gamed' over the summer". *shudders*. Then there was thus girl who was like "So I need your guys' help, there's this Larry quest and like I need more people in order to open this portal. Over the summer I got into gaming, I got to level 80 in 2 days" and I was just like "Right after you said level 80, I know it's fucking Maplestory. But, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt". Some people ask her what the game was. "Maplestory". "You fucking hoe".

        And then there was that guy I said who looked like the head-honcho of these people. He said he acted in a movie or something, that he was an actor and is hoping to pursue further. He was also like "I've been talking to the producer" and stuff. He was like "Hitman 3 guys, see it when it comes out". I'm like "You fucking bitch there is no trace of this movie in the entire universe" (it's apparently like, a Chinese movie? Or something). But, I do like his style. And uh, yeah. The teacher talks a bit about, whatever.

        And the bell rings, people exit, I head over to the line to turn in locker forms. The line was kinda long, but not as long. And then uh, the office thing just decided to collect 'em, just hand 'em to her. Seriously, why are they so inefficient. As I was waiting in line (before they decided to use an effective method of collecting forms), I saw Em, with her blonde-blackish hair. She didn't hear me in all the commotion, didn't see me. But hey, at least I saw her, and that accounts for everybody, everybody except Yn. Who, apparently worked the cash register during brunch or something. Bootleg.

        And now, it's finally over, the first episode of The Days. Pretty interesting, diverse cast, unidentified characters, new plots coming up, I got high hopes. It may not seem as explosive as 100% Chance of Bad, but hey, it'll be more explosive as the series goes on, just gotta give it time. So, what do I think of my classes? Some were bootleg, some didn't have the kevek of bootleg I wished they had. But I'm giving 'em some time, of course it's only the first episode. Still a lot more of these days to go by. On a side note, spent around 3 or more hours in total writing all this. Holy. I'll see ya.

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