Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014 "Stop and Rewind."

Sunday, December 29, 2014
Week: 19
Songs to Remember: Rewind - Zhoumi

        Well my cousins left to go home and now I'm sitting here with no PS4. For about, another 5 days. My only source right now is RotMG and soon enough, I will go insane from seeing all those tiny bullets flying around along with shiny elixirs in blue bags.

        I asked my dad to bring down my PS4 because I'm only gonna have like 1 day to play once I get home, and then school continues again. I need all the time I can get. Also, it's really gonna be weird once school continues because I won't be used to using a writing utensil, along with stuff like my locker combinations (which I still remember), and stupid stuff like how they are continually changing s*** for the P.E classes. Instead of having year-long lockers, they now have new "locker" room built outside the old locker rooms and everyday, you have to put your clothes in a locker, lock it, then when you're done with P.E for the day, you gotta bring your P.E clothes with you. So it's just temporary lockers now.

        It's kinda s****y enough how my back's gonna wear out before I'm 40 with the amount of books I have to carry in my backpack, but now I gotta bring around clothes as well, which barely fit in my backpack without causing it to implode. And no, I don't wanna carry a sports bag. Like seriously, why do people carry that much sports clothing anyways? Do you really need more than 2 pairs of shoes?

        I guess I'll just sit back and rewind for a while while I'm here. Maybe catch up on Running Man or something while indulging on Cheetos puffs and boxes of Pocky. Also new year's- this year wasn't a very nice either. See you tomorrow.

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