Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014 "Strictly Bonded."

Friday, December 12, 2014
Week: 17
Songs to Remember: Break Up Dinner - San E

        Can you believe that last week was my birthday? Yeah I can't believe it either. It felt like a long a time ago. Anyways, I'll be trying save my grade in about week and next semester's gonna be pretty different.

        Sooo I took a lot of tests this week. Quizzes, tests, twizzes, quests, the like. These past couple days in World History we reviewed some stuff for the short answer test on Friday, which was today. The teacher gave us a total of 6 questions (in this review sheet) to review. On the test, she will only put 4 of them and we'd have the choice of doing 2 of those 4. We had a sub today and he gave us 10 minutes to study. Thank based sub that he did 'cause last night I didn't have time to study it at all and I was just expecting to "yolo" it today.

        I studied some of the more "easy" questions really. They were like one-sentence questions while the other 3 or so had like more than 1 sentence in them. I get the test, take one look at it and see that 2 of the questions I studied right before were not of the 4 choices. But thank goodness that I write posts like these everyday 'cause that allowed me to extend upon what I could right. It was mostly just basic stuff but I wanted to write more to make it seem like I knew what I was talking about (which I kinda did, I just didn't want to go super in-depth in explaining). I think I did pretty good. World History finals are next week starting Wednesday and we're allowed one notes sheet, handwritten, front and back, to use on the exam.

        Over a few days we watched the movie "Waitress" in English class 'cause it kinda parallels the book we just read, "Like Water For Chocolate". We also took notes and discussed parts of the movie too sooo no sleeping. It was a good movie though, I actually liked it and I generally don't like many movies unless they have a bootleg concept of scene in it. This movie had a lot of bootleg moments so, I liked it. The characters were developed nicely so I actually felt for each character when something happened. I give it a 7/8, good movie m8. Anyways, our English final will include the movie so I'm gonna have to re-watch it over the weekend. Also it'll only be 5 questions so if I get one wrong, good-bye 20% just like that. At least there's partial credit. Also my teacher said that we can't study for her final 'cause she changes it every year. Thanks.

        So, I go to chemistry and I see that Your isn't here today so I turn in the huge puzzle-poster project. Thank goodness it didn't rain in the morning. After a bit, Yue comes in and she asks me if I'm going to sti be in this period next semester. I'm like "Yeah of course" and she's like "Because, I'm moving to 2nd period next semester". And I'm just like "Okay life, anymore plot twists you wanna make? Anymore?" I got all year". She says that she needs all the credits she can get to graduate and that requires taking a bit of U.S Government and the only class that isn't full right now is 3rd period.

        So that means that I won't have anyone to partner up with at our lab table besides me. And occasionally Yn when it comes to partner projects. And so I was like "It's alright, I'll still see you around", which was a lie, i never really see her anywhere at school anymore. She was like "I don't wanna switch, I like having you as my partner" and I was like "Yeah, you're a good partner too". And so she proceeded to tell her friends about how she's not gonna be in this class period next year. Anyways, our teacher explained stuff on reviewing and gave us a review sheet, told us that the exam would be 100 multiple choice questions (thank you based multiple choice) and that we'd be allowed only one handwritten sheet of paper, front and back, to use on the exam. I'm thinking of writing about answering the 40 review questions on my notes sheet and cramming those answers on the front page only. It's gonna be a tight fit.

        And today was our last day for our singles tournament for table tennis. Did I move up today? No. Did I end it on a good table? Eh. Did I improve? Well yeah. Am I relived that table tennis is over? Hell yeah, get me out of here. We'll be playing a couple of days next week, then on the final we'll do a little tournament. I ended on table 6, which is not that bad. That's basically a C table. But, along with that one table tennis quiz we took, I think I ammounted to a B. Hopefully at least. I think I'll do something like, I don't know, maybe badminton if they're offering it next year. I don't know, some sport that doesn't involve running too much, or in favor of taller people.

        After I change fromnthe locker room and wait at the gates, I look to see if Zi's anywhere 'cause she has the same P.E period as me (4th) and her stands right next to ours when the teachers are doing attendance. I tried waving at here, buuut she doesn't seem to see me. Even though I was like, right in here peripheral vision. During lunch, I try to find out where she hangs out so I could be like "Ayy, how's it going" and stuff. Good thing she has a distinct purple backpack. I always seem to identify people easily through what they usually wear. Anyways, what I'm doing isn't going anywhere.

        So lunch ends right, I walk with two of my buddies on their route, then I go my route to 5th period. As usual. I'm walking and Zi's right in front of me and with her is this dude she's talking to right. Then this dude's friend (who's not in our class) was like "Damn dude, getting all the ladies" and I was like "Oh". He's a freshman too and they're both from the same middle school so I'm sure they pretty good friends. Then I knew "Yeah, this ain't going anywhere for me, no need for wasted effort". And that was that. Until something happens, I'll just be doing whatever.

        In class we did another review worksheet, then we did a "math competition". Mostly because of how only 3 students showed up yesterday forthe math competition so today she made it mandatory that everyone was to take it. I expected it to have some easy problems, but theren't any. It had a lot of stuff that we have yet to learn, so, out of like, 100 point possible, I think the only a couple people made it past 25 points. People who got at least 30 points got 3 extra points on their final exam. I got 16 on it. 16. A lot of people had similar scores as well.

        While doing the test, it was timed so 1 minute each question, a total of 30 questions. I left about half of them blank because I had no idea how to set em' up, let alone do each question within a minute. I was actually surprised I got 16. One the first question, it appeared that most people got it right. It was something like "There's a 20-gon with its vertexes labed A-T going clockwise. If a line passes through the vertex it F, what other vertex would it pass through?" So I counted my fingers of A to F, I got 6, so I was just like "F*** it, subtract 6 or something". So was like "Alright, P looks like a good logical answer". I actually got it right. While we were correcting another class's tests with our extra class time, some dude asked "What if they got 0.1 for number 1" and the teacher was like "What? The first questions dealt with letters, how did they get 0.1" and I was just like "What". Probably the best answer I've ever heard.

        Uhhh, today we went through some people's projects that were due last night. We had to write a story in Chinese, composed of 10 sentences and a picture for each. There was to be a picture per page, then the sentence under it, all in a Google doc. Last night was pretty rough so I did forget a couple of stuff so I'ma have to fix it before Sunday. Once we were done with the Google doc, we'd have to use this site called Flipsnack and make that our document into a book. It counts as part of our final. Or actually it is the final. I don't know, I've never had Chinese ass before. I still don't like my seat. Good news is that from being friends with Zi, I also became friends I guess with this one girl who was in my last group and the one who didn't recognize that I was in here math class and Chinese class.

        Yeah. I got a lot of studying and writing to do this weekend so don't expect much writing for these posts. Also I'm thinking that it's not going anywhere with me and Zi (hey that rhymes) so I think I'll just lay back. I mean, when she asked if I wanted to be friends, I guess she really meant friends. So don't be on with her. Also my buddy's says he's probably gonna get transfered to his new school over Christmas break so he probably won't be here next semester. Next week is gonna be his last week here probably. I'm saying probably because I'm hoping there's a chance that the administration is too lazy to do the paperwork so they'll just let him stay.

        So that's how it's gonna go for next semester. Yue's gonna be in a different class period, my best buddy's probably gonna be gone, and most likely people are gonna be switched around in my classes so, that's different. I just hope that these bonds won't go broken. At least, not too broken. I'm looking forward to what happens. That'll be in season 19 in 2015. And holy s***, when will I get my holograms? And s***, that reminded. In English class yesterday, one of the dudes in our class didn't come to school because of the storm right, so this one student had him on video-chat and set their phone on his desk. I was like "OH MY GOD, THE FUTURE IS NOW".

 By the way, here's a picture of that insanely tedious Chemistry ion puzzle I talked about.

And here's a jelly-filled chocolate star. Inside joke between my buddies and me and a popular question.

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