Week: 17
Songs to Remember: U - KNK, HOLUP - BOBBY
Nothing like a nice glass of good 'ol 56/100 before bed, heh. I still don't get it.
I did so well on the multiple choice, not sure what happened else on the free-response shit (I didn't get my work back yet by the way, but just assuming). Or maybe I did the free-response all right and I got shit on for the multiple choice, of which I thought were fairly easy. By the way this is all about that math test today. Fucking hell man, heh, I studied last night, I studied during the beginning of class too.
Well anyways, there's that. Nothing I could do about it now except hope that the next few homeworks or whatever, that they'll be slowly raise my grade back to level (of an 85%) in preparation of getting ass-blasted by the next test. Oh and uh, the next test is probably finals, so. My grade went down a whole 2%, bad, but, ehh. Kinda desensitized to it all now. I really am hoping for the bare minimum, which I'm setting at least a B. B- looks like nasty so, solid B's my goal.
Besides math, there was Dance 1st period today and we had people present on "Cumbia," the dance-oriented music genre, as well as tutting. Pretty cool stuff. I was also reminded that during the school year we have to attend one dance performance, like, outside of school, and then write a little report of it and whatever. I'm like "Shit, that's gonna slip my mind won't it." Probably will, but fortunately the teacher lets us know of upcoming opportunities so we don't fuck ourselves on the assignment.
Math, you already know. Digital Art, spent that time finishing up my Gov bill. Aaand, then it was English where we spent the whole period doing little presentations on our Canterbury Tales characters. I still have yet to go, probably tomorrow. As for lunch, that's a given for "the usual." Gov, we got in our groups, chose which of our bills were the best, pick the top one, then we all look at that and make "amendments" or changes to them, basically like one big simulation of legislation (that rhymes). And finally, Chinese, where we did, basically shit, heh. We do, however, gotta do a rough draft of a story, use vocab in it, all due tomorrow, and then our final project, due, Saturday. Basically our final I guess.
Well, final "project," we still got our final test, test. Aaand yeah. Friday, there's KDT practice for VIXX's "Chained Up," and then Saturday, the performance, and then Sunday, maybe a birthday or something, or maybe I can hold it at that college on Saturday. Get like a, cupcake with a fucking candle in it. Anyways, see ya.
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