Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016 "Refining Conversations."

Monday, November 21, 2016
Week: 16
Songs to Remember: Pretty - Infinite H, Hit Me - MOBB

        It's almost here, almost time for some nice-ass Thanksgiving break special MARATHON. That's right.

        I'm expecting a lot of good specials or episodes this season. For starters, there was KDT practice today so that already amped up the ratings for the season premier. Also, Jb and Mt announced that they're gonna be at this one fancy mall (which is kinda far and of the higher-end than the one we have locally) on Wednesday for Lunar Show outfit shopping and whatever and invited anybody who wants to come join them. And, if that's not enough, Mall 3's gonna finally premier, heh, on Friday.

        And on the more "fun" side of projects I gotta work on, I gotta start learning a random K-Pop dance and finish that presentation for Tuesday of next week. Apparently that's the day teachers choose to have all their tests and presentations due, the Tuesday after we get back from break. I got a dance presentation to do November 29th, as well as a math quiz, as well as a Gov assessment. Like, GOOOLLY. I know it's not a lot, but still, it all falls on the same day.

        As for today, it was fairly, not too shabby. Dance, we actually had Chromebooks to do research for the whole period for our presentations. Then there's math, of which we're on a really confusing lesson, and uh, the teacher announced that we'll have a quiz next week on Tuesday, as well as a test on the Thursday of that same week. Yep. Time to actually, ACTUALLY study, heh. I've so far been just copying off work from Slader and other sources, and I don't blame myself. Just copying it down, just WRITING down the work, mindlessly, takes about an hour or so, maybe 40 minutes. And so think of how long it would take for me to do it all without any help, ya know. That shit, would take more than a day, heh.

        Combined with other classes, it's just not proficient. So I copy stuff down now, the day before the test or quiz, I study it. Or, I, after copying the homework down, I look over it and study and try to understand it there.

        Break was the usual, a walking convo with Jk to our lockers and then to our table. Digital Art, still the same old work-station. There's a new project where we gotta put our face on some fruit, which acts as our "final," I, actually haven't started on it yet but I'm suspecting it'll take around, an hour of on-going work and I'll be finished with it. So, I can basically start it when I actually am free of Chinese work or work in general that I can do.

        English, hey, guess what? No stories, just reading, and more explanation on our presentations or whatever for our Canterbury Tales character. I got Miller so I gotta tell about his motives, appearance, traits, etc. Kinda easy, gonna attempt to do it the day before. Sunday, I here come. Oh and tomorrow we're gonna have a party in class with food and stuff, so there's that. Also I'd like to take the time to talk a bit about teacher rumors. I went on Facebook a couple days ago and found that on an old "confessions" fan page for our school (about 2013 era), someone posted something about my current English teacher. They said that he's "creepy" and that they heard that he's had sexual relations with students. A person commented that they support that agreement, stating that in middle school, he placed all the pretty girls upfront.

        First of all, what the fuck? If a teacher were to have sexual relations with a student(s), I'm sure they'd have been caught right now. Also, there is no, no evidence whatsoever, so fortunately, rumors will stay rumors. As for the first-person account of seeing that their teacher placing all the "pretty girl students" up in the front, grow the fuck up. It's not  a fact that those girls are "pretty," it's not a given fact that they are. Doesn't make any sense. Also, I could see how somebody might find my English teacher "creepy" and it's most likely the way he talks, like his accent. It's not a thick accent, it's just, the way he talks. I'd say on a scale of 1 to 100 of having none to a really thick accent, he's like a 10. Everyone talks differently, so, shut the fuck up.

        A few last things. The way he acts, he just wants people to interact. Our class is quiet as fuck, and that's just boring. Conversations lead to interesting discussions, which fills the void of English IV class, a class that is although is recommended for most people, it is, again, just regular English IV. It's not like it's AP English, and you're not gonna fail in life if you don't do well in English IV (for a multitude of reasons). Finally, he's a chill-ass dude, laid-back, understandable, and relate-able. And if I'm wrong on all this, then, oh well, heh.

        But yeah, just wanted to get that off my mind, dude's a cool guy, not a boring "according and straight focused on class" only kind of teacher. Anyways, where was I. Lunch, there was a KDT meeting, we just reminded people of shit, announced stuff, etc, nothing special special. Gov, that was the last day of our House of Representatives or, legislation simulation (that rhymes). Nothing too special, some people did little speeches, umm, we did a voting thing on a mock bill, etc. I got a presentation due tomorrow, which I will work on in Digital Art, tomorrow.

        And finally Chinese, where we read, and read, oh and uh, read, heh. After school I had to turn in the club paperwork for KDT, but unfortunately ASB (ya know) was on a field trip today, and uh, the door was closed. A bunch of people were there, all had to turn in club paperwork, which were due today. Fortunately a person was able to open the door (from the inside) and we were able to turn it in. As for KDT practice, we had some special guests appear. Several characters from the last series made some guest appearances today, including Th, Dn, St (or was it Sn), and Cw, the former KDT vice-president. It was nice to see them again, and I did practice hard to show them how much I improved. It was BTS' "Fire" practice today, by the way.

        So yeah, that was the season 16 premier. I worked on math, worked on Chinese work, got shit reserved for the weekend, and uh, oh yeah. I received my EXO "Overdose" hoodie today. Came in unexpectedly fast. Pretty, pretty good. What else, what else. I've been meaning to talk a bit more about Cy, seeing as how I haven't seen her during the post-5th period walking time. I have seen her from 1st to 2nd, but not 5th to 6th anymore.

        I also haven't had the chance to sit down and talk to her during lunch for a while now. I'm not saying it's the end of a short-lived arch, I'm not saying don't be on with her either. What I'm saying is that if the same effort isn't reciprocated, then it's not worth it. And if I'm trying my best, and shit's not working, it's not me who's the problem, it's her. So, if something like a risk-it-for-biscuit doesn't work out, then that's it, onto the next arch. I'm simply, "refining" the ways that I'ma do all this as to not waste all of my time on these shitty mental warfare chess games. And you could say "Oh but if you don't wanna waste time then why you putting so much time into thinking about it." You, you get what I mean, heh. Alrighty, it's 12:06 AM, I got some shopping to do soon, got some sleeping to do right about now. See ya.

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