Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016 "Beasts Before."

Monday, November 7, 2016
Week: 14
Songs to Remember: Hookę°€ - High 4 20, Hit Me - MOBB

        Yep, I'm tired. Besides a Skype call, surveys, aaand a bit of work, nothing much else went on today.

        Dance was probably the most surprising thing out of all of this. There were no presentations today. We uh, we just practiced our hip-hop choreo, and that was it. I was like "Huh, I guess presentations aren't due yet? I could'a sworn it said November 7th and 8th and shit." I took a look in 2nd period math and yep, it said November 29th. I'm like "Fuuuucking, shit." I got worried for nothing.

        For math, that was just given. Ya know, the usual notes and then work. Break was alright, Digital Art's turning into a homeroom sorta thing now. Considering I have a 99% in the class right now, and I'm sorta far ahead of everyone else in terms of projects and stuff, I could use the time to do work from other classes, specifically Chinese, and uh, that's kinda what I did. English, not much done, not much besides self-taking some notes, on, medieval ages.

        Lunch, I decided my schedule would be like a uh, Mondays and Wednesdays I hang out with the cast for lunch, the rest of the days devoted to talking with Cy. I think that's good. And so yeah, just the usual. In Gov, we presented the rest of our presentations on California propositions. Tomorrow's election day so, that's gonna be talked about A LOT for the next couple days in, almost every single class. Finally, Chinese, we switched seats, however, we could pick where we wanted (although it had to be boy-girl-boy-girl). I wanted to sit next to the same girl I was sitting next to, but, that would seem kinda, ehhh, and uh, my second choice's seat was already taken, and so I just, went with sitting next to the hypebeast Chinese fob girl. And that description, is very true.

        After school was KDT practice, just running through our audition dance choreo mix over and over. Nothing too too special. The day was darker though, thanks to the end of daylight savings time. Home, just surveys, Skype, and work. Alrighty, it's 11:22 PM, see ya. And yeah, I do agree this shit is rushed most of the time now, but when shit really starts popping off, I'll put more detail. For right now, it's all the same old, same old. Sorry.

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