Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 "The Art of Distraction."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Week: 17
Songs to Remember: Why Not - Bulldok, Babay - Zion T.

        I was wrong about the date for the quiz, I guess I'm wrong about the date for the test as well, because apparently it's tomorrow.

        Tomorrow's a shorter day so that means the test will be a bit shorter, but the thing is, we had like 9 lessons this chapter (4-1, 4-2, 4-3, etc) and so, since we don't know what specifically will be on it, we gotta study the whole chapter. And we know for sure not all lessons will be in it, because it's gonna be a bit shorter, and so, more to study, less to use, if that makes sense.

        This ain't even finals week yet, we still got 2 and a half weeks. And yet, just yesterday I had a math quiz, today I have a Gov assessment, a Dance presentation, I had to write a research paper on K-Pop dance (because apparently there was a written part of the project, I had totally forgot about it until somebody mentioned it) today, I gotta finish a Gov paper tomorrow (about an hour before it's due), I got a math test tomorrow, a small little English presentation tomorrow probably (not that big but still), and a Chinese test on Thursday.

        Yep, all that in one week, especially the week after we had small Thanksgiving break (we didn't even have the whole week off even, we still had to go on Monday and Tuesday). In terms of extracurricular activities, I got some KDT practice on Friday, a KDT performance at a college on Saturday, and then the rest, is history. But no, after that it's probably gonna be a shit-ton of review, and then finals. Oh and let's not forget my birthday's gonna be this weekend, so there's that too.

        As for today, oh boy. Dance, I did my presentation on K-Pop, trying to keep it as least Koreaboo as possible. It turned out alright, a lot of people liked it. As for the dance to teach, I did 2 counts of 8 to Bulldok's "Why Not?" People generally liked it. I tried to make it as basic as possible so that people can follow along and or learn in about, 5 -ish minutes. Also I don't know if I ever mentioned this but teaching dances is pretty weird. You do one small motion and a shit-ton of people follow what you do. It definitely feels weird having all that sense of control, for those who are not used to it, like me.

        Math, we got our quizzes back, I did kinda shit on it, umm, but the teacher gave me pity points (I just got some numbers wrong, but I got the right idea so, it's aight). Grade's still the same, I got a 23/30, which is a basic 75%, grade's at a 85%. Tomorrow, though, I'm either gonna go up a lot, or get sorta, fucked in the ass, heh. Break, eh, Digital Art, gonna have to devote one day to do that one last "face on a fruit" project, get it done, turn it in, get a free period for the rest of the year. I pretty much already do but, you get what I mean.

        English, not much, not much. Kinda just reviewed some shit, got time to study, work, I got pretty sleepy with the silence. Lunch, yeah it was pretty basic. My hair, however, has gotten better. It was the shampoo or conditioner or volumizer (weirdly) that made my hair unvolumized. Should've realized that, but I didn't. Now looking at it, it's not that bad, it's pretty good. Uhh, Gov, we just worked on our bills on the Chromebooks, after our assessment of course. And finally Chinese, where read. A lot. As for here, my cousins' presents (most of 'em) arrived today, which meant I had to start cutting out a few more stencils and plan accordingly and properly, as to not fuck up another hoodie with fabric paint, heh.

        But yeah, it's 11:41 PM, gonna finish math work, gonna then study, and then bed. Hopefully. By 1:00 AM. Anyways, see ya.

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