Friday, November 18, 2016
Week: 15
Songs to Remember: Press Your Number - Taemin
I can't say today was any different than yesterday. It's been pretty much the same. Also I am still duping myself into thinking I have my dance presentation next week, when it's actually, NEXT, next week.
Dance was actually just a lecture on the history of hip-hop, which was pretty cool. There's break-dancing, popping, AND, locking, heh. Umm, yeah, pretty much the whole period. Math, you guessed it, the same old, same old. Break, same old, same old, as well as Digital Art. English, however, we, spent a lot of time reading, a lot of time, cutting out paper horses to make little paper figure of Canterbury tale people, and, yeah.
Lunch was what you'd expect, ya know, without Cy this time. I didn't actually see here today besides for from 1st to 2nd period. How am I gonna test my abilities if I don't even get the chance to? Anyways, Gov was just a nice lecture on filibusters and legislation and whatnot. Interesting, to say the least. And finally, Chinese, where we read, and answer questions, and read some more.
Tomorrow, I got some early morning KDT practice (unfortunately) as well as a play to go at night, and, online Chinese work that's due. I'm ready for that break, that Thanksgiving break. Really, really need it. Besides some Skyping and audio splicing, there wasn't much else done today. It's 12:16 AM, I'll the day when it's like, 9:00 AM tomorrow. Godamn, heh. Alright, see ya. Oh and I completely, like, just completely missed the fact that I surpassed 1000 posts. That's like, over 1000 days of this, essentially 3 years of this, which is, pretty crazy. I'll talk more about that when I get the time. For now, see ya.
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