Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Week: 7
Songs to Remember: The Eye - Infinite, Egg - The Garden
This time it's not my fault that I finished work by 11:50 PM. It was because YouTube apparently doesn't like .avi files so much, and that, my Chinese teacher decided that it wouldn't be too much work to have somebody assemble an online problem document, edit a skit which took time to render and upload, and, do a bootleg video recording (which is assigned 3 times a week now, of which I didn't do because I value sleep).
And all that reminded me that I gotta do a bootleg-ass club meeting sheet to turn in because I'm guessing it's required. What's worse is that my hat order still hasn't shipped yet, nor has my custom clothes. And shit, things have definitely been piling up, indefinitely. Thank goodness I am not planning on attending Friday's dance workshop because I'd be just, just done for the week.
And to spice things up, Pr's gonna be visiting the school on Thursday. So it looks like I'ma have to hold things off for that day, just to see how shit goes. Umm, anyways, Dance was just testing, I did better than I thought. Math was just a group quiz, in which, with the peer-to-peer help and stuff, I actually learned a lot. And also my grade went up 4% to an 87% now, because we probably got a 100% on the quiz, heh.
Break was just whatever, Digital Art was just drawing, English, was just, having the teacher talk about the congress meeting yesterday, what we thought about it, etc. I could see people were dozing off, me included a bit. The teacher spent about 30 minutes of class time talking about it, which is, a bit too much I guess as I was slipping in and out of conscious for most of it. Towards the end we just picked out propositions to research about and shit. And apparently duos/ partners get priority on the stuff compared to those doing it solo, aka me. I really do like the teacher, I just don't like the people in the class. They are, I dare say this, not my people. And it's not a racist comment, not talking about race here, just, I would not associate myself with them.
Lunch was just your average meme exchanges, 5th Gov, we switched seats, I'm now sitting with this girl who sat in front of me (and was in my Chem class in sophomore year), along with a person I don't really know and that dude I sat with for the 1st set of seating changes (cool guy). And finally Chinese, where we worked on our skit. Basically just recorde audio and whatever, I had to edit it all together with a shitty 4 GB laptop with Sony Vegas, oh boy. It worked, and hopefully my teammates get the link during the day so that they can turn it in.
Besides all that, things really have been piling up, and to be honest, it shouldn't. I have 2 classes where I get no homework, and yet somehow I still end up finishing late as hell. It should not be like this, I blame it on math and Chinese, specifically Chinese. There's so much work that even if I fail all the tests, I can still make it with a B if I turn in all my work. That's how heavily weighted it is on work. Bulk work, to be specific.
Other than that, I muted the cast group chat for a bit so I can recollect my thoughts, and so that I don't want to see negativity or stress my self out more than I need to. As the series is named, I'm refining shit. Anyways, it's 12:19 AM now, see ya.
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