Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016 "A Clearing For Me."

Thursday, September 8, 2016
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: David Guetta - Night of Your Life, Rose - ELO, Strange - MASC

        This series has included so many nods and shit to the other 3 series. And I find that so fitting, 'cause it's like a step down memory lane.

        Well alrighty, finished with work, let's get this show on the road. Episode. Dance, we didn't really do anything new, just practiced what we learned, rehearsed the choreo we learned, etc. Relaxing, err, whatever you'd call it. On the way to 2nd period, I was walking my usual route there which was through the path right next to the P.E area and then to the L-building. Walking through the L-building bottle-neck traffic area, I see someone who appeared to look like Lt (spoilers, it was Lt).

        And I'm walking my usual speed, she's walking pretty slow. There was a big gap clearing between us. I could literally just walk right up beside her and say "Hey, Lt, how's it been?" I gave myself such a quick time to think. "So. The writers really want me to do this huh? Am I gonna turn it down? What is written so that there's no way I can fuck this up? Fuck it." And I did it. Walked right on up, on the right of her, walking a few steps near her, I scoot on next to her and say "Hey! Lt! How's it been?"

        There's always been this metaphorical chasm. It takes so much to cross that threshold, to get to the other side, to get the courage to take initiative. And uh, yeah, it is scary, I feel it every time I do stuff like this. Every single series actually, heh, has been like this. I can recall so many times where I'm walking behind somebody (not "breathing down their neck" close, but, about a 5 or 10 feet distance) and I'm giving myself time to think "Should I, or should I not." This time, however, I told myself "I should" and this is what it got me. She had this smile on her face, her voice sounded like the first time I took initiative for her. "Hey I really liked your presentation." Still remember it.

        She said "Drew! Hey! It's been good! Haven't talked to you in forever! What's your next class?" I point to the AP Calc room. "There? With Ms.Blank?" I'm like "Yeah..., heh. Anyways, see ya!" And I'm just thinking like "This is a weird analogy I'm thinking, but it's kinda like eating something and it's just bland, with no flavor, that's how the connection with Lt was for a while. Then when you add something like salt or soy sauce, heh, or whatever, you get a different taste, that flavor back." So that was basically what it was, and it did taste great.

        Anyways, there's that, it was nice to talk to her again. Moving on, math, what a clutch. So the quiz only had 2 questions, but it was worth 10 points, and, I got like, the 1st question sorta wrong, the second question was easy as fuck. The teacher had mercy on me (for most people I guess) and gave us partial credit, netting me a 7/10.

        Holy, shit, that was nice. Anyways, nice discussion in math between my table-mates, break was break, Digital Art was Digital Art, I got about, 85% done with my animation which is extended 'till tomorrow. English was another bore-fest unfortunately (I really do wanna see the crazy shit I know the teacher can provide). And lunch, was pretty much lunch. There was a CLOG congress council whatever, meeting today in the library. The other KDT cabinet has already went to at least one, and I haven't, so I had to go, which was fine.

        I sat down, just, sat down, and listened. They really just talked about upcoming events on campus like, Homecoming rally, decorations, parade, etc. Merchandise, our fundings so far, blah blah blah, etc. Nothing really major concerning CLOGs, so that was good. We went back to class after it was over, Gov was just another group activity where we look in the Constitution to answer questions. I just really despise this sorta stuff 'cause it is getting stale. Like, the teacher, he's fun and all, but the activities are just, I don't know, there. I guess it's maybe the subject, I mean, American Government ain't all that much to woo about from my standpoint, heh.

        And finally Chinese, where apparently people get really really hyphy during Kahoot.It and Quizlet games. So that was it, tomorrow is gonna be a hell of a finale with some KDT vets coming back for the KDT social, including "newbies" like, Jk here. I know he's not really gonna "join" join, but it's nice to have him around. Aaand uh, my buddy Ec's gonna attempt to get his license tomorrow. Also, my boy DrewN got a date for Homecoming. All's crazy. I'm expecting, the unexpected. AAlright, it's 11:19 PM, see ya.

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