Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016 "Social Circling."

Friday, September 9, 2016
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: Call Me Baby (YUHE Remix) - EXO, Strange - MASC

        And to think I'd cut the finale short by not coming along with the KDT fam. It wasn't what I expected, but it definitely went better than what was expected.

        Dance, where we added a bit more to our choreo routine and then practiced it some more. Math, where we just did a worksheet and have it for homework (actually not that much work for once). I waited for Lt to come from her AP Stats class, which is like, about 25 feet from my math classroom. Guess I didn't pay enough attention 'cause she disappeared, even when I did see her in the classroom.

        And I know what you're thinking, "Drew, come on now." I've thought about it and with my experience, this time's different, I've "precisely refined" my decision, it ain't gonna be a "maybe," it's a definite "hey let's interact a bit more again." After break was Digital Art in which we showcased our animations to the class. We all got up, left our animation playing while we're walking around the classroom like an art show. I saw some pretty uh, "dank," stuff like Dat Boi and John Cena shit. There were some cool ones though, like, this one girl (I'm assuming) who did some smooth drawings, there was also a Hearthstone one too (of which took me a bit to figure out but once I did I was like "Hey, that's pretty good").

        And luckily they weren't actually due today, as in, we didn't have to turn them in, even though I did manage to finish by the end of class. English, unfortunately was just, 2/3 of a video playing of a dramatization of William the Conquerer's spree and, about 1/3 of the teacher talking about, history of English stuff. This period seemed like the longest, like, I was in and out with my eyes closed, the clock was covered by the projector screen so I couldn't see the time. Not a very good experience, heh. Lunch, now that, was actually the same as always.

        Gov, we just continued stuff from yesterday, have somebody present, etc. Also the teacher showed yet again another example of how he's chill and respectable about our maturity. He talked a bit about the NSA and how like, they can see if we send dickpics to eachother and shit, even going as far as using the word "dickpics" himself, of which I never thought a teacher would utter those words, heh. And yeah, nobody was like "Oh shit he said 'dickpics' LOL." Nah, everyone didn't really give a shit actually. Really like it how the teacher doesn't really censor shit just 'cause it's a classroom, ya know. Gotta "keep it real."

        And finally Chinese where people just banged on drums for the whole period while we're doing "total-physical responses" with our vocabulary. The period also seemed pretty slow, but not as slow as English. I was actually pretty hyped for the KDT social, I was like "C'mon, just a few more minutes 'till the real finale, baby." And it was actually far from what I was expecting. I walked over there with a dude in my class who was planning to "join" KDT, and by that I mean, maybe come to a couple meetings and that's it. Not insulting him, just, I don't think he'll be planning to stay for long, maybe just test out the waters, ya know.

        And holy shit was there a lot of people. I knew about, maybe 2/5 of the people there, maybe 1/2 at most. A lot of them were underclass-men and during the beginning it was like "Hey, nice to see you again" and all that to the KDT vets. As for the underclass-men or whatever, I could see that people were in their own little groups of friends. It was pretty cool to observe all that, especially from my standpoint, 'cause last year, I was like one of those people. Nice to see it from more than one perspective.

        The sun was out, it was hot, about mayber 75+ people here, took about 15+ minutes to get stuff rolling. We all gathered in a circle, ya know, like from last year, and say the usual "Hi, my name is blank and my favorite K-Pop group is blank." Or, the reason why you joined KDT. The cabinet and I were in the middle of the circle, introduced ourselves first, then came the people in the actual circle. I was more interactive than I thought and I think that has to do with my power-position, just a little bit. I'm part of the cabinet, I'm a senior, I know basically how this all goes, I know at least some of the people here, I got nothing to worry about. Makes me feel like a bit of a role model sorta.

        After we finished introducing ourselves and everybody, we started some more bootleg ice-breakers, starting with getting people in groups by having them find people who have the same birthday month as each other, and just talk and know each other's names and shit. Then it came to "find 5+ people who are in the same grade as you" which equals to, find your fucking friends, heh. We just sat together for a bit before the cabinet decide to do start the usual "play songs and mixes and dance to it." They encourage people to join but of course, nobody really joined besides KDT vets, heh.

        There were like, about 2 people (in total) who weren't KDT vets who did join in for some of the songs, so props to them. I stayed there the whole 2 hours, the last 30 minutes or so were with Jk, telling memes and shit. I was pretty tired, even though I didn't really dance for many songs at all. I blame it on the weather. Oh yeah and KDT alumni did come, including Th, Dn (the former KDT president), the former KDT co-president, and Tu. The social event ended with like me doing Taemin's "Drip Drop" dance again (Jesus fucking Kristya) and a bit of other songs. For some reason every time I do a solo dance, and by that I mean this one, everybody starts Snapchatting the shit out of it, heh. Pretty crazy.

        I was expecting to go home after all this 'cause I was pretty tired, but you can't have a finale end like that, can you? There's gotta be a bit more than that. So, the KDT vets were like "Hey let's go to the former KDT co-president's house." I was like "Damn man, my parents are expecting me to be home, my mom's parked right out front of the school right now." I really did want to go, it would've been me, Ln, Ry (or was it Rh? It's been a while since I used his name), Mt, Jb, Dn, Es (if I remember correctly those are initials I used for her, and if you didn't know, she's the former co-president), Tu, and Ev. I called my mom, I'm like "7:00 I'ma have my friend drive me home," she gave me the a-OK, and it got, excuse my language, as how the kiddies say it nowadays, "lit."

        5 people were in Tu's car, the 5 of us were in Dn's car, the 5 of us being Ln, Rh, Dn, Jb, and me. We stopped by this milk tea place located in this plaza right next to my neighborhood, got, you guessed it, milk tea (of which kinda made me wanna vomit after consuming a bit too much of it), and went ahead to Es's house. Nothing special, just that one-story house, with some pets, a living room, the usual. It was the 10 of us there (that's a lot now that I think about it) and adding to that number was Jb's boyfriend and Jv. Adding upon that too was Cy and Kh, both KDT alumni's. We watched this bootleg-ass movie called "Killer Mermaid" on Netflix, and as you guessed it, it was pretty bad, heh.

        Dn, Ln, and I stayed 'till 7:00 'cause that was the time we needed to ya know, go home. I just watched the movie, made comments here and there, discuss, you know, the whole "social" thing. And after all this, I was like, "Goddamn, I do have A LOT of friends." It never occurred to me that my social circle expanded so much. I got people from KDT, the Discord fam, and the cast, and with 5+ people in each, with KDT having like, 15 to 20+, that's, that's a lot of people. It's funny because, this series' title was meant to be about me choosing who I associate with more carefully, "refining" my choices, ya know. But, it seems to be a bit of the opposite of that, it's actually grown by a bit.

        Also goes to show that a small margin of the series isn't really based on the people in my classes, that, a large portion of the series specials and shit happen outside the classroom, with people I meet or have met, outside of it. It's crazy to think about. Also, the amount of shit that's happened in only the first 5 seasons is seriously exceeding the other 3 by far. Like, the extremity's of these finales, specials, impromptu specials, it's unimaginable, ratings are through the roof right now.

        And I might be a bit naive when I'm saying this, but reviewing all this, I can see my progression in maturity. From the first series to now, even if it is only the 5th season, I'm just more excited to see what's to come. Damn is it gonna get hyphy. Anyways, I got home about an hour ago after dinner, meaning I spent 13+ hours from home. I think that's a new record. Well alright, hopefully I didn't forget anything, though I probably did. It's 9:57 PM, I'm exhausted, people who still going hard since it's Friday night, see ya.

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