Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016 "How You Bean."

Sunday, September 4, 2016
Week: 4
Songs to Remember: Egg - The Garden, Call This # Now - The Garden

        So in preparation for some geocaching next week (hoping for some geocaching), uhh, I fumbled around with my phone trying to fix the GPS.

        The GPS wouldn't work no matter what method I tried, besides factory-resetting my phone. I attempted a hardware fix as the last attempt before I went for the factory-reset, which did finally work. In other news, still got essentially a whole bunch of work left to do, not gonna lie. I chunked off a lot of online Chinese work but apparently I still got more.

        In other news, Ct messaged me at 3:00 AM. Yep, it's actually news, heh. She messaged me at 3:00 AM, saying "How you bean" aaand, since it was at 3:00 AM, I was like "It's probably her friends or whatever messing with her phone and shit during her college party days." I just went back to sleep, didn't bother to reply, woke up at around 5:00 AM from a weird-ass dream, decided to check out the full message.

        She sent me a "dat boi" meme, followed by the "how you bean" message. I replied, still thinking that it's her or some shit (because like, why would she randomly message me asking how I've been, but at the same time, why at 3:00 AM?), saying "Alright, what were you doing up so late." Finally wake up at my usual 10:30 AM and see "That's what I should be asking you."

        And yeah, apparently it was her who sent the message. Apparently it's only been 2 days of college so far for her. We talked a bit through-out the day, and actually, all this time I thought she'd be at like, a UC or some fancy college and shit. But no, she's actually attending the college I'm planning to go, which is weird considering she took so many AP classes and got such good grades in 'em too.

        I actually asked her when she did her college applications since I have yet to start mine. I was thinking maybe a couple weeks before, or, a week before. You know when she did hers? 3 days before the deadline. Wow, that was probably not healthy, heh. Or safe, for the mind. I think I'll be giving myself a bit more leeway than 3 days, maybe a good month or so. So, October it is.

        Other than that, I spent the whole day doing physical activities, for my parents. Well, a majority of it. Ec's planning to get his license by next week so, that's why we're planning some shit for next week. Now next season, that's gonna by hyphy, 'cause we got the KDT social bonding for the finale, then the after-season's gonna contain the urban exploration. Anyways, it's 12:00 AM, see ya.

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