Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Week: 18
Songs to Remember: All Saints Day - The Silent Comedy
I come home from 2 hard-as-hell tests to a random unrelated lecture on common sense from my dad. Why?
Besides that, I felt I studied enough for Psychology, because the multiple choice was pretty easy. The free-response questions, however, were just a bit too long. It was 2 hours, 70 minutes max for the 100 multiple choice questions, and 50 minutes for the 2 free-response questions. I finished the multiple choice in 60 minutes, so 10 extra minutes basically to work on the free-response questions.
I thought they'd just be the same/similar to what we've done before in class. Nope, it was 2 free-response questions, but each included like 5 different subjects for each. Basically 5 free-response questions stuffed into each. I was running out of time so the 2nd free-response question was pretty shit. If it weren't for the multiple choice, I'd probably get like a C. But, probably gonna be a B-. Hopefully.
After 1st period, it was break time. And uh, having just getting sorta raped by the FRQ's, I didn't really want anymore necessary commotion. So, I saw someone who looked a lot like Vl. Yeah. Apparently it was her. A lot taller than I expected. She was busy hugging her friends and talking about her finals. I wasn't really motivated to talk to her, because if she wanted to talk to me, she'd have replied and said hi or whatever on Twitter. But no, it was just left at a "Gotta finish hw, ttyl" from me, so. Yeah. I guess I just hold on to the past too much, huh? Fucking hell.
Anyways, met up with Lt, with coincidental right timing. She didn't really study, I tried to study but it was so, so much reading. I tried my best. The teacher kept on changing the finals, from about 2 weeks ago, he said he was gonna cut us a break and have it be only multiple choice. Then, he said there would be multiple choice and quotation explications, 3 of 'em. Then it changed to multiple choice, 3 explications, and a constructive response. Then, multiple choice, 4 explications, and a constructive response. Today, he said there'd be 66 multiple choice questions (I swear, he had it be 66 just to be one 6 off from 666), which is okay, 3 explications, ehhh, 1 constructive response, and 1 ESSAY-like response.
Are we gonna have to play that song again? Why the fuck you lying? Why you always lying? He had also said that our vocabulary words would also be on the final. Nope, studied them all for nothing. The multiple choice was pretty fucking awful. The quotation explications were a bit better, but the 3rd one, for fuck's sake, I couldn't figure out who the authors and works were/from. It was from a choice of 3, but they were so vague and literally just a single line from like, a wall of text. Fucking insane.
As for the constructive response and essay, fuck those, man. Just pure, fuck. After we were done, the teacher was like "So how was it?" "Hard." "Really??" And I'm just like "Bruh, you majored in English and taught at top schools for English for like 15 years, you could probably recite all of the works we've studied word-for-word." Everyone's pretty boned, I know Lt's boned, I'm boned. Just, hopefully a B- boned, and I'm good.
What's the best part about today is that I went on /r/frontpage today and saw a /r/4chan post on there. Saw the top comment was from a mod asking if this guy should get banned or not for his report. Yep, Star Wars spoiler. FUCK. I was like, "Damn." I was this close to seeing the movie before any kinds of shit like this happens. Oh well.
Anyways, got some Bio studying to do. Math, I could probably do educated guesses. After the binder check (which is 100 freelo points), I'll probably be set for a B, because the whole thing is multiple choice. As for Bio, it's either nut up or shut up. Either fuck me to a D, or god help me keep a C. See ya.
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