Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 "Long History."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Week: 16
Songs to Remember: Shall We Dance - SNUPER(스누퍼)

        If I procrastinate and save shit 'till Thursday night, shit's gonna kill me. So, I'll be chunking down work for once... starting tomorrow, because I really wanna have enough time tonight to kill the Swan in Fallout 4 so I can start using the Powerfist over a sharp tire iron.

        Anyways, we're having a sub for the rest of the week for Psych. Doesn't matter really, we just present to our groups using Chromebooks and shit. Not exactly exciting, but, I'll take what non-stressful work I can get. English, now that shit's gonna fuck me over when I'm not expecting it. It's gonna go from 0 to 100 real quick, as in, from in-class discussions to fucking compositions. FUCK. As for Lt and I, it's pretty usual again, nothing much going on.

        Biology is just gonna rape me, I just know it. What's bad is that the teacher knows it, knows most of us, considering the past few tests and quizzes, that we're probably not prepared, like, at all. The semester's almost over (fortunately, or unfortunately) and people are barely staying above C-drowning level. Today she talked about how uh, word spread around that she doesn't teach. As in like, for example, "Omg, Ms.Blank's such a bad teacher, she doesn't even teach us anything."

        She was fine with it, fine with people's opinions, but, of course, the only reason why it feels that way is because she's prepping us for college in which we'll have to do a lot of self-studying. And also she wants us to find out about things ourselves, which is justifiable. And then she tells us these stories and examples of her colleagues, family, and friends with their college experiences. And so, in class today, she had us take notes. Like, with our partner sitting next to us, we'd go through a textbook, and just take notes. Just take 'em.

        For math, pretty much just the usual, except we didn't learn a new lesson, just practice of the one we did yesterday. Probably because the teacher just wants to time the lessons so that we end up with a test, just one, before review time for finals. Lunch, now that definitely brought some flavor to this season. I'm walking with DrewN after math sine we have the same class, we're walking over to the lockers and we see Am (Am? It's been a while since I 'bout her so not sure what name I actually used for her).

        She comes along with us, hangs out with us at the lockers. She's close with DrewN, umm, to me, not so much anymore... it's a really long story, alright? We sit down, umm, talk about random shit, somebody brings up the topic of crushes and was like "Do YOU like anybody?" I'm like "For fuck's sake, not this again." Soon, Ek, Ag, and Jk arrive and it becomes this whole moshpit of gossip. I can see now why it's such a good topic, because new intel just sounds so good to know.

        I learned a lot of shit, even got updated on stuff going around. Such as, Am not being all tight with her buddy anymore, Ek used to like Ec, whole ton of fucking crazy shit. Jk sorta liking that girl who sits next to him in Chinese now, like, damn, what the shit my African American brethren. Umm, it was fun though, we trust each other enough to know that we won't fuck each other over by telling anyone else. And it was nice to talk to Am again, after... well, good thing I'm not keeping count, heh,

        US History was nothing much, just research topics, draw pictures for them, 2nd semester schedules were passed out during SSR. All my classes are year-long so there probably won't be any changes at all I hope. Chinese, I guess I was wrong with the tension between me and El yesterday, because today, since that girl Jk sits next to was on a field trip today, she sat up front next to Jk instead. When Jk asked where the other girl was gonna sit, she said she could just sit next to me. I'm like "Uh, huh." Also nothing much besides sign language in Chinese today.

        So, work, heh. And studying. Pretty much what's gonna be going on for the rest of this week 'till Saturday. All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho. Just kidding, heh, I finally looked up where that was from, wasn't disappointed. Umm, all-day Fallout 4 session would be nice. I don't actually have things planned as I think I procrastinated on my birthday plans a bit too hard.

        Other than that, I got a +1 to my detective skills today. So. With the talk about crushes and shit today, I remembered there was this one girl back in 6th grade who apparently liked me. I, I don't even, I'm not sure why I acted oblivious at that time, back in 6th grade. It was fairly obvious, people told me, it was obvious to everybody, I just didn't do anything about it, I just let it happen I guess, heh. She was a grade lower than me, I'm talking 'bout, she was in 5th grade, I was in 6th. I didn't realize that 'till towards the end of the year. Yeah.

        I basically just forgot about her, or like, didn't really care much. She had a Facebook back then, with a fake name. She used it to solely add me, heh, and uhh, it's been deleted for a while now. Not sure if she even lives in this city anymore, 'till today. I remember her first name, wasn't very clear on her last name. Remembered that I still had my 6th grade yearbook archived, looked it up, bam, there was her name. I got her last name wrong these whole years. And so, I proceeded to check Facebook, only to come up with irrelevant people, or just dead accounts. My last resort was to check the Schoolloop email, in which when I typed her name, it did come up. And you know what it said?

        "Grade 10." I was like "It's either her, or just a really big coincidence." I'm pretty sure it's her, I mean, what are the odds of a person have the same name as her and be one grade below me. It's not even that common of a name either. So there's that, that was the little, whatever, for the episode, nice twist. Umm, it's 11:51 PM, I gotta get back to work, events will soon unfold when they do and um, yeah, see ya.

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