Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Week: 3
Songs to Remember: Crying - Stellar, Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Yes, I have found some people who I interact with in some of my classes. I'm not saying they're, they're friends, but, more so on the "classmate" side.
In Dance, it's basically 3 out of the 4 dudes in there, not including me. Today was Wednesday, and, that meant a shorter period. No stretches, which I thought was weird. I was like "Hey, wouldn't it make sense for us to stretch before we actually do the assessments?" But I didn't realize it was Wednesday schedule until after we all did it. It was basically 2 tests, one of the "chase" move, and one for the "spin and spot" move.
People lined up on one side, the teacher calls out 3 or 4 names of people, they do it, then the next 3 or 4, and so on. You start off with the right side, right foot, right spin, etc, and then the left. I did overall not bad. My left spin and spot could've been a better, but it's passing. The teacher was like "You can't get an F" which is true, but you know, I don't really want a C either. B's the ideal thing right now. After all the testing stuff (which actually took a lot longer than you'd think), the class score average was an A-, which is goddamn good, heh.
Math was fairly simple today. By fairly simple I mean it's the same old thing as yesterday, err, Monday, and the day before that, and the day before that. You go in, correct your own work, then follow along with notes and examples, then you got time to do work. Boom. Oh and this is where the Wednesday schedule fucked me over a bit. There was no break today, so, that meant I couldn't get any signatures for my permission slip for Friday's senior picnic until, 5th and 6th period (and in-between).
An introduction of Adobe Illustrator, along with some examples was pretty much all of Digital Art. I'm pretty hyped to start on my design, not gonna lie. I cannot wait to fiddle around with the controls, functions, tools, just make everything as if I was, making it mine, heh. English was just another, lecture day, and uh, story day too. The teacher talks a lot about stuff other than, you know, English, like, informing us of the new community service rules (by new I mean, last year's which has now been reverted to before last year's because that was utter shit on the community service policies), and, cheating policies, etc.
He also searched up "Lollipop dragon" which is apparently an old, song/ play thing that he wasn't sure was real, or, just in his imagination, because he has not seen or heard of it for 20+ years, which is crazy. And yes, it is real. Also, he did show some examples of mandalas, you know, those circle things with art and smybols, we're gonna be doing those things soon. Aaand about a few days ago was his birthday, so he's sharing the birthday cake a student got for him with the rest of the class.
During lunch (this is a wild one), I went ahead and went to the student bank to get my senior picnic ticket. Got it, went back to the satellite kitchen to get lunch, no sign of Ag. So I'm standing there, in line, waiting, I'm on my phone a couple of times, bantering messaging Ec on Discord, when I see Tv and this one dude whom Ec and I know, everybody who was at that old spot (you know that old spot from the past series) knows him. Not anybody too popular, just, so and so. To me at least, not sure about his social circle. But anyways, he's standing with Tv (ya'll know Tv from So Don't Be On With Her). I've seen them walking together and stuff but never actually thought that they'd be "together" or whatever.
I always thought that they were hanging out together because they were part of the same club or some shit. And mostly because him and this one other girl have been shipped by so many people for so long, you'd think he'd be with nobody else. Well, today that was proven wrong. I'm standing in line, I see them, Tv tiptoes in order to reach the dude and give him a quick kiss, Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" plays, and the rest, is history.
Yeah. That uh, that happened, right there. Back in Bio, Tv's debate buddies (she's in the debate team, these dudes were part of it as well or at least knows about it/ knows Tv), and by Tv's debate buddies, I'm talking about a couple of the dudes who were in my lab group. Anyways, I once heard them talk about whether or not Tv's- wait. Actually never-mind, I remembered wrong. Fuck. Well, this, this sucks. They do know her though, they're in debate too, but the person they were referring to, it wasn't Tv, it was actually another person in their debate team. Huh.
As I was saying, that was a big surprise for me. The, the kissing and being "together" thing, not the Bio talk. Who would've thought she'd end up with this dude? I clearly didn't, there's, there's no evidence online that this would've happened, no evidence that this is happening besides that one action of which I don't really wanna discuss anymore, but uh, yeah, heh, very, very twisting.
The rest of lunch was pretty much the same, except when I went to my English teacher's room to have him sign my permission slip before I went to 5th period and, took notes and see an example presentation. Tomorrow is gonna be "assessment" day, whatever that means. Besides the fact that he's gonna check our notebooks, not really sure if it's an actual written test or not. Anyways, Chinese, in which I attempted to get my 3rd period teacher's signature but couldn't because his door was locked/ not in his room, where the teacher showed us own own video work assignments, to the whole class, aaand, did the "total physical response" for this lesson's vocabulary.
Also, the seats were moved back to where they originally were. Not in tables, but duo columns. So that there concludes the day. Other than that, my cousin's first day of college was today, today's Wednesday, finished my essay, only gotta study the vocabulary for Chinese, and then finish up them notes for Gov. Nice, all before, 5:59 PM. By the time I've written all this, it's 5:59 PM, and those are the things I gotta do as of, now, just to clarify. But enough of this "word vomit," this was a mess of an episode, I'm about to eat dinner in an hour, see ya.
And P.S, I heard one dude say "Don't pay attention and it's okay" as I walking from 2nd to 3rd. I thought it was a cool saying and so I wrote it down to remember it. Well, texted it down into my phone notes. That reminded me of old, series 1 habits, and I'm just like "Damn, this is all tying together isn't it." Alright, for real now, see ya.
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