Sunday, August 14, 2016

Saturday, August 13, 2016 "Too Early."

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: Problem - Taewan

        I think I do agree with myself that it is too early to judge whether things suck ass or not. I mean it has been only 2 episodes.

        Just look at 1st period AP Psych from the last series. Didn't really associate myself with many people in there did I? It was essentially free time, which I enjoyed to an extent (besides the time-consuming projects). And half of the excitement in this series is gonna come from events unrelated to classes anyways, so it ain't the end of world whether I know people in my class or not, or if there's ghetto people or whatever.

        Now that today's not a regular episode day, I can actually get out some much needed updates and reports on stuff that I've missed. First off, there's been discussion within the KDT cabinet on the complexity of the ASB CLOG business shit. The president and vice-president talked about whether or not we gotta turn in this monthly sheet on "discussion" or not, and whether or not we gotta submit KDT merch orders through the school ASB organization or not. It's just, really complicated, way more than it's needed to be.

        Of course we can "ask," the ASB director of activities directly, but apparently you might get yelled at if you ask "stupid" shit like what I described above. I agree with the KDT president, it is, as if, the director acts like everybody a club or organization knows what happens on the down-low and what to do with paper-work and shit. And, this affects me a lot more than you'd think because I'm the secretary, I manage all the paperwork. We got no treasurer anymore so I gotta do that as well.

        Without a good secretary, a club will "crash and burn." And, I do not want to jeopardize KDT under any circumstances. I do not want to ruin and destroy what the former presidents worked so hard on. 4 years, in the making, heh. Currently the KDT president is doing all the work right now, taking down notes, etc. I do feel bad because it is my job to do all the paperwork, but if the president wants to do a part of it because she feels like she needs to be responsible, then, that's her decision and I respect it.

        So that's gotten out. As for today, it was all just Call of Duty. Yep, never thought I'd log back on. My cousin was playing it for some reason, "nothing better to do," and uh, I decided "why the fuck not" and joined in. Still the same old, shooty stuff. And still rather easy too. Took a bit for me to get my reflexes back, but I did. Playing a quite a bit today, I realized how addictive this was back in the day. I also realized how the rages were justified. This game makes me mad, but since then I don't really take it all too personally anymore, because in the long-run it is just a game. However, if somebody's a lot younger, I can see why raging would occur, because there are bullshit stuff that makes things seem unreasonable.

        That's about it, nothing else new. One thing I wanted to point out- you know Jt, the one who sits next to me in AP Calc? Remember when she told me that she'd put the Bee Movie script as her senior quote? Well I guess it may be a real possibility because during her senior portaits session, she had the photographer take a picture of her with her holding the Bee Movie DVD. Mhmm, nice meme alright, heh. That's it, that's it. It's 12:17 AM, see ya.

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