Friday, August 12, 2016
Week: 1
Songs to Remember: MichiGo - G-Dragon
It's not going great, no. It's far from perfect either. But uh, I wouldn't say it's going bad, nah. I mean, considering it's only the 2nd day, I'd say it's alright.
First things first, I woke up early again today just to get a scheduling slip. The line moved fairly quickly, considering they just handed 'em out after giving a counseling reason. So there's that. First period was Anatomy, which, I just did whatever for the time being. We're starting out slow and although it may seem easy, that was just like what I felt like in the beginning of AP Bio (sorta). However easy it seemed, I just knew it was gonna do a complete 180 when my guard's down.
Plus, the difficulty is not worth the reward. It's not AP, not an Honors, it's just a regular class, with the difficulty of an Honors/ AP. And for the specifics, we walked around, writing down the "anatomy" of tools and stuff and their functions. I wasn't buying into the easiness any longer. Then came 2nd period and it soon became one of the biggest upsets of the series so far, heh, even though, again, it's only the 2nd episode. There were 2 tests, they didn't take the whole period like I thought, it was actually the complete opposite of that: it was only 7 minutes each test.
And yes, those 7 minutes go by fast. First test was graphing, just, graphing functions. Like, 10 graphs. The next test, ooo, didn't do that great. Others got 46 (around there), I got (in my mind, at least a 40/48) a 29. Mhmm. So what was the 2nd test on? The unit circle. Specifically, filling out the entire thing (coordinates of angles, angles in degrees, radians, etc). I did not study much for this because I did not expect the entire actual thing to be the test, like, the whole thing.
Only about half-way through the test did I manage to find a pattern, but at that point it was a bit too late. I guessed for a bit of the radians, mixed up the (1,0) stuff on the 90 degree angles, and had I only missed those, I maybe would've gotten a 40/48. Yeah, no. I got the positive and negative signs wrong on about, 10+ of the coordinates, and uh, that cost me, 10+ points. If you ever wondered why I started out with a D+ in AP Calc AB, that's why, heh.
Break was soon after, and that was just "the usual," I gotta say. The usual now is just, sitting at the table. 3rd period was Digital Art and I can't believe it either, but I got the biggest cockle-doodle cock-block I've ever witnessed in my life. Okay maybe not the biggest, but it's a big one. I walk in, only to find that that dude from sophomore year English 2A and P.E, the one I don't really want to associate myself with anymore, he just, decides to sit next to me (the right of me).
Normally I wouldn't give too much of a shit, but considering my buddy is probably going to switch to a math tutoring class (to be a tutor), and not gonna be in my 3rd period anymore, I'll be stuck with an empty seat to my left, a cockle-doodle-doo to my right, and, that'll be it. I saw the girl who's seat he took, walked on over to his seat to sit. And ya know, even if he had not taken the seat, even if everybody to me moved down 1 spot, I'd still be in a nice-ass seat, 'cause of more "options." But no, there's, there's a legit wall there.
Monday I'ma attempt to sit in his seat and at least have 1 other person to converse with. Fuck, man. Why? Why? Now I don't even care for 3rd period, it's, it's kinda gone to shit. Out of all my classes, there's, I can't believe I'm saying this, but they're all SHIT, heh. Maybe not 2nd period math, but, it's AP math, so it's on a different scaling than other classes. Anyways, during Digital Art, my buddy jokingly said that he didn't want to listen to the teacher ramble on about pencils for an hour.
I'm like "Hey, I had him before. He's pretty chill." Yeah, except that my buddy wasn't joking. Apparently I didn't remember what the beginning of freshman year's Intro to Graphic Design was, but, I guess it was the same as this because he did in fact ramble on about pencils for a good, 30 minutes or so. Not a joke, he told us about how they're a bit bendy, the lead in 'em, how we only gotta put 'em in the sharpener for a bit, for colored pencils the time in the sharpener is even shorter, etc. Yeah, pencil talk. As for the assignment, we just draw letters from our name, literally draw it with pencil, and then learn to make it on Illustrator and Photoshop and shit.
Today was a different day because we were on a rally schedule. Pretty chaotic considering it's only the 2nd day, but, it's whatever. We had double 3rd period, and since we were in the J-building, we went to the 2nd rally. It wasn't your typical "pep" rally, it was like a Tedx talk, except, the person wasn't from Tedx. She was an inspirational speaker, leading off with analogies like "Who here wears socks to bed? Who here doesn't?" and shit. Then she moved onto foods and I thought it was obesity shit, but it wasn't. She then talked about how she had kids from other schools she spoke at, she let them talk on the mic and praise or apologize to somebody they know, and, whatever.
Just kind of a, let-it-all-out, kinda thing. I'm like "Okay, okay." Well, I guess there were a lot who needed to let it all out because a fair number of students cried doing this, umm, I for one was contemplating asking for the mic to say "I'm gay" into it, but I thought I might get in trouble for uh, not actually being gay and offending gays. I don't know, heh. And yes, the speaker told a story about how a student once used the mic session to announce he was gay, and yeah. After the rally was lunch, and that was again, "the usual." Also, not only does the cast sit at the table, but, Lw's buddies as well. That includes this one girl from KDT, and, this really "smol" girl whom I see sometimes but don't associate with.
4th was English, where, I got a different seat 'cause people still switching around (manually). I had a whatever seat, to be honest, I didn't give a shit anymore. No need to care, no need to try to hard in something where I can probably get an A with my eyes closed. Not degrading the teacher's teaching methods, but because of the low, uh, level that he has to put it in for those who aren't that experienced in higher-level, High school English. What I'm trying to say here is is that I won't be spending too much time focusing in this class because I'll most likely not have to do much to get an A and go.
American Government, uhhh, was 5th, and with more ice-breakers. We were already in our "groups" so we had to come up with group names. Some of the names included "#instinct" and "senioritis." Our group? I didn't give a shit, which is why it's "Ghostbusters." Just, Ghostbusters. It was actually "Ghostbusters 2k17," but, the teacher didn't read the 2k17 part, so now it's just Ghostbusters. We had to write down stuff we thought the teacher expected of us, circle the most important ones, the teacher reads them out, explains more in-depth, etc.
At around 1:45 PM, I had to leave for my scheduling appointment. I arrived to the office at exactly 1:45 PM, and there was a line. I'm thinking, somebody was holding shit up (actually, some people, more than one), which is why it's backed up. Waited about 10 minutes before I actually got to talk to my counselor. Praying to the gods, I asked about the Korean class shit. She checks again, and, it's full. I proposed maybe if I could speak with the teacher, ask her if she's willing to teach 1 more student. The answer I got was that there's no problem with that, but, there is literally (and I mean literally), no more seats.
Like, physical, chairs and desks, in the classroom, and apparently it's a tiny classroom. As sad as I was to agree, I was. I understood, you know, too many seats and it's a fire hazard or some shit, ehhh, it's more on the practicallity side of things. She did, however, ask me for my ID and said she'd contact me if someone drops out of the class. Hey, I'll take it. Just before leaving, I ask to get out of Anatomy (before shit hits the fan) and asked for, well, Beginner Dance, heh. Hey, since I miss KDT practices so much, fuck it. FUCK IT. You want to become legend in KDT, Drew? Might as well start practicing for a grade with it.
And I do know who's teaching it. It's my uh, P.E teacher during the jogging unit. She's nice, and also doesn't have much reviews on RateMyTeacher because somebody misspelled her name and she's hard to find on there 'cause of that. On the dancing class part, however, I have no idea how it's gonna go, no idea. I do know, however, that at the end of the year, there's gonna be a "recital." Like, a solo dance thing, or like, you perform on stage. And well, I do have experience with that, so, no trouble.
I'm in for a surprise, heh. At least I know I won't crash and burn eventually in Anatomy. That's a good thing. Finally, 6th period was Chinese, in which, it's really just whatever. I got no real contact with anybody besides Zl and video-game buddy behind me. The dude I sat next to wasn't here today, the teacher didn't call out Lt's name so, guessing she switched classes. I'm just like "Well, there goes the twist factor." Things have really settled from just one episode.
But then again, it's only been one episode since the premier. Maybe Dance class can redeem itself, just maube. But for now, it's 1:12 AM and I just finished a League game, discussed Pawn Stars memes, and posted a picture of my senior picture on Facebook all about an hour ago. That's it for today, see ya. Oh and also forgot to mention 1st-time character appearances on the series, including Cy (the persona girl.). See ya.
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