Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saturday, June 11, 2016 "I Can't Wait to Sleep."

Saturday, June 11, 2016
Week: 43
Songs to Remember: Overdose - EXO

        Hi my name is Drew and my sleep schedule is fucked. I sleep for around 10 hours a day, give or give an hour or 2. Even then, I do get tired in the afternoon sometimes and the past couple days, I haven't been able to sleep for shit.

        Not really sure why. I stayed up to 3:00 AM last night. I posted to Snapchat at 2:00 AM that I couldn't sleep, Rh is still in Hong Kong so he messaged me "same," how he hasn't been able to sleep for a while too (mind you, while it's 2:00 AM here, it's like, the afternoon in Hong Kong). We talked about not being able to sleep, aaand I asked about why there are so many cats in Hong Kong before I tried to go back to sleep. I couldn't.

        Watching YouTube videos didn't get me tired, I thought it might be that I was secretly hungry so I ate and that still didn't get me tired. Like, I knew I couldn't sleep when I had my eyes closed, trying to go to sleep, doing my usual "think and visualize of series openings according to the song being played" and that shit wasn't working, because I had my eyes closed for several minutes. Minutes.

        I also haven't been able to find any real good music lately, so, maybe listening to repeated and overplayed shit might have something to do with it. Seriously, I've been listening to the same like, 10 tracks for the past 2 weeks. It sucks, heh.

        So, what's been happening recently. Uhhh, well, today I Skyped with my cousin. He's working on like, an essay or some shit to submit to SFSU. Today I looked up admissions to SJSU and other similar colleges. Unfortunately, you can't do applications in the summer, like, they aren't open yet, because the deadline dates still reference shit like, 2015, or, dates that have already passed.

        I also got some challenges done in Isaac, if you wanna count that as something. Let's see, let's see, uhh, tomorrow, KDT's gonna be performing, so, that's cool. And, on Monday, my mom's gonna teach me the basic controls of car, in the safety of our own backyard of course so I don't endanger those around us. Aaand, that's about it really. I was really tired this afternoon, like, before I took a shower, I just wanted to sleep and right then and there, or rather here, on my mat. I said to myself "I cannot wait to go to sleep." Shame that I did feel motivated to do college applications but unfortunately that they're not open yet.

        Oh yeah, today was also apparently "Game Night: Part 3" for the cast. I was invited and I sorta wanted to go, but mostly I didn't so, I didn't go, heh. They didn't really to seem to mind in the chat, and by seem to mind, I mean, really mention shit at all. No, I'm not mad or upset, just something I do for a while, a set time period, in which I get my own time for myself, recollect my thoughts, reduce stress, aaand it's sorta going good.

        So tomorrow I'm getting a haircut, aaand just gonna relax. And wait for my Amazon cosplay package to arrive. It's been like, 4 days. I'm not even sure if mail ships on the weekends. Oh- I knew I forgot something. What I was about to say had to deal with what I forgot and remembered, but, in the midst of writing this, I fucking forgot. Oh thank the fucking lord, okay. I refreshed my Facebook feed and it popped up.

        Christina Grimmie. It's nice that people care about her, but I don't know why people didn't express their care for her before she died. I don't know, it's kinda off to me, and apparently everybody just so happens to have some kind of relation to her. For me, I never knew her until, like yesterday, I'm sure many others just discovered her yesterday as well. Uhhh, yeah, never really knew her at all, or, what she did, I never really watched "The Voice," never really listened to her music, etc.

        And I'm sure people are raving hard about how 2016 sucks due to so many celebrity deaths so far, like, Muhammad Ali, Grimmie, and Bowie. Well anyways, finally remembered what I wanted to say, that is all. See ya.

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