Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016 "A Summer Before."

Monday, June 6, 2016
Week: 43
Songs to Remember: Like An Airplane - San E

        I don't know what to feel. Looking back, the other summers I felt like "Gosh, there's nothing to do." Now it's like "Holy fuck, there's too much to do."

        For starters, I gotta study the fucking California Driver's handbook and, you guessed it, take the knowledge test. Just when I thought I was safe from tests for a while, heh. And I thought I would have to do the fucking, driver's education shit. Fortunately I don't because I am 17 1/2. I turned 17 1/2 about a day ago actually, heh.

        So yeah, gonna have to get that done this week (studying) and then take the permit test sometime next week, of which is also the time for when my package from Amazon arrives. Uhhh, as for dancing, I think I'll do that when I really get the motivation for it. I know, I know, I talked about being lazy before and shit for dancing. I'm saying that, like, there are other priorities over dancing for right now. Like, say, getting my permit first, or, doing college applications, which, I dread. I'm dreading it right now. I'm not sure when I'll actually commit a whole day doing them but uhh, yeah, that'll be when I'm really miserable, heh.

        But yeah, today was a whole assortment (never used that word in a while) of stuff. I finished (about 99%) my Persona 5 protagonist mask. I just need to find a way to attach it to my face and I'll be truly finished. I also, well, ordered what I need for my cosplay, as well as finally finishing with the mix for KDT's performance at the A6 Interact charity event dinner thing. It took around, ehhh, 2 and a half hours at least, maybe more, maybe less. The first version, uhhh, I tried to make actual mix transitions, but, I guess that's not really applicable considering performers can't just stand on stage for 10 seconds doing nothing.

        So, instead of making it flow in one piece, I instead made simple fade-out transitions for most of the song endings. And it worked out, I listened to the finished product several times and it sounded like a regular mix, with no transition sounding too too off. I showed it to the KDT cabinet and they liked it. But yeah, dear lord, took a while to make it. So other than what I just stated above, plus Skyping with my cousin again who went to another Six Flags park today and is graduating on Wednesday, uhh, there's nothing else I really did.

        I do wanna talk about something though, and it's this feeling. I have this feeling like it's as if it feels like a summer-time from back when I was like 5 or something, where, all I do is stay at home, watching TV, playing with my toys, it's hot but the house is nice and air-conditioned. It feels nice. It's different from, let's say, being able to stay up as late as I want when I'm at my grandmother's house during summer of, uhh, 2013 or something. Maybe 2012.

        I think what the word I'm looking for is nostalgia. I feel care-free, like when I was little. But right now, it ain't really care-free at all considering the responsibilities I got. It's weird, it's hard to explain. At least I tried to put it the best way I can. That's. pretty much it. As for updates, I actually got my sleep schedule back to how it originally was. Well, at least, weekend-wise, treating each day as if it were a weekend, sleeping at around 2:00 AM or 2:30 AM, waking up at 11:30 AM. It may seem as if it's only the beginning of the summer, June 6th, but, I just know it'll pass by just like that.

        And I will say I am ready for school, as crazy as it may sound right now. I'll regret saying I can't wait to go back once I have to do that first test (which is ironically on the 1st day of school. Yeah, AP Calculus). But, although there's shit like math work, I am looking forward to the last year for KDT hype. Man it'll be something. Like, remember when there were auditions for Lunar Show? I was being judged (like, literally, with ratings) for Taemin's "Danger" and EXO's "Call Me Baby." Now, I'ma be one judging others, heh. It's crazy how it's all turning out.

        I don't know why I was pushing myself so much. I mean, taking 2 AP's and 2 Honors? Sure I could've clutched AP Bio but that story's over. I don't think that work was at all worth it. I enjoy doing graphic design shit right now, have been for the past, 8 or 9 years or so, and probably will be in college. I just gotta stick to it, and make the most of every situation. By that, I mean roadtrips with friends. Seeing my dad's pictures of his trip in Europe, I was like "Damn he got to see huge snow. I only got to touch snow like, once in my life,and it wasn't really like, 'snow' snow." Experiences. I like 'em a lot. Fanime taught me a lot too. What was just an off-thing, I was not expecting forming an impromptu group and exploring with unconventional people, let alone, get into the hype and cosplay, heh. Damn was that nice.

        Well alright, I probably missed some shit on what I wanted to talk about, but, it's good for now. I say this a lot but truly, it's never really "good for now" 'cause I always forget all the things I want to talk about, they all stack up and it just loops on and on again. But anyways, it's 10:39 PM, pretty early, I'll go to bed anyways. See ya.

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