Friday, June 10, 2016
Week: 43
Songs to Remember: Shut Up & Groove - Heize
Well, I really can't wait to go to sleep tonight because I am tired as shit. I've been at the DMV from 1:30 PM to around 4:00 PM. Didn't know there was a 2nd Linecon this year.
But yeah, I did pass, and the process wasn't as tedious as I thought it was gonna be. It was, you go up front to these 2 guides, you fill out a form, get directed to a place to wait and that was, about 50% majority of the time spent there. My parents and I were #289 and they were just on #220. Finally, around maybe 3:10 PM, we finally got our number called. We went to a window and the person just photo-copied our info, input our info to be printed out, I did the vision test which was, no big deal. And uh, next I waited in line to take my picture.
Which was not that great, heh. I looked pretty depressed in my picture, pretty soulless and I'm sure that's what everybody at the DMV feels like, every day. So that's my excuse. Umm, yeah and then I went to go take the permit test right after, which was online, like, with a computer, except it was touch-screen shit so I was kinda iffy at first. 'Cause it's not very accurate, one false touch, boom, shit goes wrong. I didn't complain though, because if I did the paper one, I'd have to wait in another line, have it be manually graded, etc.
The actual test was pretty similar to the practice ones I took online, with some differences. Instead of 4 answer choices, it's just 3, and usually there's one answer choice that is completely illogical, so, 50/50 for each question essentially. It also didn't say what number question I was on so it felt like it never ended, and it also didn't keep track of how many I got wrong, so, I had to manually do that and that added a bit to my nerves. I took my time though. I skipped some stupid questions of which I either forgot, or, because it dealt with miscellaneous shit. For example, one question was like "Where's the most usual place for ice to hide in the road? Asphalt, a bridge, or an intersection?" Something like that, it was pretty stupid because it was, miscellaneous, nothing major, and no driver would ever keep track of this shit.
And yeah I did get that one wrong, apparently it's bridges. It's not like it snows much in California, so. But anyways, I counted around 4 or 5 wrong before the test ended and told me I passed. I was relieved, then stood in line for like another 10 minutes. Got my papers printed and boom, I got my permit. Yeah, it's just a permit, nothing to be proud of, but still. Atter that, it was around 4:00 PM, we ate at this one asian shopping center, then went home and damn was I tired. I wanted to take a nap, but, I felt like it was a waste of time, ironically as it is. What was even more like, ironic, was that, my dad encountered a lot of bad drivers on the way to and from the DMV as he drove us. Pretty bootleg.
So yeah, that was it. I Skyped with my cousin, we discussed some shit like, upcoming movies we'd want to see, for me personally, "The Conjuring 2" and "The Purge: Election Year," those are pretty hyphy movies. Umm, not sure the schedule is for my mom to teach me driving basics, maybe she'll start in a few days or some shit. As for events, KDT's gonna be performing in the A6 Interact "Colors" event on Sunday. On next Monday, June 20th, Dn's planning for KDT people and her buddies to have a bootleg Karaoke night at this one Karaoke place. Umm, I'd be down for it, as long as others are down for it. A lot of people are a "Maybe" right now, so, still waiting.
Also, the cast is planning for a third game night, supposedly called "Game Night: Part 3," some time next week. Nothing's really set yet, I'm not sure if I want to go or not either, because I'm still recovering in my introvert therapy, which is, muting and being offline on specific group chats and programs. Not kDT though, I don't spend time with them enough, or at least, as much as my buddies, so. And no, still no sign of what the next series is gonna be called yet. Still remains a mystery.
Well there you have it. There's probably more events going on but I'm not listing them because, they aren't as important. It's 10:55 PM, I try to go to sleep early but would still have trouble actually sleeping. See ya.
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