Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016 "Quality Down, Hype Up."

Friday, June 24, 2016
Week: 45
Songs to Remember: Save Me - BTS

        Man, who knew sitting in one spot could be so tiring. I wake up at 11:30 AM, sometimes 11:00 AM if I'm motivated enough, and stay up 'till about 2:30 AM.

        So to be honest I've actually been uh, procrastinating on that schedule I've always talked about. It's not like it's bad, I mean, still got about a week 'till Anime Expo actually starts. But like, for something I'm excited for, motivated for, you'd think I'd get it done quickly right. Guess not this time, I think it's because of how I've been accustomed to "extreme floor potato Drew."

        Anyways, today was just Destiny, vanilla Destiny, with my cousin. And Skype. No Discord. And yes, the Discord and cast group chat "ban" has been lifted for quite a while now, just wanted to make it clear just in case there were any misunderstandings. Umm, still need to pack my bags for the ride to LA Sunday, as well as download some movies or shit to watch. My cousin's coming over tomorrow, planning to make some purchases for Anime Expo uhhh, what's the word? Rides? Oh, transportation, there we go.

        In other news, a KDT member apparently found a clip of our school's 2010 Lunar Show in a Korean talk show thing. The talk show episode aired in September 2014 called "Hidden Singer," 3rd season, episode 8, featuring Taeyon of SNSD, where they talk about how when their hit "Gee" came out, everybody was parodying it and covering. They then showed multiple clips (about 1 second each) and one of those was our school's 2010 Lunar Show performance, where uh, maybe the Korean club or something (it was all guys doing the dance, so, it's like parodying how the song's done by girls), performing "Gee."

        I thought that was pretty cool. It's not like anybody will be able to recognize it (for this circumstance, I guess but, what are the chances?), but it's neat that, hey, people from across the world has seen something in which you are related to in some way. Like, "Hey, that's my school I go to." Just something interesting. Uhhhhh, for reals, I don't like the quality of my posts during the pre-seasons. Why? I don't put as much effort in them as much as regular series posts. Why? Because I'm usually always either have nothing "interesting" to talk about, or, I'm too tired from too much adventuring and fun, that I just want to go to sleep, or, lie down as I currently do. And sleep.

        Right now the KDT cabinet's discussing about future songs for 2017 Lunar Show, what dances we think performers can pull off (not in a mean way but by a practical standpoint) aaand the survey for theme suggestions, how we're ending it tonight, posting a poll for the suggestions tomorrow on the official member page. Dn (you know) said that there would be "summer training" for us new KDT cabinet people. I'm not sure when that's happening, hopefully not in the next couple weeks 'cause I will be in the area for that, uhh, either they plan it sometime else or, video-chat me, heh.

        Well alright, nice quality post for once, for the next, uhhh, week, the quality of posts will go down (due to busy-ness, and party-ness) and the hype will go up. It's 11:27 PM, see ya.

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