Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 "Allergic Reaction."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Week: 3
Songs to Remember: Sneakers - Velociraptors

        The title of this post would be much more relevant if we had actually done an experiment today (We didn't). But I was an allergic mess today so, it works for now.

        So, I was an allergic mess today. Godamn pollen getting in my nostrils and causing massive floods. There's this weird thing about how I breathe. Most of the time, I can never breathe through both of my nostrils at the same time. Usually I can only breathe through one, and the other would just do nothing. Today, one of my nostrils was breathing fine, but the other was always being a leaky faucet. And then after some time, they switch; one becomes fine and the other becomes runny.

        This was happening throughout the whole day. Like, I was hoping it would stop after I went through about 4 tissues, but no, it kept leaking. First period, World History, teacher shows us Disney's "Robin Hood" while my nose was running through the whole movie. The movie was relevant to what we were learning with all the monarchy and stuff. The Magna Carta, you know?

         Second period English, the teacher had us discuss a bunch of bootleg (not in a good way) true/false questions about copyright and fair use while my nose was opening up a water-park. The questions were bootleg 'cause they have such itty-bitty details which would make then either fair use or not. I mean, they mentioned "BlockBuster" rentals and I'm just like "Are these questions written on papyrus?"

        One of the questions were like "Oh, a teacher records a broadcast of Bill Bye the Science Guy and uses the video for their class for 3 years. This is fair use". And you might think it's false since they didn't get permission, but nope, it's true. Why? Not because of permissions, recorded it their-self, etc etc. It's 'cause it's f***ing Bill Bye. That's it. It's 'cause Billy Nyr allows the use of his episodes for education. What, the, f***. You see what I mean by bootleg?

        When Yue asked me on Facenovel about what day the chemistry test was gonna be on, I told her it was Tuesday. Then today I realized "Oh, today's Tuesday. Wow". Good thing I made my cheat-sheet (paper with notes and stuff on it in which our teacher allows us to use on our tests and get extra-credit for. Just a name, not an actual cheat-sheet). The desks were kinda mis-aligned, some missing. I was wondering why and I'm like "Oh yeah, my Geography teacher did this for his tests". So I'm sitting down, and I guess I'm too close to other people and easier to cheat off of, so the teacher was like "Everyone else but these few columns of desks, please go sit at a lab table". I was just like "THANK YOU BASED TEACHER". We were supposed to sit across from people at lab tables and guess what? There was nobody sitting across from Yue who's by herself at the lab table. F*** yeah.

        So I sit across from her at the lab table (the lab table's like, 4 feet across). We begin our tests and my nose just starts watering the lawn. F***ing uncomfortable. After Yue and I (that never gets old) finish our tests, she leaned over and whispered "I'ma need about tree giddy". I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, IM KIDDING! Alright so what she actually said was "What math teacher do you have" and I'm like "Ms.Thorn" (we'll call her Ms.Thorn for privacy purposes). And Yue's like "I have her too. She's tough" and I'm like "Uh yeah, tell me about it heh". And Yue was like "I have a test with her today for Honors Pre-Cal".

        And then I was thinking "Wait, when is the test for my class?" And it turns out to be on Thursday, thank GOD. So Mr.Sales (our chemistry teacher in case you've forgotten) was like "Alright, everyone's finished with their tests, you can all relax, you can all go back to your desks now" and uhhh, I kinda just stayed sitting where I was. I ain't gonna miss out on an opportunity to sit close to Yue. Anyways, class ends, Yue and I walk out of class and Yue was like "I'm so scared for the test, I don't know anything!" And I'm just like "Don't worry, you'll do fine" and then she goes on explaining how she skipped Algebra II so she doesn't know much of the stuff covered in Honors Pre-cal and how she might consider dropping the class due to how difficult it is. And I'm just thinking like "Deja Vu, oh my god, this is like the third time we went over this".

        And so I was like "Well, I hope you do good" and she was like "Thanks" and we a big smile and a small chuckle and I just walk my way and I'm just thinking like "Short, sweet, and to the point. Good one, Drew. Now be ready to continue this conversation tomorrow". Now if only my chemistry teacher would have us do more partner activities, then I'd be mighty productive.

        P.E, substitute, practice routines, eh. I sweatted a lot though, I don't know why, and my nose was oozing lava as well. For lunch today, outside at the main grassfield, there were people setting up for " CLOG Rush", which is basically your normal "Corn join our clubs" thing. You've all seen I before in shows right? Right. My friends I went over to see some of em' and most of then were like, the same as last year's, besides like, the fandom club. My only concern about clubs is how many tines am I gonna be forced to attend the sessions, I mean I joined 1 club last year, which was Digital club, and I basically stopped going 'cause it was seriously too bootleg and bad, Linda like my middle school's Anime club in 8th grade. Bootleg like that.

        I'm kinda thinking about joining the Korean Dance Team. Why? Ehhh, 20% K-Pop, 50% exercise, 30% for the extra credit. Dancing K-Pop dances wouldn't be so bad. It'd be good exercise since the only exercise I really do everyday is P.E class. We get to perform at the Lunar show (an Asian stage event in the theater with like, dances, performances, Asian, etc) so that's kinda cool too. Interact club, or Key club, you've all heard of those clubs right? Well, I'm kinda feeling iffy on whether or jot uwabt to join em', since they require you to go to a lot of places, and usually on the weekends. That's not my style. The clubs are open until Thursday so I have 'till then to decide.

        Oh and uh, nose like sprinklers, Tsunami, gates of hell, garden hose gone wrong, you get the point. Chinese class was eh. So there's this one post on Facenovel, on which I completely agree with, actually, I empathize with. Im in the exact same situation (emphasis on exact).

        The dude posted "I hate how stuffy noses have one nostril as dry as the desert while the other nostril is as wet as the freaking Atlantic Ocean, and you only inhale with one nostril. Omfg." And I'm just like "Oh, my, god, I feel you brother, I feel you. WE MUsT UNITE". His nose problems are the exact same as mine, down to the one nostril at a time thing.

        Oh and I got this bootleg story I got to tell you about today. I had to go pee right, and it was after P.E, so I went to the stalls (there were only 2), and I saw 1 empty. I went in and attempted to lock the door, but I looked an saw how the locks were misaligned, they weren't bolted on incorrectly, so the bar would not slide in at all. So, with NY witty thinking, I took out NY pencil and slid it through the lock-hole. Pretty clever if I do say so myself.

        Yeah, so that was it. I'ma end it here 'cause my ice cream is melting. Yes I'm eating it at 11:43 at night. See you tomorrow.

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