Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014 "Pictures of Cats."

Saturday, September 13, 2014
Week: 4
Songs to Remember: Obsession - Boyfriend

        God, this weekend is going smoothly. I play video games all day. But, I still got a bit of homework left, of which involves me on the internet and you know what happens when I have online homework. I get it done.

        So I thought that I was done with homework, turns out I gotta finish filling out my bio for my Google site for Chinese. The teacher's making us create a website to act as sort of a portfolio of our work. We have to fill out the bio section of it, which includes having to describe ourselves in Chinese, and include 5 pictures of ourselves/ friends/ family.

        My best buddy, who was in Chinese 1 last year, said he put up pictures of cats on his website. What's bootleg is that the teacher told us about it in class on Friday. She was like "You're going to have to include 5 pictures of yourself, your friends, and/ or your family. Last year, one of my students put pictures of cats".

        So yeah, I played Destiny and some League of Legends. Level 16 Warlock and you can't killean the Zilean. Oh, what am I doing with my spare time? I could be researching a cure for cancer, inb4 I read this in the future and there's a cure for cancer.

        Sooo I guess that's it. I expected for me to write very minimal stuff, by t apparently my thoughts on stuff is going pretty smoothly. Uhhh, I'll see you tomorrow then.

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