Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 "Work in Time."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Week: 5
Songs to Remember: Walking - Valentin

        I'm tired. Tired from work, tired from studying, tired because the vocabulary quiz was not today (tomorrow actually), and tired from the b***s*** of how my learning process is hindered because of time. This kid on class was like "Can you please slow down". In reply, the teacher says " If I slow down, you won't have enough time for the test". Apparently you can't learn em' all, simply because of how she wants to cram a lesson and a test on the same day.

        World History was boring, just me on the Chromebook and writing stuff down. My teacher knows that knowbody was near ready for the discussion tomorrow, so she's moving it to Thursday. And apparently I studied last night for nothing, 'cause I thought the vocabulary quiz was today, but is in fact tomorrow. And I got to start working on the setup d plagiarism project online. F***, more work.

        Chemistry, we just finished up calculating the mass for the rest of the sand stuff, then that was it pretty much. For P.E, that one girl who was on most of my teams, she had her team captain pick me to be on their team since we were switching teams today again. Then when we play, I served fairly well for few serves and she's like "See, I told you he was good". And uh, she's a Junior probably and we won by this one girl on our team serving over and over again and the other team couldn't return it. Pretty bootleg.

        My buddy and I decided not to go to the VSA club meeting today, he'll have his friend inform us about anything. I mean, they make you pay for like everything. They make you pay for doing something that's free. And, bribing people with milk teas. I have not had a milk tea in like, years. But that still won't make me participate much in the club, over a milk tea.

        So the teacher was like " The quiz is very short, it will only take you about 20 minutes. And there it is again, she assuming that we are all on the same understanding level as her. She doesn't realize that we have 5 other classes, plus extracurricular activities and thinks that we only focus on math, just 'cause all she does is math. I don't see her having to remember periodic tables.

        She said the test was going to be short, only about 20 minutes (with her level of understanding). She decides to do a lesson today, as well as include the test (I'm sorry, "quiz". It's still the same amount of questions as her tests). The test would take only 20 minutes, and we have a 53-minute period. So that means, only about 30 minutes would we spend on the lesson. We do 2 lessons everyday, as well as classwork, so lessons would be only about 20 minutes each. The quiz is short, lessons should only be 20 minutes, so I don't see why the teacher would rush in explaining the lesson for today.

        A student raises his hand, asking "Can you please slow down". The teacher put down her pen and was said sternly " If I slow down, you won't have enough time for the test". I wish I could ask her to slow down every 5 minutes in a lesson, but I'd probably get a siliar answer. The quiz is short, and I don't really have a well-deceloped understanding off the lesson, but apparently time is more important to her than my education. I guess that's all there is to it- time.

        I didn't finish my test. Didn't have enough time to do the last question. The "quiz" was the sa as a test, and it took a lo longer than a 20 minutes. Saying that a quiz is easy, short, and only takes about 20 minutes doesn't help someone prepare for it. Especially when you're calling a test a "quiz".

        And Chinese class was eh. We stood in circles and rotated around, asking "May I ask of your name?" in Chinese. And she assigned a 200-word summary on a topic related to lesson 2. Pretty easy, but it's work none the less.

        So I got myself a Chemistry worksheet to complete, a 200-word summary, 23 graphing problems (along with the work), along with studying for another math test and vocabulary test tomorrow. Another math test on Thursday, vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Thank the lord for my English to my English teacher having only multiple choice for the vocabulary quiz.

        Oh and uh, KDT first dance practices ce on Thursday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Plas god don't let me have too much homework on Thursday. And uh, yeah. I got a lot of work, not enough time. Anyways, I need sleep. See you tomorrow.

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