Friday, September 26, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014 "Every Little Step."

Thursday, September 25, 2014
Week: 6
Songs to Remember: Every Little Step - Bobby Brown

        I can't believe my freshman buddy from KDT hooked up with this girl who's a junior. Damn dood. It's even "Facenovel official". Keep it going.

        Alright, well World History is so boring, I forget what I actually did today for it. Oh right, we went to the auditorium for Sophomore orientation. Oh, so sophomore actually get an orientation? What for? So apparently every World History class has to go to the theater for orientation for the sophomores.

        They talked about colleges, graduation requirement, counseling, etc, etc. Like, nobody has time to go see their counselor. Heck, I should be doing my homework, buuut it's kinda late, I don't work well when I'm tired (about 60% of the time) and I could always just do it tomorrow when I'm not tired. So yeah, they basically just told us about all this stuff and financial aids and scholarships and I'm like "I'm only 15, I gotta make a decision on what I wanna be in life right now?" Like, no one knows. It's total bs.

        Our English teacher wasn't here today, nor will she tomorrow, and so we had a sub aaand apparently our English teacher (not the sub) thought that all English II classes are to go to the orientation, but it's actually the World History classes solo we got a free period. Oh my god, yes. I usually do my work well when given time at school, since I got nothing' better to do. At home, it's another story.

       Alright, I finally finished that Chemistry homework. It's 1:12 AM right now, gonna be pretty tired tomorrow 'cause I got to dance and all that. And uh, yeah. As I was saying, for Chemistry we just put different types of liquids in a manometer and measured the vapor pressure and stuff. Tomorrow's the last day of Volleyball and after that, we get to switch to a new sport for the next 6 weeks. Thank the lord, get me out of here.

        OK, so I took the test today for Algebra II/  Trig, and, I gotta say it was ehh. It's 60 points in total, with 15 questions so that makes it 4 points each question. I did not get to finish 2 questions, so, the best I could get is a 52/60, which, I'd be totally fine with. But I doubt I'd even get a score close to that. My friend told me how his buddy (whom I know for being pretty smart) passed the class, but with a D, and I was like "Oh my god, now that's scary". Like, if that dude passes but with a D, then for me, it's ehhhhh pretty slim chance.

        And for Chinese, we're recording a skit tomorrow. After school, I had to go take this practic test or whatever in order to get extra-credit. There was a time limit of 30 minutes and to just finish as much as we could. If we didn't know a question, skip it. The test had some gnarly questions though. There was calculus stuff in there. All in all, I think I got at least 30 points. 30 points or more on that practice test and I get 5 extra-credit points toward my test. And you know I gotta do whatever in order to pass this class with an okay grade.

        Anyways, tomorrow I gotta dance for 2 hours after school, work on some unfinished English work, discuss with El about the movie on Saturday, and uh, just whatever. I'm tired now, gonna go to sleep. See you tomorrow.

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