Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 "Freshman Finals Day 2."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Week 42
Songs to Remember: The Chaser - Infinite, I'm Not Kidding - SUHO

        I know I heard someone said something today that just makes me go "What?", but I can't remember what.

        So I was kinda expecting 2 hours of relaxation and 2 hours of pain and suffering, and I was kinda right. My 3rd period is Drawing so there would be a final exam for Drawing right? Nope. My Drawing teacher already gave us our "final exam" which was the spray-paint project thing. I guess it'd make sense that she didn't give it to us on the day of the final exam since it'd take more than a day to complete.

        We watched a movie for the entire 2 hours, it was "The Monuments Men", which was about how these American dudes during World War II try to retrieve back stolen art from the Nazi's. Pretty cool, I was hoping it would be more of like the movie "Inglorious Bastards", but it's based on a true event so eh. I didn't really pay attention to like, 2/3 of the movie. Maybe I'll watch it if I get the time.

        That's basically what we did for 2 hours. It was break time and while I was walking to my locker, I saw El next to me talking to her friend. You see, I don't know if I should say Hi to her while she's talking 'cause I don't want to interrupt her and it'll be awkward, but it's already awkward how she's like 2 feet away from me and I'm not even looking in her general direction and I- stop. Just stop. I'm already sweating enough from this heat, I don't need to make it harder than it really isn't.

        I can't hope for someone to say the first Hi because some people aren't as friendly as others. But I've kinda experienced those awkward moments before where I said Hi and they didn't even see me, or didn't reply. Like, yesterday, I was walking to my lockers, saw Ct since, I don't know, a couple months ago? I said Hi and about 3 seconds pass, she didn't seem to notice or reply, then I walked past her and she was like "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you" in kind way I guess.

        So where was I? Oh right, final exams. My next exam (not an exam, just exercise really) today was physical education, playing ... b... ba... bask... basketball. I didn't know what to expect really. I just kept reminding myself "This is the last day, this is the last day, this is the last day... for now". We were still in our same teams for the first like, 3 or 4 games or so. Each game was like 10 minutes so we basically played basketball for 30 minutes straight.

        Then we took a 5 minute break because why not. Then the teacher asked us if we wanted new teams or not and of course everyone said yes. The teacher still stuck with the "at least one person of the opposite gender for each time" and I was like "F*** man, give me a break".

         It occurred to me that I wasn't going to get on any team that I actually wanted to be on, so the other people from my first team in physical education basketball were like "Wanna be a team? Unless, you're already on one" and I was like "Fine". We played "short" 6 minute games from then on and we played like 2 or 3. Then the teacher was like "Okay, ya'll could play your own games now".

        It basically meant we could just play games like "Knock-Out" or whatever or do whatever we want. The exception was that we couldn't sit down, study, or sign yearbooks. My friends and I and basically everyone else who weren't playing competitively, besides like one dude, decided to play "Knock-Out" which is like this one basketball game where you try to "knock people out". Not literally though, that'd kinda be considered "assault with a deadly weapon".

        The line formed for this one knock-out game was like huge, like 20 people. Very fun, very recreational. I talked and laughed a lot, and at that point I was like "I don't like physical education, I don't like basketball, but I do like this class". I gotta say, lots of friendly faces after today. I think it was because everyone was ready to go home, heh, but I still enjoy those moments, like back in the January or something where we did Badminton.

        I'd like to thank my physical education class for helping me improve my communication. Not communication like "Pass it to me, take the shot". Nope, nope, nothing like that. Communication as in, like, talking. I felt all the talking to people in recreational activities with people who are forced to be on my team, or the other way around, really helped me be more, vocal I guess.

        Oh, I forgot to mention, the middle school I went to, the students graduated today (or promoted, as you like to say Mr.Mulcock. Yes, that's a real surname). A lot of pictures were posted to Facenovel and I was like "Oh my goodness, I'm reacting to middle graduation in third person now". Soon I'll be able to experience being a Sophomore. "Yep, still feeling the same", heh.

        I hope you're having fun. This is the 2nd to last day of school. Yeah, that night's not over. You're not trying hard enough, Drew, because our lives are changing lanes. Reptilia by The Strokes, such a nice song.

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