Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014 "No Caffeine For Me."

Sunday, June 8, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Eternity - VIXX

        I had no sleep last night, NO SLEEP. It was probably my most restless night so far. I even tried to tire myself out and that still didn't work.

        Last night it was hot, but I was comfortable in my bed, yet I still couldn't sleep. I tried reading stuff to make myself bored and sleepy, but no dice. I even searched up "boring story" and it still kept me interested.

        I decided to do sit-ups, so I can tire myself out and get fit at the same time. No abs, and still no sleep. After all that, I looked at the clock and it was 1:00 AM. Lying there on my bed, I took off my earphones (I always listen to music to go to sleep) and decided to just picture darkness, as so I've read on websites on sleep.

        I took another look at the clock and it said 2:00 AM. I was like "F***". I don't really know what happened next, I think I fell asleep for 10 minutes, woke up again, then fell asleep again, then woke up again. I woke up and went to turn off the fan and I looked outside and the sky was kinda dark blu-ish. I was like "Oh no, it's like 5:00 AM and I barely got any sleep.

        I guess I fell asleep, I don't know. I got out of bed at 11:00 PM so I got at least 8 hours of sleep, probably more. I was thinking why I didn't get any sleep and I was like "Yep, that gosh darn Pepsi". I drank a can of Pepsi like an hour before I went to bed. Pepsi has caffeine in it and I didn't think it'd keep me up.

        So yeah, no more Pepsi before bedtime. Oh and that girl I was talking to yesterday, let's just call her Vt, she actually replied today. We talked about our experience in high school/ middle school. She seemed pretty interested and not bored so I think that was good.

        Then there comes the feeling of whether I want to continue or not. She also asked me to promise that I'd show her around the school, and I was just like "F***, this is the first time I promised something to someone in like, I don't know, eternity".

        Anyways, productive day for me for working on my game. It didn't really feel like a Sunday. I actually lose track of what day it is during the summer-time. See you tomorrow if I write something.

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