Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014 "Is It the Middle of Summer Yet."

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: I'm Sorry - Nuest

        So I forgot to uh, write something for yesterday, considering I was tutoring kids for the second time in my life.

        Very interesting yesterday. Very interesting. We started by setting up the tables and whatnot during the beginning of all of it. We kinda did the same thing by tutoring one kid at a time. Uh, everyone's supposed to be at the same table and tutor the same kids as last time, unless you know, stuff happen.

        Last time, I tutored the one girl who basically knew everything in her grade level. This time, I tutored the other girl, who was okay. Her father got her this little notebook filled with nothing but CST (California state testing) worksheets. We went off of that until like, near the end of the first session.

        She then said she was hungry and wanted to get a snack at the vending machine. I was like, sure, and went with her to the vending machine. She asked me if she could whatever, and I was like "DO you have any money?" and she was like "Nope" and I was just like, shoot.

        I then said maybe we can ask my buddy to see if he has any money. We went back and she left with her whatever parent picked her up on the way back since the first session was over. Then it was basically small amounts of tutoring (but good tutoring at the least) since the girl that we were tutoring who stayed for the 2nd session basically knew everything.

        We somehow incorporated playing cards into the whole math thing. We had her multiply numbers on the cards by flipping them over and stuff like that. We then played like, speed and 21 and stuff and other card games. Then 2nd session ended and we were all like, whatever.

        One of my buddies at the table mentioned Terraria, this one game that I used to play back in October of 2013. I was like, oh yeah, Terraria and he was like "You play?" and I was like, yeah, used to. Then all of us at the table exchanged Steam usernames and added each other on Facenovel and soon we'll be playing Terraria.

        Aaaaand yeah. Tomorrow I'm going to my grandmother's house and possibly going to see Transformers: Age of Extinction. We're going to go by bus, so that means more leg and back pain. Woohoo. That also means I'm not going to get any sleep for the next 2 weeks 'cause that's how long I'm gonna stay there.

        Oh, and I almost forgot, today I,,,,,,, did basically nothing really. Sooo see you tomorrow hopefully.

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