Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014 "Tutoring Experience."

Friday, June 20, 2014
Week: Summer
Songs to Remember: Rendez Vous - LA // PLAGE

        Oh my gosh, I wasn't this social since, since, I don't remember actually. I had to get out of the house.

        Well, I keep on having lots of weird and vivid dreams, mostly prominent during this week. I woke up today and I knew I had to do that community service at the library. My dad keeps waking me up every morning. See, this is why I can't get enough sleep. He was up late at night (I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of plastic) cutting up credit cards at the kitchen table with the lights blaring.

        I did my usual routine (I guess it's my usual routine now) of waking up, washing my face, brush my teeth, and open up that computer. I proceed to call my cousin on Skype aaaand, just, start watching YouTube videos and check Facenovel and work on my game and stuff.

        I ate breakfast I guess and when it was like 12:30 PM, I changed and got in the car and vroooom, my mom drove me to the library because I don't have my driver's license yet. The tutoring thing was supposed to start at 1:10 PM. There were lots of people, and I mean a lot of people who volunteered.

        The room where this was all taking place was in the auditorium, and here in this library it's not very big. The person organizing all this was Ivy Pham, who is like, a super-duper student. When I first saw her, she looked like a doctor. It's a good thing. She's going to Harvard university in September so, yeah, she's good.

        I saw some of friends from school there, some who I talk to actually, and some who I just know but never talk to. The event started by setting up the tables and chairs which took like 10 minutes. Then tutors (us high-schoolers/ college students) were assigned a kid to teach. Or 2. There were a lot of kids.

        So I was asked to help this one dude tutor these 2 kids. I've seen the dude before, he was in my physical education period (not class) during the 1st semester. He's going to be a Junior this upcoming school year. It's always weird when you're asked what grade you're in, 'cause it's like, the grade you're currently in, was in, or will be. Very confusing.

        We were to tutor these 2 girls who were soon to be 3rd graders. We... didn't really know what to do at first because I didn't attend the orientation and the dude didn't receive this plan sheet at the orientation. I thought the kids were going to bring in their homework and stuff and we'd help them with it and it didn't occur to me until I was at the place that IT'S SUMMER. THERE'S IS NO HOMEWORK. I face-palmed myself mentally.

        The tutoring thing went by us preparing something to teach the kids, by like printing a worksheet off the website or whatever, coming up with a lesson plan. I was just like "Oh, s***". I didn't say it out loud though, 'cause there were kids. I said it mentally.

        My buddy and I decided to get a textbook that were provided (limited number of textbooks) and we just went from there. He was teaching one girl and I was teaching the other. The girl I was teaching knew, like, EVERYTHING. I flipped through, page for page in the math textbook (which is like, 3rd grade level) and the girl knew like, every single thing in there.

        I was like "Oh, you know this? What's this problem?" And then she'd be like "The answer is blank". And I'm just like okay, she knows like, a lot. After the 1st session was over (1:10 PM to 2:40 PM), one of the girls left, the one whom my buddy taught.

        I was staying for 2 sessions, so I stayed for 2 sessions. There were a less amount of kids than the 1st session, even though kids came in for the 2nd session as well. My buddy and I then were tutoring the same girl, and no matter what problems there were in the book, she'd know them, or at least got an understanding of em'.

        One of my friends and one of my buddy's friends came over to our table, I guess since they have no one else to tutor, helped out with the tutoring I guess. We got a 5th grade level textbook and the girl was having no problem with that either. For example, addition of mixed numbers. That is not something that I learned in 3rd grade, but the girl could do em'.

        My buddy and our friends and I had a fun time talking about I don't know, school stuff I guess. We also made fun of some of the guidelines in the papers that we were given, mostly the part where there's like "10 ways to say Good" with phrases like "Good job!, Now you've got it!, Beautiful!, Outstanding!", and other stuff that no other human being would say.

        The girl was even laughing too and that's like the best part. If she's laughing, we're laughing. She said it was kinda boring and I agreed, no one wants to sit at a math tutoring place for 3 hours, nor would want to tutor for 3 hours. It was like 4:10 PM and it was basically over, everyone left. There was a 3rd session which was added like a few days ago, in which not many people signed up for it due to them not knowing about it.

        The mayor even came in and presented award certificates (and not the s****y template elementary school certificates either) to people who have over 20 hours of community service already done and are here doing community service. Our high school requires everyone to do 20 hours by the end of their senior year, or they're not graduating.

        So everyone left, I left, went back home, streamed a movie with my cousin, watched videos, checked Facenovel, and here I am typing this post. All in all, it was okay. As my friend has once said to me on Facenovel, "Ehhh" is what I felt at the end of today.

        I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Then Sunday, where I am forced to go to Yosemite with my parents on a tour and hopefully I'll get to urinate there. See you tomorrow.


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