Friday, January 13, 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017 "Overruled Change of Plans."

Thursday, January 13, 2017
Week: 23
Songs to Remember: Limitless - NCT, Bebe - Seo In Guk

        We all got jipped here. And people, they got things to do, I don't blame 'em. One that especially got jipped was Chinese club.

        They lost the day-show to the Indian show. Some backstory: apparently they booked their show next Friday, just like Chinese club's Lunar Show day show. Indian show's been run by the school's Indian club. There's not that many people in it, it's kinda weird that they have their own annual performance show despite not having that many, but they've been a club at the school for a while now. Same goes for KASA I guess now since they're gonna be having their own annual performance show soon as well.

        Recently, due to paperwork not being turned in and conflicts and them not participating in CLOG stuff, their club's since been demoted or "unchartered." But I guess their show is still going. You'd think them not being an official club anymore and that Chinese club has booked nearing the end of January for their annual show for years and years and years now, and that Chinese club is much much more larger in terms of members and how things are run, popularity, etc, AND, it would suit well that the Lunar Show be at or near the time of Chinese Lunar New Year's, that Chinese club would win over the booking, but apparently not.

        A lot of gossip and rumors have spread about all this, and A LOT of people are upset, including the director of student activities at the school. So this nice-ass special won't be happening sadly, for some fucking reason. However, the director of student activities is giving us a "noon-time" show during lunch so that we can still promote our show and sell tickets and whatnot. Which is okay, but like, I kinda wanna be fed and uh, I don't think performing with an empty or close-to-empty stomach is all that well.

        Anyways, that there was the recent shit that's been happening. In regards to other people, DrewN's got his ladybuddy's birthday tomorrow, uhhh, Dv from the Discord chat's doing some shit with his other buddies, and, there's an hour lunch tomorrow, which is gonna be fucking nice. You'd think we'd have shorter class times but no, still, still the same. Not much of an "hour" lunch when you decipher that they took our SSR time (which is 15 minutes), added it to our regular 30-minute lunch time, scraped off 5 minutes of break and then scraped 1 minute off of each class period making it 1 whole hour.

        But still nice none-the-less. As for today, Dance was just me studying, all for naught, heh. I got a 60% on my quiz 'cause I fucked up on two easy problems, out of four of course. I was like "High-key, not even low-key, I'm missing a fucking chromosome to get this shit wrong and miss out on some easy freelo." Fuck me. On the brightside, no quiz or test 'till next week. Digital Art, getting shit done, English, I'm in a group of 3 and we're doing a poster or geneology map of King Arthur and shit. Due, sometime, next next week.

        Lunch was eh, Econ was eh, Chinese, on the bright side but doesn't actually matter, I got a 100% on my Chinese vocab quiz. Which again doesn't matter 'cause it barely boosts or degrades my grade for shit. And yeah, that's about it. I received the last of my online orders for a while, until I get more internet monies that is. Yeah, overall not bad. Could've been better. It's 12:10 AM, see ya. Still thinking 'bout my senior quote.

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