Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017 "Saving Energy."

Monday, January 2, 2017
Week: 22
Songs to Remember: 2 Beer - Kisum

        I got my choreo done. By that I mean, the writing, the planning, all of that. What I didn't get done, was me learning and mastering my choreo.

        And it sucks because this is not how I envisioned it. Like, I got about the first 45 seconds of it down. The rest, I just know parts of, and so, if I were to perform them, I would have to look at my notes again and whatnot. I made it all, like, step by step, taking breaks in-between, I didn't do run-throughs right after I made a new step. I merged it with the steps before it, do the counts, see how it fits, and write it down.

        And a majority of the shit I made down at my grandmother's house, I scrapped and re-built. And also, it is tiring, that's, that's the hardest part in my opinion after doing all this. You want to keep going, but testing out each step, doing run-throughs, doing them just so you can remember 'em, even with musical cues, it gets tiring, physically tiring.

        I spent the whole day finishing up the choreo writing, I spent the past 3 hours on just practicing, trying to remember as much as I can before I improvise and fake some moves like I know it when I show the class. That's IF, I gotta show the class. I specifically remember that the teacher said we just gotta be prepared to show her the choreo. And yeah, I can do that, show her which parts, perform it in sections. But a full run-through? Nah.

        I hope that my planning of it all will suffice, especially that I wrote it all down in counts, even the specific ones with "1 and 2 and 3, 4, 5" and so on. During today's early and cold KDT practice at the local library, Jb said she didn't even start her choreo yet and that she'd be doing it today. So I'm like "Aight, there is no possible way she can make 2 minutes or so of choreo, AND remember it, in like, maybe 8 hours." Which did make me feel better about myself knowing I ain't the only one, but uh, yeah.

        If I can just get tomorrow, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I can hold through and remember my choreo to show the class, 'cause apparently that's how people pick which ones they wanna be in. You show it to the class, they write down their top 3 or so, etc, the teacher fills people in.

        Anyways, I feel like my energy is worth a bit more than, half-assing my way in remembering my own choreo, so, I'd rather be awake for the season 22 real premier and being able to wake up at 7:30 AM. And so, it's 11:37 PM, I'm calling it a night, see ya.

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