Week: 25
Songs to Remember: Lean On Me - KASPER
Alright so I did remember what I was gonna talk about in this post (because otherwise it would just be the usual one where I just say I slept good and didn't really do much) and it's about Chinese New Year's.
In the past (like, when I was really, really young), my parents and I would celebrate the Lunar New Year. It would either just be my mom, my dad, and me, other times it would be us and uh, my cousin's family (from my dad's side) since they live, not too too too far away, and, because they're of the Buddhist religion and so, temples are, are required.
But over the years, we just haven't really celebrated it anymore. My dad, he goes to the temple I guess, my mom doesn't since she's Catholic, and for me, I don't really, really participate religiously in anything. Like, I believe, yeah, I just don't do all these things because I don't think they're necessary. But besides religious talk because that's just, a whole post on it's own, ummm, yeah, Lunar New Year's not all that special for me.
For the people at my school, which is about, 50% Asian, 30% hispanic, 10% white, and 10% other, Lunar New Year's should be pretty great for them. As for visiting family members, my family doesn't really do that all that often (family in this context as my mom and dad who are currently living with me). For the most part, it's because of location. My cousins live either, like, an hour or two away, aaand, a majority of my uncles and aunts (like 90%) of 'em, live in the LA region so, yeah, I don't think my dad would be willing to drive 6-hours often.
If you're wondering about red envelopes, food, that shit doesn't happen for me, heh. Food's still just, regular food. Red envelopes, yeah forget it. Oh man, anyways, tomorrow we got some impromptu uh, filming with the cast. It's 11:01 PM, I finished, I finished the mix for the uh, KDT sub-group, as well as the audition mix, aaaaand oh man, see ya.
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