Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 "All Year Long."

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Week: 18
Songs to Remember: Good Thing - NCTXWXESTEEM

        Technically it's not 4 years, but it's close. So, this'll mark the 3rd anniversary, of, this all. All of this.

        The outcome of this ain't gonna be all that great, I mean it's just gonna be one little site with like a shit-ton of posts. All I'm gonna do is just read it a bit when I get bored or something. I don't think I've ever mentioned on this but when sometimes I have difficulties, I usually search up what I'm feeling to see if others feel or have felt the same as what I felt.

        For example, let's say I uh, I got into a fight with my friend. If it was really bad, or I was just really curious on how others handled the situation, or I'm seeking advice on what to do, etc, I'd search up "I got into a fight with my friend" and take it from there. And yeah, over the course of High school so far, I have searched up others' High school experiences, and they were good reads 'cause it made me feel not alone, like, "Hey, somebody out there has been through what you been through, it's all normal."

        And so one of the goals for this whole thing is to contribute. To, to help others who were or are like me, who also do what I do and search up their problems for examples, advice, and maybe stumble upon this thing and they get read my whole experience from start to finish (mostly start to finish), and hopefully they can relate, and, not feel alone. Which is probably the WORST feeling in the world, heh. But yeah, there's a little interesting detail I thought I'd share for this anniversary.

        Back to the episode.  Dance, we got two presentations, one on uhh, I don't remember, and one on lyrical dance, which is literally just, Hip Hop and Jazz and ballet, made to dance according the beat of music and shit. Didn't think that was a thing, I mean, like, there's a name for that kinda thing. The more you know. Math, you guessed it: bulk work. I'm predicting the rest of the week will be, oh, I don't know, more bulk work. Break was break, oh actually, break wasn't just break. A table about 30 feet away from our table, two girls were about to fight. There was a crowd of people, the girls looked like they were talking shit, they stood up, ready to duke it out, aaand they took too long to start it and so a security guard came and broke it up right as the bell rang. Damn, would've been, would've been two in a row.

        Digital Art, I gotta start on making that stupid fruit face design soon. Maybe Monday or something. I can probably whip it up in two days max, so, yeah, Monday and Tuesday. But for now, it's just for finishing work for math or Chinese, or which I feel is kinda disrespectful to the teacher since this is his class and I'm just using it to finish work in other classes, but hey, he allows it, so it's whatever. English, we did some reading, a vocab quiz in which I'm sure I got 100% on, thank you short-term memory skills. I was also a bit drowzy due to the Tylenol I take in the morning to compensate for this cold. Not really sure if it WORKS works, but it's a nice placebo nonetheless. And on the bottle it does say, relief for common cold and shit, so.

        Alright so apparently it doesn't really help, but it's a nice placebo, while it lasted, heh. Uhhh, during lunch was nothing special. Gov, we got started on two groups who presented their bills. One was on organ donation, like, you're opted in unless you sign a waver to opt-out, so like it's a reverse thing. And uhh, the other was "abolishing cyberbullying." You could already tell they got destroyed and bombarded with questions.

        Finally, Chinese, we just got the period to work on shit. Not bad, not bad. Uhhh, and yeah, it's going, it's going bulky so far. Maplestory, it's, it's falling off a bit. Like, on one character I don't do enough damage and so I get bored. On my other, my Xenon, he attacks too fast and so I get booted out because the system thinks I'm hacking.

        Anyways, tomorrow I gotta wake up early to stand in the cold with KDT. Umm, Friday there's KDT practice, aaand, next week, hopefully on the 17th, there's gonna be the KDT Christmas party. I'm hoping it'll be the 17th 'cause I'll be leaving the day right after that. For LA. And uh, yeah. There' might be an arc coming up, maybe, who knows, we'll see, just wanted to put that out there. For now, it's 11:38 PM, see ya.

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