Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016 "12 Days of Choreo."

Sunday, December 18, 2016
Week: 19
Songs to Remember: U - KNK

        As a kid, bus rides, car rides, or just rides in general, seem pretty long. As an 18-year old though, they just seem long-ish.

        7:00 AM I woke up to a bus ride from my location to LA. Went by smoothly (for the most part) for most of the time I spent it sleeping. During the times where I was awake and couldn't sleep because I had already slept so much, I watched "Step Up 3D" on my phone, except I didn't check the audio the night before and found that even with the volume turned to max, the sound of the bus driving cancelled out a lot of it. Finally arrived at the usual supermarket where my uncle usually picks my mom and I up. Shopped for groceries, shopped for dinner, and then we arrived at my grandmother's house.

        Yep, still the same as I remember it, except this time my cousin's living here (in the meantime) in the room we usually stay in. I think I got a good schedule going on. I do my usual 500 points a day for surveys, then the rest of the day goes toward mix making or choreo making. Actually seems pretty good.

        And I really do have to practice (thank the lord for the spacious living room here and carpetting) because I don't think I can learn and memorize a 150-second choreo to perform on Tuesday when I go back to school. And uh, yeah. It's 8:17 PM, pretty much tired for the night. Gonna plan out my mix for tomorrow, catch up on some videos, and then hit the hay. See ya.

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