Week: 19
Songs to Remember: Bermuda Triangle - ZICO
Apparently two missing assignments in Digital Art can bring you down 29 fucking percent. I've turned them both in by the way, but I guess not.
I went from a 99% to an 80% because the teacher put in two 0's for me, one for the fruit face project I turned into (which I did get done within the allotted time), aaand, that one base drawing I had to make for my Keith Haring project, of which I was certain I turned in because it ended up in my folder, but uh, guess not, so that means I gotta go in early tomorrow to turn it in, or risk ending up with a fucking B for this class even though I very well deserve my freelo A.
Also I didn't study, at all, for the final there. I'm thinking I got a 99% anyways, and it doesn't, really matter. After that all, I went to the cast table and nobody was there, so, I'm guessing everybody was just doing there own thing for today, especially after I walked to the L-building and saw that Jk was getting some intel so, I just left him be. Since I was there, I decided to go round the back of the building and whadya know, that's, that's where Atr was. She was busy talking to her buddies and so, I just went back to the cast table.
Finding out that there was still nobody there, I went back to the L-building, where Atr was, said my greeting, felt that it was, kinda iffy rounding back there again, so, just laid it off, waited for the bell to ring, and then headed to English. I didn't study, at all, for English. I figured that we'd have our notes to use so, no need to rely on memorization. I was right, heh. The test however, was 95 questions, a bit were true/false, a bit were matching, a bit were fill-in-the-blank. Fortunately we got to use our stack of notes so that part was kinda just a given. There was also a "mini" essay, umm, spent about 20 minutes on that, aaand, fortunately I was in Honors English because this was kinda like the prompts we'd get in that class, except easier and more freelo.
And that was it. It was raining a smidgen of the day, and uh, as I went my route to get some daily intel, Atr left with her buddies. Not gonna rocket-jump to conclusions, not gonna jump, I've hopefully learned my lesson. So after school my dad drove me to the DMV to get my ID and him a senior citizen card. To make a long and stressful story short, he missed the turn for the DMV about, a few times. Then when we finally got in, I kinda knew we were at the wrong one, I just had a feeling. I'm like "I don't remember the DMV we scheduled at was on blank street." We filled out our respective forms, as we're walking to get into the appointment line, I look at the appointment sheet I printed out a week earlier and yep, it said a different location.
Luckily we were able to get there in time as we only had 7 minutes from our 1:30 PM appointment. Doesn't really make sense to me how there are two DMV's within 7 minutes of each other, but whatever. I went in to check-in as my dad tries to find parking and I'm just like "Oh fuck, this place looks very different from the other DMV. Way more hostile." And ghetto. The ceiling was really low, and there was a brick back-wall when you went in. It looked like fucking, Kerning City from Maplestory, that was what the back-wall reminded me of. So I got in line, my dad finally comes in, we get to the front, the receptionist required that we had to have a bill and like, medical care proof, car registration,and shit (apparently they added more required documents since July of this year. Nice fucking timing). Luckily my dad had some in his car, he got those to prove my residence with a chain of documents (he's my dad, here's my birth certificate confirming he's my dad, here's his driver's license, the bill belongs to my dad, here's the residence that it states on it, my dad lives there, and so it's inferred that I live there as well).
We got in, we got numbers to wait for, and I guess my dad thinks that appointments at the DMV are supposed to work on the spot so, by the time we finished all the shit with the receptionist, it was 1:46 PM. We're sitting there, waiting, and my dad's thinking "We have an appointment, why are we waiting?" And so he's like "Let me go ask this guy here" and I'm like "Dad, what are you doing." He goes to talk to this one person who seems to be working at one of the service windows (like window 19, window 10, etc). In short terms, that dude was an ass. Yeah my dad's questions were kinda nonsensical, like, "It's 1:46 PM right now, but my appointment is 1:30 PM, I'm just wondering why we're still waiting?" Like, what?
So the dude responds with smart-ass comments and shit like "Beats me, man, I'm wondering too. You're just gonna have to wait it out I guess." And he said it all with a sarcastic-ass voice. Sure, you work at the fucking DMV, but that's my dad you're talking to, and it ain't fucking fair that you get to express the joy of working at the DMV by talking to him like that when he's old, stressed out and can die any second from the his already-high blood pressure level, and doesn't even know what sarcasm is, let alone pronounce "sarcasm." Hearing him talk to my dad like that made me just wanna fucking shove some rounds of lead in his face, that's how pissed off I was. Nobody talks to my dad like that.
Well, our numbers were finally called, my dad rushes over to the window receptionist, but then my number gets called and so I rush over there as for them to not call another person. My dad thinks we only have one number, so he's calling me over to the window with him, when I'm already at my own window. I'm there, trying to explain to the DMV person "So my dad has my bills and shit, lemme go get 'em, sorry about that." Fucking pissed me off that he wasn't thinking clearly, making this all the more complicated. When finally gets to me I tell him "We have two numbers, they called me for my window, you go to yours, now please give me my registration papers."
The window-workers come on over, I gotta explain shit, my dad's gotta explain shit, they gotta explain shit, the other window-person already entered in my shit, so I gotta go on over there and my dad stays at this window. I'm just like "FUCKING GOD." I'm trying to remain calm 'cause shit always goes better for everybody when you're not acting like you're gonna turn this to Columbine, even though I was contemplating it (joke). Finally get shit done, already making a scene at the DMV just running around and shit, although I didn't care for shit since I won't be seeing these fuckers ever again, I go to take my picture for my ID, my dad takes his picture, we go home.
Tomorrow, not gonna be much going on since for Gov, I think senioritis has already has taken over a long time ago, and uh, yeah I'ma just stick with my B+. And then for Chinese, not sure what I'ma do since the teacher won't allow us to use our cell phones, and it'll be for the whole 2 hours, and uh, yeah, maybe I can... not... not sure what I'ma do actually, but I do know that I'll be smoking some weed with a couple of the Discord buddies tomorrow night, as well as cut some paper aaand paint. And then off to the KDT Christmas party on Saturday. Alrighty, it's 10:43 PM, still not getting enough sleep, see ya.
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