Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 "Shapes."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Week: 45
Songs to Remember: Mercy - Muse

        I think my dream job is graphic designing. Also, the Terraria 1.3 trailer was released today. I didn't expect it to change the game THAT much. Like, damn.

        One of the things I look for in games is customization, the ability to make something my own. If a game has that, 10/10. Well, at least 6/10. I like to make things different, like, not sure how to explain it. For example, in YuGiOh, I like using anti-meta decks, deck-types that many people aren't using. Same goes for music and bands (most of the time). I'm kinda into songs that aren't mainstream.

        The first time I did graphic design was probably YouTube backgrounds. Or, maybe Pokemon sprite recoloring or something. I made A LOT of YouTube backgrounds, going through all the different YouTube channel looks over the years. I then did other stuff, but, mostly YouTube backgrounds. I had a cracked version of Photoshop from my cousin, and, had a lot of fun with that.

        And now I'm doing like, avatars and Twitch stream overlays. I think I like graphic design so much is because I'm allowed to do whatever I want. Like, someone could request a, uh, waterfall background. I could do any kind of waterfall I want, any type, there's so many options. Also, pictures. Photography's pretty cool too. I also like simplistic designs, like triangles, and, the colors fuchsia pink and cotton candy blue.

        I also realized it was Tuesday. Huh. Also I'm getting kinda bored with Terraria. FOR NOW. Until 1.3 comes out, I'll be making Twitch backgrounds, designing a new Terraria village in T-Edit, aaand do this. And, watch more Medabots, And, random YouTube videos and whatnot.

        I'm probably gonna do my summer assignments at the last minute. And I still have yet to clean out my binders. So, see you tomorrow.

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