Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015 "What're Ya Buying?"

Saturday,June 20, 2015
Week; 44
Songs to Remember: Her - Block B

        So many games, so many copies of games, I can see why people's wallets disappear into oblivion when it's the summer Steam sale.

        Not much fancy stuff going today, just, playing video games. I started off with $40 ($20 of my own money, and one of my $20 Steam Wallet cards which I got for free). I now have $1.59 left on my Steam account. Yeah, I never, ever expected to spend that much, even with the Steam card I received for free.

        I bought 2 copies of Terraria for the low-low price of $2.49 (what a steal), 3 copies of BattleBlock Theater (2 copies for $3.74 each, 1 copy for $1.49), Garry's Mod ($7.49, but I'm refunding it to re-buy it at $4.99), 4 copies of Castle-Crashers ($7.49 in total), and finally CS:GO ($7.49) for a total of $38.41. Not bad considering that a retail game on console costs about $50 on average.

        I did however made some mistakes. I bought BattleBlock Theater too early, so instead of grabbing 'em each for $1.49 (what a f***ing steal), I was only able to get one for that price. I bought Garry's Mod a bit early. The flash sale ended for it, so it just went on regular sale of 50% off, which, for a game like Garry's Mod, it's still a steal for the amount of content. I never heard of the "Encore Sale" at the end of Steam sales, so, unless it was at a godly discount, I should've just waited.

        It was my first Steam sale, I had fun, Steam sales are fun, but definitely not fun for my wallet, even though I actually spent $20 out of my real wallet. I still got $1.59 left, I'm deciding whether to just get one more copy of BattleBlock Theater (seriously, $1.49 for that game is such an insane low-price for the amount of content and fun in that game. Also I'm sucker for TheBehemoth), or get my old favorite platformer, VVVVVV, boasting graphics that I love, as well as the soundtrack, for just $1.24.

        I'm definitely looking forward to the Steam Christmas sale, that's gonna be a lot of fun, these games I bought this week are gonna bring me lots of wasted time (which I will enjoy), for a while. All in all, I'm satisfied. Would kinda want Shovel Knight though, but sssss, 15% off ain't that great. Anyways, I'll get back to Terraria, surveys, mindlessly watching YouTube videos, shows, movies, Skype calling, and sleep. See you tomorrow.


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