Saturday, June 27, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015 "Less Bored, More Marriages."

Friday, June 26, 2015
Week: 45
Songs to Remember: 1-4-3 - Henry

        Looks like it's another Friday, another 4 hours of tutoring. The day was pretty good. Pretty good. Always unexpected fun times.

        Helped my buddy Ek tutor a girl, she was more interested in drawing than actually doing math, so that was fun. My 9th grade tutee from last time didn't show so, that's aight. We instead (we being me, Ek, and Dv) tutor Dv's cousin, for, about the first session. It was then break time, but it kinda lingered on for a while, and so we just decided to have the 2nd session be break time instead.

        So yeah, it was fun. Umm, next weekend I'll be going to LA to my grandmother's house for a week, and uh, that'll be a blast. I'm actually starting to feel less, I don't know, lazy. Or, unexcited. Oh wait- bored. That's the word. I'm starting to feel less bored, probably because I did different s*** today and that should bring me out of this lazy, bored spell.

        But anyways, yeah, fun day. Played some Terraria, some Battle Party with my buddies, and a little League. Also, I'll be getting my keys and cases on CS:GO in a few days, so that'll be fun. Also, Terraria 1.3 is coming in a few days as well. Not sure which one to be more excited for. Probably Terraria.

        And so, I'll see you tomorrow. EDIT: Ah s***, that's what I wanted to talk about. Even though I shouldn't really put an edit 5 minutes after I posted this, I'll do it anyways.

        Today marked gay marriage as legal, here in America. There was a lot of celebration, specifically social networking sites like Facebook with all the rainbow profile pictures. I just wanna say that history was made today, and that it's pretty cool living in the time for it. One day youngsters will ask me what it was like when they legalized gay marriage in all states. I'd be like "Well, as much as I can remember, there were a lot of rainbow profile pictures on Facebook". Then they'd be like "What's Facebook?".

        Anyways, kids in the future are gonna have to remember today's date for a history test. "When was gay marriage legalized in the U.S?" "June 26, 2015". Oh and uh, legalize crystal f***ing gay marriage. See you tomorrow.

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