Wednesday, January 7, 2014
Week: 21
Songs to Remember: Human Sadness - Julian Casablancas + The Voidz
The one thing you don't want to hear after watching a movie for 3 school days in a row is "Okay, your topic for the essay is..." Like, come on, I just watched a movie. It's a movie.
Sooo maybe we'll be doing just worksheets this whole week for World History? Maybe some notes? A video? That would be fine with me, as long as I could keep my writing from freezing in the morning. Also, people are switching in and out of classes like daisies. They're popping up like daisies. This one girl, whom I know but have never spoken a word with, switched into my World History class starting today. Her boyfriend is the guy who posted that picture of his Hatsune Miku pillow.
As of this time in the school year, we haven't switched seats at all in English class. I just realized this. Ehhh, sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes bad. Depends really who I'm sitting next. If I like where is sit, then for the love of based god don't change my seat. But do this being like an advanced English class, there isn't really much room for sociality here. I never look behind in class (because why) and so I don't know like, 1/3 of the class. Well, maybe like 1/4, but still, I usually know everybody (or at least close to almost everybody in my classes). 1/4 does not cut it. Also, I just finished writint an essay on How to Train Your Dragon, detailing about the characters' use of problem solving and teamwork. And I found out that it's also a book. Well that explains a lot of things.
We did our first lab of the year for 2015 today, we basically constructed 3d structures from drawings of our Lewis Dot Structures for compounds. It's just colored balls and sticks really. Of course, it was boring without having Yue next to me at the lab tablr anymore. But good news: Yue was texting to today (towards the end of classes) about how she's going to try to switch back to 3rd period because of how she hates her classes right now. She's waiting for people to switch out from Government classes in 2nd period so she can squeeze in and have chemistry for 3rd period again. I never thought of that. Also she's a senior so basically anything goes for her schedule.
Another bootleg thing happened today in chemistry. During the homework stamping that the teacher always does the day homework is due, this dude in class had his earphones out. I don't remember specifically but the teacher asked if the dude wanted his earphones cut (in a joking way of course) and he was like "Yeah" and so the teacher cut the one he was holding. He was like "You didn't think I was really gonna do it did ya. I guess you like hearing in mono, he he". Seriously, this is what makes my chemistry class. That Yue. But seriously, what other class has a teacher that when asked, cuts a student's earphone? Boot- leg.
We sat in P.E again, today was mostly just a day for people to buy clothes. It was a long period, mostly because of how the teachers didn't really need to explain much today. All throughout the period though, the teachers kept on reminding us to put our electronics away and that for the past two minutes, they already confiscated 6 phones. I was like "Ayy, get rekt m8's, nooblords, nooblords". Seriously, you're sitting with like hundreds of other people and you can't keep a phone hidden? If you're trying to be secretive at least do it right. Also, P.E this week really, and I mean really helped me out on finishing Chinese homework which I was too tired to do at home. After this week though, I won't get that free time ever again probably sooo might as well take advantage of it.
So today in math, the teacher asked us if we liked the way the teaching's going so far with the new books and stuff. People replied "No, not really", including me. Yesterday, probably everyone was like, completely lost on the lesson. The book doesn't explain s*** on how to do it and the teacher didn't really go through the lesson at all. Today she said "Honestly, I HATE the way the teaching's going right now. But, it's a new semester and we have these new books so for a month, we'll try it and if it doesn't work, I'll go back to the usual way". Today she actually went over the lesson, still a bit dodgy on stuff, but at least she's going through the book and explaining s*** that needs to be explained. Oh, and the group's going fine by the way. The table group I'm in.
Ummm, I'm still waiting for this lesson in Chinese to be over already. Partly due to where I sit. Okay, mostly due to where I sit. I don't know, I just don't like where I'm sitting for once. The study routines that we do each day are fine, just, my group's got nothing to talk about. Anyways, the teacher assigned us a research summary to do on a location that our families came from. It was assigned today and due today as well (Online summary). So, 2 essays that I had to basically get done today. Why does it have to be today based god? These few days I actually got sleep, now, it's 1:16 AM.
At home, I did work and my buddies and I talked a bit about the Winter Ball coming up. I looked at the date and thought it was this Friday. Nope, apparently I only read Friday, the 13th, and thought "S*** that's next week" when it's actually next month, heh. My buddues said they'd go if I go. One of them kept on asking if my best buddy was gonna ask his crush or not. He's like "Meh", so it's a possibility, most likely though if I ask Yn to the Winter Ball (it's just a dance by the way, it takes place in Winter, and, yeah). They asked if I liked her or not and I replied "I don't know, I'm just keeping my options open for right now. I really just wanna go for the experience". 'Cause ya know, I never been to a dance before.
Well, I guess I might be going, maybe, or not. There's still prom though, Yn and Yue are juniors and seniors so, they could go if they wanted. Again, I'm keeping my options open, going for a new route this time, and that's all of em'. Also I updated the titlecard for this blog, so instead of having a badly scaled calligraphy font (I blame Blogger, should'a used WordPress), it's now titles for my (soon to be 4) series. Also the description is bit more summed up as well. And uh, yeah. I think that's it for today somehow I wrote surprisingly well today, if I do say so myself. See you tomorrow.
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