Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2014 "Are You Serious."

Monday, January 5, 2015
Week: 21
Songs to Remember: Rain (Show Opening Remix) - Mika

        What's a better way to start off the beginning of the 2nd semester from Christmas break with none other than talking about how we'll be taking an extremely hard test, the semester will be even harder than before, and acting like there's new things?

        When my buddy said that today was the worst Monday of the year, I agreed. My World History teacher started us off with a review worksheet, as expected. WW1 along with the treaty of Versailles, good thing I took an interest in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and re-watched the BBC recreation videos of it online during the last few days of break. Anyways, alright worksheet, but I forgot about how of the stuff on it.

        English. Was. Horrible. In the sense that it was a horrible way to start the semester. "Hey, you all are gonna take a couple difficult tests this semester that instead of the usual testing, is gonna be on problem-solving skills, ayy lmao. You think first semester was hard? Get ready to get f***ed by the new tests 'cause you'll be the first to take em'". I'm just like "Did you seriously just talk for 30 minutes about how we're gonna get f***ed by new test. Foreshadowing the carnage is not a way to start off the semester".

        Well, after that, we watched a DreamWorks movie for the rest of class time. Right when I walked through the door, I looked around for a bit, see that we still have the same desks, and proceed to sit down, making sure it's my seat. I see that the projector's turned on and I'm like "F*** yeah, a movie". But also s****y news. And we have to take notes on the movie. It started off with the DreamWorks intro thing and everyone was like "Is this Shrek?" And I was like "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" and the teacher's like "This is not Shrek!"

        Turned out to be How to Train Your Dragon. Ehh, I've only seen clips of it, never the actual movie. I was never really interested in the movie so I never had to urge to see it. First impressions for the first 20 minutes (somewhat spoiler), I love the character Fishlegs. He was talking about some stuff when the instructor was telling about the different types of dragons. At first I was like "What" and I was like "Is he naming the stats? Oh my god, he's nami- alright, straight up bootleg, plus four bootleg". F***ing awesome.

        But what's even more bootleg is this app that my English teacher's having us use (also website). It's called GrammarCrush and it's like a new quiz site thing kinda like Study Island *shudders*. But what's different is that each question uses the name of a celebrity, picked by your interests. Let's sat you choose Taylor Swift as an interest, then questions on assignments would be like "He dropped Taylor Swift's car keys after running" like that. At first I thought it was pretty cool, I was like "Hey, Mila Kunis is in this question, ayy lmao". But when it did it for like every question, I was like "Okay, it got old after the first one". A Dev of the app actually contacted my teacher about it and asked her to have us test it out. So far, not bad. But incredibly annoying.

        For chemistry, I expected new seats today, but nope, that's tomorrow. And of course, as it was foretold, Yue is no longer in my class, she moved to 2nd period due to schedule constraints. I never really see her around at all either. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. A bit too fun. God, that was an amazing first month. Anyways, we took notes, were shown a couple demonstrations about molecular and ionic compounds and given a worksheet for work, which I finished in class. Yeah, chemistry's kinda dying off now as one of my fun classes. Eh, I asked Yn about her Christmas break today.

        Oh boy, P.E. I'm expecting a whole week of sitting in the gym for 50 minutes each day. Today they just took role and explained about the new lockers, etc, new cinch bags ordered to hold our clothes as we carry them to, from, and around school each and everyday. Oh, and as a joke, the teacher presented the cinch bag upside-down so instead of it reading *insert letter here*SH, it read as SH*insert letter here*. The letter of course being my school name, but I don't wanna give it out yet. Everyone was like "Ayy, lmao". The teacher dude was like "We ordered them as this *turns right-side-up* but we received as this *turns up-side-down*, ah well". And well, we sat there for 50 minutes, hell yeah, talking about video games, grades, Chinese, classes, and colleges.

        Oh, and my best buddy didn't transfer. Ayyyyyy. He said that he got an inter-district transfer, but has to re-new every 4 months. A bit of a hassle, but hey, he gets to stay. Aaand I thought this semester would be different. Well it might be, with the new way things are set up in math. As I walked through the door, the teacher had us seat according to the order we entered the classroom in. But instead of single seats, it was in groups, and I was like "Aww no, please don't let me sit with all guys". Luckily I got an empty group, then came a dude and 2 girls, one being the girl who used to sit in front of me and another being Ao. You know, the one who un-friended me on Facebook. Our group's like, right in front and to the right a bit. The group in the back of us is where Zi is sitting in and I'm just like "Why are you doing this fate? Why?"

        We then received new "textbooks", but are apparently temporary as the publisher needs back after month. The actual new textbook is about the size of a binder, the thickness of about an inch. Compared to the original textbook I always carry, it's biggerz but thinner. I don't know if I like that. Probably not. Anyways, she changed it up a bit and instead of handing out notes and doing the lesson on the projector, we're doing this in our "groups" and we're supposed to "talk" to eachother. It was like silent the whole period. We worked from the paper textbook on patterns and stuff with functions and delta. Today's lesson was pretty easy actually, I was kinda expting a long work time at home, but it turned out to be pretty quick.

        Chinese, I still hate my seat. The teacher started off by telling us her Christmas break and had us share some of ours as well. Now that's how you start things off. We then did some flashcards, hand gestures, and reading from the textbook after uh, the teacher talked about how there was a tragic suicide from a student at our school right before finals. And in like "Yep, that's what finals does to ya". She also said that first semester finalsn were used to be after Christmas break abd everyone was all like "Wait what, how would we remember all that after break".

        Anyways, I didn't expect much today and that's what I got. Nothing much. Nice. I forgot that I had to get to school early today because of schedule pick-ups, but then I remembered "Oh wait, we get extra time". So, it was all good. My schedule pick-up room was the same as last semester's. Went in, checked out a pile, find mine's right away. Walked around for about 15 minutes, I was like "Aww f***, I should'a came later". And uhhh, it's 12:18 now after about an hour of writing, I hope you're happy. See you tomorrow.

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