Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015 "New Year Right Now for the Feeling."

Thursday, January 1, 2015
Week: 20
Songs to Remember: Money - Mystery Skulls

        Writing Thursday with the first day of the year seems really weird. Anyways, I'm writing this now so I can remember this feeling (and by that I mean the Facebook posts).

        I like how some people have fireworks that are so loud. the car alarms go off. Now that's awesome. Right when it hit 12:00, a s*** ton of Facebook posts appear on my feed. One person in particular posted "Happy New Years! Brace yourselves for the first spamfest of the year...". Also thanks for the contribution.

        Others posted some bootleg New Year's jokes like "I haven't showered since last year". I'm still waiting for the "Rip 2014-2014" posts, like the ones back in, uh, 2013? I think? Also people scream loud enough that I can hear them from the second floor of this house. Also there were a lot of tire screeches, probably a lot of uh, drunk driving.

        So, it's now 12:14 PM and the screams and stuff died down. Uhhh, I'll just continue playing RotMG for about another hour. My family didn't really celebrate New Year's this year. It's, more of a meh, holiday. Also because it's in the middle of the week and people still have *whispers* work. So be sure to party like it's 2014 (or 2015), which would consist of selfies. I celebrated this New Year's with my buddy on Skype. All he did was say "Happy New Year's" in different languages and quote imaqtpie's "Welcome to the big d*** club" quote.

        See you tomorrow. Damn it, I should have said "See you next year" in my last post". Damn, s***'s got my heated.

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