Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016 "What to Expect."

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Week: 30
Songs to Remember: Drip Drop - Taemin

        Almost forgot about making a post for today. Anyways, here's how the upcoming months are gonna play out. End of this month's gonna be the VSA show, so as long as I get in, I can look forward to that being another one of the highlights for my KDT experience this year. April is gonna be a couple finals for my AP classes, as well as CST testing (not sure why we still have to take it). April's also for preparing for AP exams, so there's that.

        May is just gonna be all-out, just, go for the gold, risk it for the biscuit, or die trying. Literally. AP tests, and the SAT. Also, prom. It's looking to be a 65% chance probability, now that my buddy Ec's convinced again of going, since our buddy Dv's going as well. Planning for prom, umm, that'll come later. Just gotta get through the threshold first.

        And yeah, June's not really a month because school ends June 1st, heh. My buddy Ec's school ends a bit earlier than that, so he can like, come visit us at school or some shit. But during that time, it's just, smooth fucking sailing. I would've taken my AP Psychology final already, and my AP Biology final too. The rest would be pretty easy, besides English of course. And math. But you get what I mean.

        I honestly don't know what to expect. There's gonna be specials upon specials coming soon, as well as the first movie premier for any of the series so far. It'll definitely be something else. And uh, just to note, it's 11:32 PM right now, I finished my work in class and/or there's no assigned work and/or there was a test or quiz that I took today so no work on the day of a test/quiz. Other than that, I took the time to relax, played Card Wars all day, and discussed with my buddies on Discord.

        Currently it's just the 4 of us guys right now for prom: me, Ec, Dv, and Mc. Others are to be announced. Am I scared for the upcoming seasons? Yeah. Am I also excited? Yeah. Alright, time to get some sleep. Oh and I almost forgot to summarize the day (because nothing really interesting happened that deserved a more thorough written description). Psychology was just a test, English was the teacher reading to us and discussing about this story by Flannery O'Connor, to be honest, these stories so far are pretty interesting, more entertaining than say, The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail or Beloved, so because of that I don't fall asleep as easily now, heh.

        Bio was just an optional practice worksheet, so, essentially time for me to study for math. Math was a quiz, which was more like a test really since many people said that they did not get to finish (same goes for me). US History was more research for the debate on Tuesday (in which my group is going first). And finally Chinese, where we work on the Chromebooks, doing our Blendspace and bootleg Travel plan. Tomorrow is KDT practice, then go home to finish work, and then, finally some League most likely. Sounds good, see ya.

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