Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016 "Spirits."

Friday, March 25, 2016
Week: 32
Songs to Remember: Fly - GOT7

        I honestly do not remember how I felt in the past when I was at the 2 Trojan Olympics rallies in my freshman and sophomore year (also I don't wanna search through 750+ posts). I don't think I was really that spirited during those times compared to, well, today. Probably because I was hyped up from performing with KDT as a group, and so, their spirited natures rubbed off on me, I don't know.

        But it was different, I can say that for sure. Anyways, the whole day felt pretty, long? Short? I'm not used to sitting in the gym with my fellow KDT members, participating in cheers, having to smile for 2 minutes straight, get nervous for a rally, excited for a rally, and of course perform in front of half the school, twice, in the most hyped rally of the school year.

        So let's break the whole day down. First, Psychology, where we got Chromebooks to work on our peer presentations on a Psychological disorder. Boom, done. English, we go over the first couple pages of "The Great Gatsby," the cover, some background info, etc. Nothing special. Break, this is where it gets juicy. I'm hanging out at the old spot with DrewN, Vb, Bh, all those guys. I notice it's 1-minute 'till break's over, I head on over to the green, which was like, right there. Bell rings, I see about half of KDT there.

        They're like "Damn, I like that class color accessory" and all that, heh. I had no pink clothing or accessory whatsoever in my house. Basically. It wasn't 'till like 12 at night or something, I was snooping around to find something pink, I notice a pink fabric strip on one of my mom's doll toy, collectible, antique, thing? It did not fit my wrist, that's how small it was. So, I used tape, and wore that thing for the whole day. It was pretty noticeable to be honest, heh. Believe it or not, I wasn't the only one who couldn't find an article of pink clothing.

        We all head inside the theater, sat down on the bleaches, the middle of where all the seniors and freshmen sit. It was essentially a rectangle divided in half. The top left half of the rectangle was where the sophomores sit, the top right was the juniors, bottom left the freshmen, and bottom right the seniors. This was during 3rd period, aka, preparation for the hellstorm, because shit was fucking crazy. The activity director's microphone was so fucking loud, we barely heard each other in our group.

        We sat there, talk a bit about which direction we're facing, formations, when to go on, etc, etc. It was literally just one runthrough. Aka, they do a mock run of the whole thing. So, we only got to practice, once. It wasn't that great to be honest, due to us having to adjust to the size of the gym, how we're all a little bit more spaced out than when we practiced, etc. And soon enough, it was 4th period, the double 4th period, and it was the start of the real rally.

        They had a bootleg video of last year's rally, played limbo, the bootleg human version of the hungry hungry hippos game, class cheers/ hype buildup, and the bootleg tortilla throwing. I think I talked about this before, but apparently each class in school received a pack of tortillas (because they're able to be written on and are fairly cheap). Each student is supposed to write their name on their tortilla, then during the rally, there were 4 trashcans. You throw your tortilla from where you sat, and if it makes it into one of the bins, you win a $25 gift-card.

        Apparently it's a waste of food, considering it's 3000 tortillas. People have proposed paper airplanes, but like, know one if going to fold 3000 fucking paper airplanes, heh. Also, more food goes to waste in restaurants, than fucking, kids throwing 3000 fucking tortillas, okay, heh. Also apparently they calculated the chances of getting a tortilla in, because out of 1500 students, only around 2 or 3 got in, per rally. Also, people at the bottom of the bleaches get pelted with tortillas from people at the top due to weak throws, heh. But yeah, seeing 1500 tortillas flying through the air, I never thought I'd see it happen in my life. Never wanted to either, but uh, got to see it twice, heh.

        I was trying to focus on the games, trying not direct my attention to them as to not get nervous. Because, like I've said before, if I get either too nervous or too hyped, my mind blanks out. I just simply forget all the moves and have to rely on muscle memory. Luckily that did not happen. Our performance was after the hungry hippos game, and uh, people were getting pretty nervous when it came on. I was like "Okay Drew, just say 'Fuck me' over and over again to relieve that nervousness, you've practiced at home multiple times, your muscle memory's got this."

        And for the first rally, it did. We lined up in reverse order in the far corners, so when we moved in, it looked, clean. And uh, next thing I knew, I had to smile for 2 minutes, doing Kara's "Mamma Mia," 4Minute's "Hate," and Beyonce's "Formation." Mamma Mia was the one I was worried about since it involved a lot of transitions/ rotations. Crazy, I nailed that shit, and Formation, I knew the moves well, except due to having to get accustomed to the spacing of the gym, not even sure if I was in the right place. But either ways, you seriously cannot tell, like, unless you knew the pattern, like a diagram, you wouldn't even notice.

        And so, first rally was over. I didn't die, didn't mess up, I did feel like I could've gone all out a bit more, but considering it's my first rally performance (well first for everybody, literally, since it's KDT's first rally performance in the history of KDT), I'll let it slide. Everyone else exited back to class, we sat and waited for the next rally, which took about 5 minutes. Same shit happened except different people playing the games, and second round of tortillas flying. And what a funny coincidence, I wasn't even trying to look for Yn while in my seat, and I somehow got to see her walk in and sit down.

         I messaged her "Hey, I see you," but she didn't respond 'till after the rally. She then messaged me "oh I didn't see you lol, But I saw you during the dance thing XD. Is that what you said would happen on Friday??" I couldn't believe she remembered about that shit. But also, what an amazing coincidental mention for my cover-up, heh. "Umm yeah xD." Could've have saved it any better..

        Anyways, second round of dancing, was pretty good. I did however spin the wrong way for Mamma Mia, when I was strictly reminding myself "Okay Drew, spin clockwise for first Mamma Mia spin, then clockwise again, then clockwise for Formation." Now that I think about it, it was the exact same direction, but whatever, I was under pressure, heh. I was reassured that nobody even noticed, like maybe people who were watching me for the whole thing, or, whatever, maybe. But since they were focused on me, they didn't focus on anybody else so- you know what, nobody noticed I messed up unless I acted like it, which I didn't so it was good.

        Like I was saying, I was reassured that nobody knew I messed up. They saw me, but about 99.9% of people did not pay enough attention to know that it was a mess up. Plus, others had worse. One person had to jump over another person's leg to get to her spot, another forgot that we were doing Crazy so she sat down immediately for Formation. But again, it's so small that nobody will notice, did notice, or will remember. That only applies to the rally though, with show performances, it's more organized, so uh, yeah, maybe they'll notice.

        Anyways, that rant on noticing mistakes went on for way too long. Too wrap this post up, we finished the dance, took pictures with MASTI afterwards, headed to lunch 'cause we were all hot and hungry. Ek recorded me, like, damn. Jk apparently was like "AY DAS MY HOMMIE DREW RIGHT THERE" and uh, apparently my math teacher said that she wished I was her son, that I danced so well. I was like "Oh, my. God. Never in my life would I have thought I'd hear that." But yeah, US History was just Chromebooks to research and do a bootleg mini comic book on events from the 1960's.

        And, Chinese class was more bonding time. And people saying they saw me dance, heh. It's weird, okay. And after school was practice for some songs I'm not in, formations for BTS' "Dope" and 4Minute's "Hate." The VSA show is next week, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow, shopping for clothes tomorrow for the VSA performance, my buddy Ec's on spring break and probably coming to my house on Sunday, and uh, yeah. Still got some work to do, but, ya'll know I wait to do it. So, I spent a total of about 2 hours on this post. Actually an hour thirty. It's 11:42 PM right now, thankfully it is the weekend. Alrighty, what a day, what a day. Oh yeah, the Trojan Olympics was tonight, umm, not sure who won. Umm, I didn't have a ticket so I didn't go. Tickets were apparently sold out, but those who still had 'em sold them for like, $30 each instead of the regular $10.

        Pre-ordering tickets, before the day of the event, would've been like $5. I did not know they were in such high demand, but only after the rally hype. Otherwise, I would've scalped the shit out of 'em, heh. I mean, you could potentially pay for your prom ticket through this, come on. Anyways, enough talking, that'll be it for today. See ya.

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