Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014 "Current Weekend News."

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: I'm Not Kidding - SUHO

        My Geometry teacher always keeps track of how many school days are left by writing the number in the top left corner of the board. I haven't payed attention to it in while until he mentioned how there's only 9 school-days left. Wow.

        So weekends are pretty boring. Maybe I'll go to the movies to see the remake of "Godzilla" or something, while other people post pictures of themselves hanging out with friends dressed in nice clothes at playgrounds as scenery.

        Oh, and it's a three day weekend! Yay, or nay? And not "or nahh" because it's mainstream. It's nice that's it's a three-day weekend, but I'd like to experience one more normal school week, because this next school week is only 4 days, and the week after that is final exams week.

        I also got a haircut today. Haircuts for me date way back, and I was really picky about my hair. I wanted it to be long, but my parents never really let me. I think it was because of all the anime influences where I wanted my hair to be long.

        My hair now is like, I don't know. It's like short on the sides and semi-long in the front and short in the back. I think it's called a faux-hawk or something like that. Oh, and I'm really really self-conscious about my hairstyle. I'm not kidding. I don't know why, I think it's because of my perception of what other people would think of how I look. I don't know.

        In other news, did you hear about that one dude who went on a rampage at a sorority place 'cause he couldn't get laid? Yeah, pretty cray-cray. The dude posted a video on YouTube talking about why he was going to do it, telling how girls rejected him and all that. I've been rejected a bunch of times and you don't see my shooting anybody. His laugh was also pretty creepy, and not in good way. Anyways, he's dead now and you could look up the video online.

        It's late, so see you tomorrow. By the way, if you get rejected, please don't make a YouTube video with creepy laughter and shoot people afterwards, it's not good.

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