Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014 "May 22, 2014 Part 2 and May 23."

Friday, May 23, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: What You Need - Priors

        So here I am talking about what happened yesterday and then today. This is going to be a long one.

       To continue off of what I was talking about yesterday, uuhhh, after I was finished guarding at the art show, then it was 4th period physical education, also known as 50 minutes of beat-down. I am sure that basketball is now my least favorite sport of all time. My team has yet to win ONE game, ONE, out of what? 9 games we've played so far?

        Also, there was this one dude, I've talked about him before, who was in a bad mood today (he's like always in a bad mood). In the locker room, when us students were waiting for the teacher to let us exit the locker room, the dude (we'll just call him Rc)'s friend was jokingly poking him and then Rc just went berserk and pinned the dude to the lockers, also causing injury to me but nobody cares.

        I don't see why this dude is always in such a shitty mood. His life is literally perfect, there could be nothing wrong with it, not ONE flaw I can find. He's tall, athletic, every girl wants him, and he's Korean. What could he be pissed off about?

        Anyways, back to basketball. Our team first played against this one other team, who we should have beaten, but of course we still lost which is crazy. I mean, one of their players did like nothing, she barely touched the ball once. So even in 3v2, we still lost. Then the next game we played was against Rc's team with like one other athletic dude and a girl who's decent. They didn't even try and we still lost. I decided to give up and just give the team the ball, and they're like "Come on, Drew, don't give up"

        I'm thinking that they just wanted a challenge rather than just a forfeit. I mean, it's not fun when you can't even get a hold of the ball. They are also much taller than my team (inlcuding me). They caught every ball that my team threw. And that was how my 50 minutes of getting beat-down went.

        So it was lunch time and then 5th period, Geometry. In Geometry class, we usually have a routine we do everyday, involving doing a "warm-up" question, then going over the homework, and then doing the lesson/ doing a worksheet.

        So we started off by doing the warm-up question and then after that we were going over the homework. It usually consists of him asking us questions from the homework and how we solved them. Since nobody was raising their hand, he got out those note-cards with everyone's name on each one and randomly picked one.

        Then he picked this one girl, who's like a senior or whatever, I don't know. The homework and all that were really, really, and I mean, extremely easy, but apparently it isn't for some people because she answered to the teacher "I don't know, Mr.Blank" The teacher asked her again and she's like "I don't know". Well apparently the teacher god pissed off at the girl not knowing how to do the lesson, or the fact that the class was laughing a bit at how she doesn't know how to do it, I don't know.

        Then we spent the whole class period finishing the worksheet from yesterday, in which several people were already finished. I was already finished so I sat and did like nothing or whatever. Then just did some work-sheets in Geography as review for the final exams next, next week.

        Okay, now onto today. 1st period ... was okay. Our team had to go to a field trip again for the E-tech academy so we had a sub. We were assigned pages to read in the book but none of us read and just went around the classroom talking.

        2nd period, Biology, there were more bad presentations. I just couldn't care to write down the notes anymore due to them not giving the class enough time to write the immense amount of fill-in-the-blanks the put in the notes-sheet.

        For Drawing class, I started drawing the stencil for my pesticides topic final project thing. I planning to draw a monarch butterfly, but the wing designs are actually skull and crossbones, referencing how pesticides poison the environment. Pretty clever in my opinion.

        And then there's physical education again. Auuugghh. Well, at least we'll have a chance at winning one game today. Just kidding. The first game we played today was fun though. The other team was very joyful about it and everything. THEY know how to enjoy a game of basketball. The next game was uhh ... a bit different.

        Well, we were up against another over-powered team. It consisted of these 2 dudes who were like major league gaming dudes and there was this girl who was decent as well. I don't even know why my team even tried. If we forfeit, the other team would be like "Come on guys, at least try", or the teacher would come over and be like "Play or get an F, what's your decision?"

        We got beat (no doubt about it). There was this one part during the game where this one dude trying to make a shot, and me being shorter than, was trying to block his shot by jumping up with my arms stretched out in the air. Well he made the shot either ways and was like "Did you see his hands flailing in the air?!" And then him and his teammate/ girlfriend laughed about it.

        You know it's not always "We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you" nor is it always "We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you". It was more of like a "We're not laughing with you, we're laughing with each-other ... at you". And if I were to make a comment on anything, I'd just get pushed aside due to my height, un-athletic abilities, or whatever. I think this is bullying.

        After that event, it was Geometry class and we had a test today on rotations, symmetry, and translations. Also known as "turn your paper 90 degrees counter-clockwise". Pretty easy, the teacher gave us the whole period to finish it. It took my like 15 minutes tops, so pretty easy.

        Then came my favorite class right now, besides English, Geography. Mostly for the class and the teacher, not the work. Definitely not the work. So our cross-word puzzles were due today, the ones that he assigned on Monday where we had to create our own cross-word puzzle using 30 (or 43 for extra credit) of the vocabulary words in the puzzle.

        I was too busy playing "7 Days to Die" last night at like 9:00 PM, so I had to finish creating the clues for the puzzle, up until about 12:30 AM. Yes, I was tired, but it's final exams season so who cares. I was partnered with that girl who sits in front of me, the one who barely says anything, when we did a random person's crossword puzzle in class a few months ago I think.

        Yes, she is pretty for your information. So we started doing the cross-word puzzle like last time. I could barely hear her. Barely. Then she got more comfortable talking I guess and she spoke a bit louder. Just a bit. Then the cross-word puzzle got confusing and all, like, the person whomade the cross-word puzzle messed up and put the wrong number of boxes or used the same words twice or whatever.

        She spoke a bit louder soon enough, about talking volume, barely. She got comfortable interacting with me on solving the cross-word puzzle 'cause I was jokingly freaking out over how confusing the cross-word puzzle is with all the mistakes and stuff. We joked around a bit trying to solve the puzzle and it was, pretty fun. Definitely made my day. Now I kinda don't want the school-year to end because of how I probably won't be in a class with people like this anymore.

        We watched a 15 minute video for the rest of the class period on tiger-poaching. Yeah, I don't know either. Anyways, that was a long post. Well, I'm off to play "7 Days to Die". See you tomorrow.


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