Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014 "Catching Up On An Update."

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: Sometimes - Crush

        3 weeks left of school, awesome, but at the same time, kinda not awesome. It's that "I don't want school to be over" feeling I guess.

        So yesterday, I went to the dentist. My mom just had to schedule it on a Friday. The dentist dude took x-rays of my teeth and all the usual stuff. He checked to see if my wisdom teeth had grown yet, and they weren't. He did the usual teeth cleaning and then I went in back to the lobby to wait for the dentist dude to work on my mom's teeth.

        It took like 30 minutes I guess, I'm not sure. I kept on falling asleep a bunch of times sitting in the chair (quite comfy actually) with my arms crossed listening to music. Very soothing actually. I guess the receptionist caught me sleeping or snoring or whatever, 'cause when my mom I and were about to leave, she was like "Boy, you were sleeping".

        After that, my mom drove me to Target to get a new mouse for my PC because the one I was using, the wire on the inside wasn't connecting properly, I had to continuously jumble it, pulling it and stuff to get it to work. Eventually it didn't work anymore, no matter how hard I jumbled the wire so yeah. I also needed a mouse to work on this game I'm making in "Unity", a program used to create games.

        It's turned into a hobby I guess, me modeling things in 3D on Unity everyday. I also recreated a house in it. Maybe I could major in architecture in college? Ahahahahaaa, who am I kidding?

        And did I mention that I went to talk to the teacher who was the head of the Digital Business Academy, or DBA for short. You know? That academy that sent me that letter in the mail telling me "You've been accepted, blah blah blah" in which I can't believe they accepted me, but they really just accept anyone who applies. I talked to the teacher asking her if she received my e-mail about leaving the academy. She's like "Yeaaaaahh, you're the one who asked about leaving the academy..."

        She was like "Mkay, I'll be sure to take you out of the academy" and I was just like "Yeessssss". I said thanks and left. Finally, I won't have to waste 3 years of a class slot on something colleges probably won't look at. It'd just be like cycling through mail for them, "Bill, bill, bill, Attended 3 years of Digital Business Academy, bill, bill..."

        Uuuuuhhh, yeah I got a lot of work due the next few weeks. Like, a lot of work. Dozens of tests. I'm not even exaggerating. Okay maybe a little bit, but still. Projects, tests, tests, projects, lots of em'. That's what finals is all about. On the last week of school, all the teachers are required to give out a big test because why the f*** not. For English, I got to write an essay. Not bad. For Biology, I got a 100 question test. I almost didn't finish last time. My teacher let us use our notes for the test, but only handwritten ones, so I basically gotta write pages of vocabulary science words again, like last semester.

        Drawing class, we gotta do a project where we spray paint a sorta symbolic picture about an environmental hazard, with my topic being pesticides. Physical education, I've no idea. Probably something tiring. Geometry, we got a test which covers everything we've learned so far, and I'm just like "Whaaaat? You know how many formulas that is?" And finally Geography, which also has a test that covers everything. But before the finals, I still got a whole bunch of small projects and stuff to do.

        Like the presentation for Biology, which is on the 22nd. Or drawings due for Drawing class on Friday, the 23rd. Or the test on East and South-eastern Asia, which is gonna be on this Friday or whatever. Also, my Geography teacher's gonna input the grades for my presentation since everyone's done theirs now, so that means my grades gonna go up from a C (for so long) to a B. Goodbye, C, hello solid B!

        I think that's all I need to update now, rather than the fact I'm gonna lose a couple friends at the end of the year (probably more than a couple), of which some I've already lost, but whatever I guess. I got work to do tomorrow so see you tomorrow.

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