Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014 "Plans For This Year."

Saturday, May 31, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Last Romeo - Infinite

        Oh, I guess it's Saturday. The amount of volunteering that people do at my school is insane. And what the hell is a "color-run"?

        I guess this is the last weekend before the last week of school. Monday is gonna be a regular day, also known as "study as much as you can" day before final exams the next 3 days after. Then it's summer and then, bleh.

        I already have plans on what I want to do for the summer, it being doing community service for a couple hours for a couple days each week, since my school requires us to do community service hours to graduate. The middle schools do too. I don't think I've ever told you about community service.

        So apparently in my school district, students in middle school have to like, do 8 hours of community service in order to graduate (or "promote" as teachers call it), and students in high school have to do 20 hours in order to graduate.

        I don't see why they make us do this, it's pretty irrelevant to school or whatever. Aren'tprisoners assigned community service? I guess it's just an excuse to keep students off the streets of whatever. Which is why I'm going to be joining "Interact club" and "Key club" next year. Mostly just so that I have something to do.

        I'm also going to want to get a job when I turn 16 (this year for December). I'm thinking of working at like, Target or some store like that. Or at the mall, because on weekdays, there's not much people there, just kids who cut class. And there's air-conditioning, don't forget the air-conditioning.

        And, as a hobby, I'm working on a making a game, which is using up a lot of my time. I'm hoping to finish it before July, 'cause that's when the movie "The Purge: Anarchy" releases. It's the only movie I'm looking forward to watching this year.

        I think those are my plans for this year. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014 "Freshman Yearbook."

Friday, May 30, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Only Gained Weight - 4Minute

        This one girl in my English class came to school wearing her pajamas. Nobody seemed to care. This is what the world has come to, wearing your pajamas to school and nobody to judge you.

        So I forgot to write my summary and so I didn't have time to write anything for yesterday. I blame the end of the school year. Anyways, we watched the rest of the movie for "The Old Man and the Sea". There were so many sharks in the movie I almost mistook it for "Sharknado". No, I have yet to watch it.

        And if there wasn't enough tests in 2 weeks, my Biology teacher had us do another one. He had us read an article about wolves and trophic cascades and showed us the visual representation video for the article. Then we were to write an essay on the biome described in the article and how the biotic and abiotic factors are releated. In English, we had to write an essay on wolves and lakes.

        So I turned in my summary to my Drawing teacher and she was like whatever. I continued cutting out the stencil for the spray paint project thing that's been going on for like, 2 weeks. It's the final project and my teacher's gonna count it as the final exam, so on final exams day for periods 3 and 4 (June 4), we're just gonna watch a movie. Thank the lord, someone has sympathy for us poor souls.

        Oh, and since my Drawing teacher is in charge of the yearbook class, I got my yearbook early. Ah yes, the yearbook. My yearbook pictures are so bad, you have no idea. From bad haircuts to bad pictures, they're pretty bad. I'm not even kidding. Other people are like "Oh em gee, no makeup! I look so UGLYY!" Yeah, right. Probably my 8th grade and this year's picture are the worst.

        Basketball, today, test, okay. We had a quiz on the rules of basketball and all that. Short quiz,only like 15 questions, way too easy. If only I could play basketball as well as I do on the tests. Yesterday, the teacher asked us each individually if we wanted to be play competitive or non-competitive for today. I think I would be a good fit for compe- nope. Hell no. I chose non-competitive.

        The teams were remade by the teacher and my new consisted of a girl from my old team and this girl who is pretty above average in basketball. We won a game for once, it was 3 to 2, but today's like the last day so, ehh.

        I got so much work done today, you have no idea. I had 70 minutes in Geometry class to finish up the rest of the Geometry review questions, then I started finishing the 75 questions for Geography. Probably the most productive thing I've done all year.

        I was expecting my teacher to continue telling his story about his experience in Australia, but I guess he forgot or whatever so instead he just had us work on uncompleted work and stuff for the entire period.

        In other news, after El had said hi to me during the art show last week, I felt that she knew my existence enough for me to say hi whenever I see her. I say hi only if I feel like it.

        Oh, and I also saw something funny on YouTube. I was atmy suscriptions page, you know, the one where it says "What to Watch" as if it were telling me how to live me life? Well there's a portion where it says "Channel you might like" and guess what channel it was suggesting to me? The NBA channel- for the National Basketball Association. It was like a middle-finger to my face. Seriously YouTube?

        I've been looking through the yearbook to see what some of my friends' pictures look like. Yep, still better than mine. The best part in my opinion, are the Senior quotes. Those are comedy gold. Oh, boy. I'll let you know what I find.

        Okay, forget the Senior quotes for a bit and listen to this. Other than noticing how large this yearbook is (it's like 4 times as thick as my middle school yearbook, and larger than my binder), I found this page called "Words I Never Said" which is probably referencing common phrases that seniors at this school never said when (or while) they were here at the high school.

        There's this one phrase and it goes "Wow that BC test was easy!" Get it? Get it? Because biochemistry tests are so hard that no one has ever said at the school "Wow that BC was easy!" Get it? Come on, that was a good one. Oh my god, I found another one, "Superior Brazzers Squad". What the f***? This is too good.

        There weren't as many quotes as I was expecting, about 1/3 of the people didn't submit one and were blank. There was this one quote which I was not expecting "Computer? Check. Video games? Check. Ramen? Check. Bring it on, college. NOTHING BEATS TF2 AND RAMEN." Was not expecting all that in a quote.

        Also, I see so many people (other than this yearbook) quoting that "Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday's history, today is gift, that's why we call it the present." quote. Why do people quote that so much?

        Heh, someone quoted Wreck-it-Ralph. Oh my god, someone quoted Shadow the Hedgehog. What? WHAT?! I think I've found my favorite, "Goodbye everyone! I'll remember you all in therapy!" from Plankton from Spongebob. Very nice.

        This post would be really long if I continued listing all my favorite quotes so I'll just end it here. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014 "Forgot About My Summary."

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Counter Identity - Unison Square Garden

        Oh shyt, oh shyt, oh shyt, my summary for Drawing class was due today. I didn't see anybody turn it in though, so it's probably gonna be due tomorrow. F***. I'll be back after I'm done typing it up.

        Okay, I just finished it. And it's kinda my bed time so see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 "Distracting Work."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Pop Danthology 2013 - Daniel Kim

        I've got questions to answer for Geometry and Geography. I say that I'm gonna do my homework, yet I don't. Oh, when will it end?

        I guess we watched more of the movie for the book we're reading "The Old Man and the Sea"in which an old man talks to himself while fishing. We watched about 30 minutes of the film? Right after we did a short quiz on the pages we were supposed to read last night, emphasis on "supposed".

        Oh, presentations. Or public speaking in general. I thought my group was going to be last, last group to present. Nope, apparently we volunteered to be first for today sooo yeah. I did not remember my lines for our script, nor did we really assign any lines, we just did whatever. It started out fine, this dude in my group did most of the leading.

        I only said about 5 sentences. I told about the weight, size, and lifespan of dugongs and described their features. It lasted about 15 seconds. I messed up on the numbers due to me thinking too much. I already learned how I need to be relaxed, and not shaky like was in my Geography presentation. Oh, and our presentation had like 3 video clips in it. Along with the jeopardy activity at the end, in which barely anyone participated, the total time was like 30 minutes. As my friend said, it didn't go as "smoothly" as we planned it.

        Aaaand I'm still working on my stencil for Drawing. And I started cutting out my stencil today. And I just remembered I have to do a summary on pesticides. F***.

        Thank the sun god that today is Wednesday. Because of that, we only had to play one game of basketball instead of our usual 2. There was one team in which our team has yet to play, and I wanted to play them for a long time, and today we did. Mostly because their skill level is just about our skill level. And playing against them is fun, which it was. We still lost.

        I thought I was going to steam-roll right through the questions in the textbook for Geometry. I was so ready to just plop down on my desk, pull out my paper, pencil, textbook, and just start working through the problems. Nope. Gosh darn graphing questions. Gosh darn, do you know how many times I had to erase because I didn't draw the first figure correctly? Do you know how many? A lot!

        I probably won't finish it all by tomorrow, therefore I won't be able to get the 40 points extra credit. Though it doesn't really matter, I don't think it'd change my grade at all if I don't. I have an A+ in Geometry right now, with 3 missing assignments. Again, I'd like to say, 2EZ4ME.

        Whenever my Geography teacher asks up to pull out all the work we've done so far for the unit, he probably will put on a video while we can work on the assignments. And it was. Awesome. We get to work on our assignments, like the 75 question final exam study guide. But, the video is SO distracting. I think that's his plan. You cannot resist looking up at the video.

        So what was I gonna discuss after talking about my day? Oh right, nah I don't remember. You see, this always happens. I get my ideas during the school-day, but I don't remember when I get home. Oh well. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 "Bootleg Biology Video."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Can You Let Me Know - Lupe Fiasco

        Remember how I counted the amount times I said Hi to a girl in a day? Definitely helped me a lot. Good times, good times ...

        What did we do in English class? Oh right, we watched another movie. Well, about 15 minutes of it. I read on some teacher review website (don't ask why) about what they thought of my English teacher. One person wrote how they watched more movies in this class than they have in their life. I got to agree with that.

        Biology class, the most bootleg class today. The first group that presented today had this video that they made which was beyond bootleg. Their presentation was on the animal orders "Perissodactly" and "Artiodactyl", which basically mean hooved animals like giraffes, horses, zebras, etc.

        They decided to record a skit of them performing scenes from "Romeo and Juliet" except instead of humans, they assumed the roles of hooved animals like goats and horses. They called it "Goateo and Neighlet". Whenever this one girl stared into the camera- it got me every time.

        The video's up on YouTube if you wanna watch it. Not trying to make fun of anyone in the video, just saying that I thought it was pretty funny, in a good way.

        So I'm still drawing a butterfly with skulls and crossbones stencil for Drawing class. Then I got to write and print a summary about pesticides that's due on Friday. Seriously, how do teachers expect to grade all this when they're giving us all this work?

        Oh god, not basketball again. Please, no, anything but basketball. Basketball is the bane of my athletic existence. But then again, I'm not very athletic, unless I feel like it. Umm, our team actually won toda- just kidding. We lost, again.

        The first match today was fine, we were up against some nice people who actually know how to play for fun. I mean, this is high school physical education basketball here. We lost, but we lost with fun. The second game, not so fun.

        We were up against the #1 team I think. Or the #2 team out of everyone else, I'm not sure. They only had 2 people, but it didn't really matter (it was a dude and a girl by the way). It didn't matter really, I mean the dude could have been blind-folded and use only one arm and he still could beat us.

        What I didn't like was how they had fun destroying us. They knew they had no problem beating us, but they still, I can't believe I'm saying this- "try-harded". There, I said it. I'm not one to hate on try-harding (too much), but come on. This is high school physical education basketball against my team who, including me, don't know what we're doing.

        The dude mocked me and my team by doing things such as saying "Oh, I didn't expect that" or "I didn't see that coming" after I passed the ball passed him with his arms raised in the air like he was trying to block the ball. But it's okay, whenever we got the ball to check it after the other team scored, the girl said "It's their ball" and the dude's like "It's been their ball". I couldn't agree more.

        My geometry teacher gave us a list of pages to do in the book so we could review for the final exam. He's giving us this whole week to finish em'. Not hard though, this stuff's pretty easy.

        Oh boy, 6th period. I love it really. I love it for the class, not much for the subject. We played jeopardy today to review for the final exam. It was the girls against the boys. The subjects were on like Europe, Africa, Middle East, East Asia, Latin America, etc.

        That one girl who sits in front of me actually raised her hands for some of the questions. I was like "Wow, why don't you pick her so I can hear her voice again?" Seriously, I like hearing people talk. The girls obviously won because they're too OP in Geography. The prize was a note card, in which you could write as much as you can fit on there and you could use it for the final exam.

        DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I NEED THAT? I could write in like 0.01 font and fit half the Geography textbook onto that thing. Oh well, I didn't need it anyways despite writing in all-caps saying how much I needed it.

        Oh and my group is presenting tomorrow for Biology. And Ez's shipmate/crush/bf/whatever he is now, got an award for "Outstanding Freshman". Wh-. Wha-. What-. Wha. I never even knew they gave out awards like that. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014 "The 2nd to Last Week."

Monday, May 26, 2014
Week 41
Songs to Remember: Animal - Miike Snow

        What? Did I just do homework on a weekend (technically it's still a weekend since there's no school)? Is this a fake day?

        No, it's not a fake day. Yes, I did just finish a bunch of questions for Geography class. The majority of the work I have to do is for Geography class. It's the most homework I've ever had in a class. I'll soon break that record when I get to college.

        This is going to be my last (normal) week of school, of my freshman year. I don't know what I wanna do for this week. I know I'm going to have to study because final exams are next week. I just remembered- during the beginning of this semester (the 2nd), I wanted to make a goal of saying "See you tomorrow" to my Geography teacher everyday. I kinda forgot about it.

        Oh, and my friend, my best friend actually, is going to come back next year! Yaaaay I guess. He's still going to move, but he's still going to be coming back to this school for next year so, yeah. I was ready to make the change of starting over, like, entirely for next year, but I guess not entirely any more.

        I also had a really amazing dream last night, having to do with Terraria, The Binding of Isaac, and Avicii, Akon, and other artists. Very cool dream. I haven't been having many dreams lately, besides last night.

        I don't know really much else to say, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014 "Late."

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: Ooh Ooh - Eric Nam

        It's late, my mum's getting mad, so I gotta go. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014 "Current Weekend News."

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: I'm Not Kidding - SUHO

        My Geometry teacher always keeps track of how many school days are left by writing the number in the top left corner of the board. I haven't payed attention to it in while until he mentioned how there's only 9 school-days left. Wow.

        So weekends are pretty boring. Maybe I'll go to the movies to see the remake of "Godzilla" or something, while other people post pictures of themselves hanging out with friends dressed in nice clothes at playgrounds as scenery.

        Oh, and it's a three day weekend! Yay, or nay? And not "or nahh" because it's mainstream. It's nice that's it's a three-day weekend, but I'd like to experience one more normal school week, because this next school week is only 4 days, and the week after that is final exams week.

        I also got a haircut today. Haircuts for me date way back, and I was really picky about my hair. I wanted it to be long, but my parents never really let me. I think it was because of all the anime influences where I wanted my hair to be long.

        My hair now is like, I don't know. It's like short on the sides and semi-long in the front and short in the back. I think it's called a faux-hawk or something like that. Oh, and I'm really really self-conscious about my hairstyle. I'm not kidding. I don't know why, I think it's because of my perception of what other people would think of how I look. I don't know.

        In other news, did you hear about that one dude who went on a rampage at a sorority place 'cause he couldn't get laid? Yeah, pretty cray-cray. The dude posted a video on YouTube talking about why he was going to do it, telling how girls rejected him and all that. I've been rejected a bunch of times and you don't see my shooting anybody. His laugh was also pretty creepy, and not in good way. Anyways, he's dead now and you could look up the video online.

        It's late, so see you tomorrow. By the way, if you get rejected, please don't make a YouTube video with creepy laughter and shoot people afterwards, it's not good.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014 "May 22, 2014 Part 2 and May 23."

Friday, May 23, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: What You Need - Priors

        So here I am talking about what happened yesterday and then today. This is going to be a long one.

       To continue off of what I was talking about yesterday, uuhhh, after I was finished guarding at the art show, then it was 4th period physical education, also known as 50 minutes of beat-down. I am sure that basketball is now my least favorite sport of all time. My team has yet to win ONE game, ONE, out of what? 9 games we've played so far?

        Also, there was this one dude, I've talked about him before, who was in a bad mood today (he's like always in a bad mood). In the locker room, when us students were waiting for the teacher to let us exit the locker room, the dude (we'll just call him Rc)'s friend was jokingly poking him and then Rc just went berserk and pinned the dude to the lockers, also causing injury to me but nobody cares.

        I don't see why this dude is always in such a shitty mood. His life is literally perfect, there could be nothing wrong with it, not ONE flaw I can find. He's tall, athletic, every girl wants him, and he's Korean. What could he be pissed off about?

        Anyways, back to basketball. Our team first played against this one other team, who we should have beaten, but of course we still lost which is crazy. I mean, one of their players did like nothing, she barely touched the ball once. So even in 3v2, we still lost. Then the next game we played was against Rc's team with like one other athletic dude and a girl who's decent. They didn't even try and we still lost. I decided to give up and just give the team the ball, and they're like "Come on, Drew, don't give up"

        I'm thinking that they just wanted a challenge rather than just a forfeit. I mean, it's not fun when you can't even get a hold of the ball. They are also much taller than my team (inlcuding me). They caught every ball that my team threw. And that was how my 50 minutes of getting beat-down went.

        So it was lunch time and then 5th period, Geometry. In Geometry class, we usually have a routine we do everyday, involving doing a "warm-up" question, then going over the homework, and then doing the lesson/ doing a worksheet.

        So we started off by doing the warm-up question and then after that we were going over the homework. It usually consists of him asking us questions from the homework and how we solved them. Since nobody was raising their hand, he got out those note-cards with everyone's name on each one and randomly picked one.

        Then he picked this one girl, who's like a senior or whatever, I don't know. The homework and all that were really, really, and I mean, extremely easy, but apparently it isn't for some people because she answered to the teacher "I don't know, Mr.Blank" The teacher asked her again and she's like "I don't know". Well apparently the teacher god pissed off at the girl not knowing how to do the lesson, or the fact that the class was laughing a bit at how she doesn't know how to do it, I don't know.

        Then we spent the whole class period finishing the worksheet from yesterday, in which several people were already finished. I was already finished so I sat and did like nothing or whatever. Then just did some work-sheets in Geography as review for the final exams next, next week.

        Okay, now onto today. 1st period ... was okay. Our team had to go to a field trip again for the E-tech academy so we had a sub. We were assigned pages to read in the book but none of us read and just went around the classroom talking.

        2nd period, Biology, there were more bad presentations. I just couldn't care to write down the notes anymore due to them not giving the class enough time to write the immense amount of fill-in-the-blanks the put in the notes-sheet.

        For Drawing class, I started drawing the stencil for my pesticides topic final project thing. I planning to draw a monarch butterfly, but the wing designs are actually skull and crossbones, referencing how pesticides poison the environment. Pretty clever in my opinion.

        And then there's physical education again. Auuugghh. Well, at least we'll have a chance at winning one game today. Just kidding. The first game we played today was fun though. The other team was very joyful about it and everything. THEY know how to enjoy a game of basketball. The next game was uhh ... a bit different.

        Well, we were up against another over-powered team. It consisted of these 2 dudes who were like major league gaming dudes and there was this girl who was decent as well. I don't even know why my team even tried. If we forfeit, the other team would be like "Come on guys, at least try", or the teacher would come over and be like "Play or get an F, what's your decision?"

        We got beat (no doubt about it). There was this one part during the game where this one dude trying to make a shot, and me being shorter than, was trying to block his shot by jumping up with my arms stretched out in the air. Well he made the shot either ways and was like "Did you see his hands flailing in the air?!" And then him and his teammate/ girlfriend laughed about it.

        You know it's not always "We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you" nor is it always "We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you". It was more of like a "We're not laughing with you, we're laughing with each-other ... at you". And if I were to make a comment on anything, I'd just get pushed aside due to my height, un-athletic abilities, or whatever. I think this is bullying.

        After that event, it was Geometry class and we had a test today on rotations, symmetry, and translations. Also known as "turn your paper 90 degrees counter-clockwise". Pretty easy, the teacher gave us the whole period to finish it. It took my like 15 minutes tops, so pretty easy.

        Then came my favorite class right now, besides English, Geography. Mostly for the class and the teacher, not the work. Definitely not the work. So our cross-word puzzles were due today, the ones that he assigned on Monday where we had to create our own cross-word puzzle using 30 (or 43 for extra credit) of the vocabulary words in the puzzle.

        I was too busy playing "7 Days to Die" last night at like 9:00 PM, so I had to finish creating the clues for the puzzle, up until about 12:30 AM. Yes, I was tired, but it's final exams season so who cares. I was partnered with that girl who sits in front of me, the one who barely says anything, when we did a random person's crossword puzzle in class a few months ago I think.

        Yes, she is pretty for your information. So we started doing the cross-word puzzle like last time. I could barely hear her. Barely. Then she got more comfortable talking I guess and she spoke a bit louder. Just a bit. Then the cross-word puzzle got confusing and all, like, the person whomade the cross-word puzzle messed up and put the wrong number of boxes or used the same words twice or whatever.

        She spoke a bit louder soon enough, about talking volume, barely. She got comfortable interacting with me on solving the cross-word puzzle 'cause I was jokingly freaking out over how confusing the cross-word puzzle is with all the mistakes and stuff. We joked around a bit trying to solve the puzzle and it was, pretty fun. Definitely made my day. Now I kinda don't want the school-year to end because of how I probably won't be in a class with people like this anymore.

        We watched a 15 minute video for the rest of the class period on tiger-poaching. Yeah, I don't know either. Anyways, that was a long post. Well, I'm off to play "7 Days to Die". See you tomorrow.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014 "May 22, 2014 Part 1."

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: What You Need - Priors

        I almost decided not to post today due to me being busy playing "7 Days to Die" with my cousin. But then I was like "Nah, there's too many things happening to not talk about it".

       First period, English, we read a bit of the book and then practiced gathering ideas by typing non-stop for 5 minutes. Definitely something to consider to get your specific ideas down.

        For Biology, 2 groups gave their presentation today. Wow, they were bad. Not considering that they went first, but that they were very poorly carried out. The first group was on monotremes and marsupials. Theirs was okay, but they definitely could have done better on their "activity". It was a game of hang-man, but they just used words that were on their wordsearch that they gave out to us, so we basically just guessed any of the 10 words.

        The second group was beyond poor. The presentation was poorly carried out due to one person doing all the talking and 1 other group member just sitting down. The mammals they were doing were bats, of which I don't remember their scientific name. The worst part of their presentation was their word-search. They didn't even give us the words for the word-search, they just said to think of things having to do with bats "for example: where they live, what kinds, etc".

        Everybody in the room could not find any word in the word-search at all. Then they gave out the words, but still no one found one. And of course, they were trolling us. I just hope the teacher gives them a bad grade for not doing the activity correctly. Yeah, I said it.

        The highlight of the day would probably be 3rd period. I went to the small gym (right next to the large gym) where I was supposed to get my badge and be a guard at the art show for one whole period. I went to the back since the doors in the front weren't open. There were some people sitting down at the back, so I was guessing this is where we wait for the badges. Nope, instead it was a place to see the live clay pot making thing.

        I took matters into my own hands (and because of how the other people who were in my period who signed up for the guarding thing weren't doing anything) and went inside and asked where I get my badge. In actuality, we didn't have to wait for someone to pass on to us their badge, but to just grab one in like this tiny cup. And so I sat in a chair and walked around a couple times while children from the elementary schools came and ran around looking at the art for the entire period.

        I saw some students (to which I thought were elementary schoolders) had like a clipboard with a paper and I guess they were supposed to like write about the art they saw or whatever. But then I noticed this one girl and I was like "Hmmm, she sure looks a lot like El, that one friend of Em's who I think is pretty cute". At first I didn't think of it too much, but then I was like "She sure wears the exact same clothes as El" Then I was like "Yeah, that's her". I was thinking of saying hi but then I thought about what if she didn't know me too much?

        After a while, she was like "Hi Drew" and I was like "Hi El" and I was like "THANK GOD YOU SAID HI FIRST, AND YOU KNOW MY NAME" or else I'd had to use the old "Hey, you're blank right?" like I always did.

        Her hello made my day. Also my geometry teacher got pissed off at the class for snickering at this girl who didn't know how to do this lesson. And, there's this one dude in my physical education class who is so pissed off for no reason. I'll talk about it more tomorrow since it's getting late. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 "Arrrghh."

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: Swing - Super Junior M

        Arrruuuugghhh, I can't believe I forgot to write. To be completely honest, I was too busy working on my Biology presentation project (due tomorrow) and playing "The Binding of Isaac". I'll be sure to remember tomorrow. See ya.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 "Fun Stuff Like Fights."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: Beat - 100%

        Finally, another fight at school. Also a rap battle; see, this is what high school is all about: fights and rap battles. And mainstreamed EDM and Rap music.

        So we had a substitute, again, for English class, but our teacher showed up halfway 'cause he forgot something or whatever. I'm guessing he has a field trip with the Engineering academy people. Anyways, it was really quiet and I mean peaceful and quiet so I was able to get a few minutes of sleep. Yes, much sleep.

        Uuhh, we worked a bit on our presentation for Biology; we have to get it ALL done by Thursday, even if we don't present on Thursday. We've got about, I'd say 75% finished, all we've got to do is refine some of the details, create notes, and rehearse and that's about it. And I got to finish creating this Jeopardy slide for our PowerPoint because, you know, Jeopardy is always a fun activity.

        Today was also a work day for Drawing, we just worked on some rough sketches for what we're gonna do for our final project which is the environmental hazard symbol thingy. We also worked on our last study drawing I guess which is due this Friday. I'm supposed to draw a reflection for my study drawing, so I just chose this picture of a woman eating cereal in the reflection of toaster off of Google. Tomorrow's gonna be my last day to work on my drawing 'cause on Thursday, I'll be guarding art for the sake of mankind.

        Basketball- the bane of my existence. Well one of the banes of my existence. My team actually cooperated this time I gotta say. We got about, I don't, know, 0,0, maybe 0 points tops? Out of 2 games we played today? Not bad. Also, tall people are no fun. I wish I was tall, I'm only 5'3". Being tall's got it's benefits like, you could play basketball without having the distance disadvantage, and you could date any girl you want and not have to worry about the girl you like being taller than you.

        Lunchtime: the time to relax and do un-finished homework. Also usually the time for fights. I forgot to mention that there was a fight yesterday at school. Apparently some sophomore was talking shyt and only one punch was thrown. And about 50% of the school ran like animals over to the fights because apparently the word on fights spread around like wildfire.

        But today, there wasn't a fight, but a RAP BATTLE. Like WHAT? This is one of the things that I did not expect to see in high school, or in real life for that matter. I didn't see what had happened, mainly because of all the crowds. But I'm assuming that it went something like *insert Lil Wayne lyrics here*. Seriously though, how do people find out that fast?

        Not only did fun stuff happen during lunchtime, but also Geometry class as well. During the middle of a lecture on the rotation of triangles on a plane, there was this dude outside the classroom and I guess he was trying to say to his buddy in this class. My teacher saw the dude and went out and was like "Why don't you come in?"

        The teacher made the dude say hi to the guy in class in front of everyone and demanded 5 bukcs from the dude for disturbing the class, which is justifiable. The dude didn't pay so then the teacher told him to sit down at a desk and gave him the notes-sheet for the day, he was like "Here's the notes-sheet, follow along!" My teacher then turned around to go back to teaching at the board, just then the dude booked it. He just RAN, literally bolted out the door. My teacher was screaming at the dude, but he was gone.

        Luckily the dude in our class whom the other dude said hi to knew his name and sold him out. The teacher wrote a letter to the teacher and principal about the dude disturbing the class and stuff. Aww seniors, doing all the craziest sh** they can before the school year ends.

        After that incident, 6th period came and the teacher put up a video for the day. YES, more time to relaaaaax. It was another "Global Trekker" travel video, this time it's on China. This unit we're studying is East Asia and South-Eastern Asia, or China basically since 70% of all we discuss is China, China, China. We also had to take notes on the video as well, but only on the culture of China. Is paper a culture? Is mayonnaise an instrument?

        This dude, let's just call him Ch, has been commenting on stuff of his "girlfriend's" wall You know? Em?. But the stuff is like, what? A couple months old? Why you gotta comment on stuff that's pre-historic, considering the pace at which things are moving in this century? I'm not jealous, even though I probably should be. It's just that THIS DUDE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING. By the way, his statuses make really good tumblr and Reddit posts. I don't know when I'll be posting all the stupid comments and posts that I see on Facenovel onto Reddit and stuff. Maybe someday.

        Also my English teacher told my class this yesterday, that you don't got to prove anything to anybody, you only prove to yourself. Now that is something I'm considering using as my yearbook senior quote. That and "Uuuuuuuummmmm". Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014 "And Whadya Know?"

Monday, May 19, 2014
Week 40
Songs to Remember: La Song - Rain

        There's this one person I know who said "I'm actually a loner" which doesn't really makes sense to me considering they talk to more people in a day than I do in a week.

        Uuuhh, so we read some pages in our new book that we're reading for English called "The Old Man and the Sea" which of course has to do with an old man and the sea. I just hope it'll be like the movie "Castaway" and the dude makes a volleyball become his best friend named "Wilson". WILSON!! Then we watched a few videos featuring sword-fishes or "marlins" as they are called.

        We had a test today for Biology, I knew it was coming, therefore I studied right before the teacher gave out the tests. It wasn't that hard, I think I got a B- on it, which in my opinion is fine. Good thing I did last minute checks on frog anatomy 'cause you'll never know when it'll come in handy in life. After we were done with the tests, we were allowed the use the chrome-books to work on our group presentation, which is due this week/next week. I proceeded to play the Rubik's cube app on Google.

        For Drawing class, today was more of an get-an-idea day really. She showed us a sideshow showing some artwork made by this dude named "Banksy" who is like this mystery artist who paints pictures on the streets showing social issues. With that, we were supposed to come up with some rough sketches for a cool metaphorical picture that has to do with our topic, mine being pesticides. Also, she showed us the schedule for our shifts for our school's art show. I signed up to be an "art guard" as she was offering community service ours for it. I'll be guarding the art on Thursday during 3rd period.

        Oh my god, I never knew that basketball would be so bad. We started playing practice games today, but it wasn't very enjoyable to say the least. The teacher said that we'd be able to pick our own teams, in groups of three so I was like "YES. That means me and my other 2 buddies in my class could actually be in group for once without having it be groups of 2, 4, 5, 6, etc." Then my teacher proceeded to say "But ..." and I was like "No. No way. Watch, just watch, she's gonna say something where I won't be able to be in a team with my buddies ..."

        And whadya know? She said "There must be one opposite gender for each team so either 2 guys and 1 girl or 2 girls and 1 guy per team" and I was just like "WHY" I ended up being in a group with 2 other girls and even though I'd be happy with this, I really wasn't.

        My team was so bad and there was like no teamwork at all. It was sooo excruciatingly painful playing with them. All they did was pass the ball to each other. When I had the ball, they were busy blocking other people and I'm just like "Why? WE'RE ON OFFENSE" Even though it was a practice game, the score was like our 1 to 9 or something like that. And yes, I made that 1 point thank you very much. Basketball is going to be one hell of a pain alright.

        God, I was so pissed off. Then 5th period came and it was insanely easy. Umm, yeah. Teacher gives us a worksheet to do, you bet I'ma finish it. And, that's pretty much all we're doing.

        Then came Geography, one of my favorite classes right now, I guess. I saw a drawing of instructions for creating a crossword puzzle on the board and I was just like "Please don't make us do a crossword ..." And whadya know? We got to make a crossword puzzle. Using 30 words, 43 if we want a 20-point extra credit. You know I gotta go for that extra 20-points 'cause I got to finish with at least a B before the school year ends.

        I worked so hard on the cross-word puzzle. The teacher was like "Only one person so far out of all the periods have been able to fit all 43 onto here". A couple other people in my class fit all 43, and I actually did fit all 43. I worked so hard, quick, and smooth, you have no idea. I was literally rolling in the thinking at the time and with that, I got to fit all 43 vocabulary words onto that one sheet of squares. I felt very accomplished. I heard this one girl talking to this dude and she called him (jokingly) an over-achiever for having fit 41 words. I thought about if I were an over-achiever? Hah, who am I kidding?

        Sooo tomorrow is Tuesday. Yeah, nothing special. Anyways, see you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014 "Internet Personas or Ignorant Tweets."

Sunday, May 18, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: When the Moon's Reaching Stars - Persona 3 OST

        Last night I was thinking about Em and how she's kinda ignoring me on Facenovel. Then I thought about how people make absolutely confusing and pointless tweets on Twitter, then I though: persona. People's internet personas, interesting topic right?

        First of all, I'd like to make it clear what my internet persona is before I go criticizing how others view their internet personas. My internet persona is like, well, a dude who thinks he's stands out from everyone else whereas in reality a guy who messes with people's pages and points out stupid comments and statements. That pretty much sums it up.

        So what is an internet persona anyway? Well, a persona is the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others. And I did not get that from Wikipedia. I've noticed that people act a lot differently on the internet than in reality, maybe because of protection behind an LED screen, or maybe the anonymity.

        People often act tougher or act like everybody knows em'. On the Twitters of girls in my classes, oh my god, why are they all the same? They all post comments and stuff, acting like their crush or ex is gonna see it. All I see is "sorry for bothering u with my friendship?? lmao", "or don't text me that's cool too", and "I'm just another girl to you". WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?

        Those were all from one person by the way. Then there are some people whose personas I can't even comprehend like some tweets: "I find it really weird that we're gonna be middle aged one day" and "why do all those twitter famous accounts always post the exact same thing". Even I can't comprehend why.

        Uuuhh, some people do stuff like ignore, block, all that stuff on social media sites when they want to avoid someone and it makes them feel secure because of an LED screen. Then in reality, that person meets them and they're just like "Sh**, how do I avoid this?"

        I probably should have stated the topic as "Ignorant things I see in social media" rather than "Internet personas" 'cause talking about internet personas is a lot harder than I thought it'd be. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014 "Catching Up On An Update."

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: Sometimes - Crush

        3 weeks left of school, awesome, but at the same time, kinda not awesome. It's that "I don't want school to be over" feeling I guess.

        So yesterday, I went to the dentist. My mom just had to schedule it on a Friday. The dentist dude took x-rays of my teeth and all the usual stuff. He checked to see if my wisdom teeth had grown yet, and they weren't. He did the usual teeth cleaning and then I went in back to the lobby to wait for the dentist dude to work on my mom's teeth.

        It took like 30 minutes I guess, I'm not sure. I kept on falling asleep a bunch of times sitting in the chair (quite comfy actually) with my arms crossed listening to music. Very soothing actually. I guess the receptionist caught me sleeping or snoring or whatever, 'cause when my mom I and were about to leave, she was like "Boy, you were sleeping".

        After that, my mom drove me to Target to get a new mouse for my PC because the one I was using, the wire on the inside wasn't connecting properly, I had to continuously jumble it, pulling it and stuff to get it to work. Eventually it didn't work anymore, no matter how hard I jumbled the wire so yeah. I also needed a mouse to work on this game I'm making in "Unity", a program used to create games.

        It's turned into a hobby I guess, me modeling things in 3D on Unity everyday. I also recreated a house in it. Maybe I could major in architecture in college? Ahahahahaaa, who am I kidding?

        And did I mention that I went to talk to the teacher who was the head of the Digital Business Academy, or DBA for short. You know? That academy that sent me that letter in the mail telling me "You've been accepted, blah blah blah" in which I can't believe they accepted me, but they really just accept anyone who applies. I talked to the teacher asking her if she received my e-mail about leaving the academy. She's like "Yeaaaaahh, you're the one who asked about leaving the academy..."

        She was like "Mkay, I'll be sure to take you out of the academy" and I was just like "Yeessssss". I said thanks and left. Finally, I won't have to waste 3 years of a class slot on something colleges probably won't look at. It'd just be like cycling through mail for them, "Bill, bill, bill, Attended 3 years of Digital Business Academy, bill, bill..."

        Uuuuuhhh, yeah I got a lot of work due the next few weeks. Like, a lot of work. Dozens of tests. I'm not even exaggerating. Okay maybe a little bit, but still. Projects, tests, tests, projects, lots of em'. That's what finals is all about. On the last week of school, all the teachers are required to give out a big test because why the f*** not. For English, I got to write an essay. Not bad. For Biology, I got a 100 question test. I almost didn't finish last time. My teacher let us use our notes for the test, but only handwritten ones, so I basically gotta write pages of vocabulary science words again, like last semester.

        Drawing class, we gotta do a project where we spray paint a sorta symbolic picture about an environmental hazard, with my topic being pesticides. Physical education, I've no idea. Probably something tiring. Geometry, we got a test which covers everything we've learned so far, and I'm just like "Whaaaat? You know how many formulas that is?" And finally Geography, which also has a test that covers everything. But before the finals, I still got a whole bunch of small projects and stuff to do.

        Like the presentation for Biology, which is on the 22nd. Or drawings due for Drawing class on Friday, the 23rd. Or the test on East and South-eastern Asia, which is gonna be on this Friday or whatever. Also, my Geography teacher's gonna input the grades for my presentation since everyone's done theirs now, so that means my grades gonna go up from a C (for so long) to a B. Goodbye, C, hello solid B!

        I think that's all I need to update now, rather than the fact I'm gonna lose a couple friends at the end of the year (probably more than a couple), of which some I've already lost, but whatever I guess. I got work to do tomorrow so see you tomorrow.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014 "Tomorrow."

Friday, May 16, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: How Much Longer - Yugioh The Movie OST

        So it's getting late and I'll just do this tomorrow, mkay? Okay, see you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014 "I Guess He Can See Our Screens."

Thursday, May 15, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: Blind Ambition - The Deleted

        "You got frog juice on me" is what I said when my group was dissecting a frog. Also there's approximately 3 weeks of school left. Yay, or nay?

        First period was kinda boring, emphasis on kinda. Our teacher had us write a paragraph on a quote from the book we're reading. Not just any paragraph though, a paragraph written on Google Docs using chrome-books. Apparently it took us 45 minutes to do it.

        I was resisting the urge to go on any gaming websites to like, I don't know, check on updates or whatever. That's because my teacher had this program that allowed him to view what tabs we had open. He wasn't kidding about it either. He was like "I could see your guys' screens". Then he was like "Dv, can you please close your tabs please? I don't want it to fill up my entire screen." I was like "Oh, he can see our screens".

        While we were typing, I guess he saw how some of us were messing around or not working and typing, because the next thing I knew, a tab opened up with a picture of a monkey with the words typed "GET TO WORK YOU BONOBOS!!" Yep, his program could open up a tab on all our computers. I need to get me a program like that.

        I was eager to go to Biology for one thing only: to dissect that frog. It was a lot smaller than I expected. My group were the same dudes as the dudes in the mammals project. We were following the procedure sheet and the first step was to cut the mouth hinges to open up the mouth. We spent like a good 20 minutes trying to get the mouth to open up all the way while also trying to find structures in the back of its mouth.

        We barely got through step 1, and there were like 10 more steps and we only have like half the period left to do as much as we can. For about 10 minutes, we were trying to create an incision through the skin of the frog which wasn't like tissue paper at all, it was more like leather. 5 minutes of class were left, so we just did whatever and went all in and cut to the organs. Other groups were like "Wow, you guys are only on that? We've already cut through blah blah blah" Well, at least we had the cleanest work out of anyone else. Cleanliness is next to managerliness.

        Third period was okay, we did the same thing for the past 3 days, painting a tree. I'm sorry, the "soul of the tree". Drawing class is okay I guess.

        Physical education, damn I was sweaty. We're not gonna be starting real basketball games until next week so today we just did some free-throws and a small 2v2 game within our groups. Uuuuuhh, yeah it was just really hot. I sweat a lot.

        5th period, Geometry, we did math. Also, there's this one dude who always talks to his friend way too much. Several months ago, our class pulled a prank on him by locking him out the door when he went to the restroom. Then we acted like nothing happened. So the dude went to the restroom again today and my teacher was contemplating on it like "Hmmm, should we?" and everyone's like "YES" and he's like "Ehh. Another time. Maybe tomorrow". Someone suggested we would all leave the classroom so when the dude came back, all of us would be gone.

        Presentations were given out in Geography class. There were a total of 3 (there would've been 4, but one girl didn't show up). This one dude wanted to go first and he put up a YouTube link to a video. It took me about 2 secs to read the title and I was like "Yep. South Korea. This is the dude who took the country I wanted to do". The video was SNSD's music video for the song "Genie".

        Because of how he didn't print out his quizzes to pass out, he was like "I'm gonna have you all take out a piece of paper" and I was just like "AUUUUUGGGHHHH! QUICK QUIZZES ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! WHY DO I HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN" I am seriously tired of having to do these for people's presentations. Today was the last day for presentations so thank the lord.

        Anyways, the dude gave out his presentation, mentioning PSY's Gangnam style and Starcraft and its community. The dude seriously went overboard talking about Starcraft's competitions and players. The next person after him was this girl who's just like "Whatever". Apparently she forgot like all her stuff at home like the poster she was gonna bring, but apparently she has all her notes on her phone. Her presentation was on Jamaica and she just stood there and talked about Jamaica for a good, 3 minutes maybe.

        The last person to go was my friend Ls, whom I was introduced to by my current best friend, back when I was bored and he was like "Come on and hang out over here" as to where I hang out and who hang out with as of now. Damn that was a long sentence. Anyways, I knew she was going to do an awesome job 'cause she saw everyone else do their presentations, had the most time to do em' all, she's a very smart person, and because of how her presentation was saved "the best for last".

        She did her presentation on Japan and I was like "Damn, this is gonna be good". She mentioned stuff like kimonos, Udon, landmarks, and animation, in which I was anxious to hear about how she would present anime to the class as she is a big fan herself. She didn't do stuff like Lucky Star or whatever, she had the movies produced by Studio Ghibli, the ones who produced award winning movies "Spirited Away" and "Howl's Moving Castle" and I was like "Good choice, good choice".

        At the end of all the presentations, Ls was the only one to bring food and she brought Mochi, a Japanese ball thing in which I ate like a box full during the summer of 2013 I believe. She brought 2 boxes and there were still like 5 left, so she was like "I don't want to eat all this" and I was like "If you don't want em' I'll take em'" in which I kinda regret because eating 5 sesame seed Mochi in the same period of time was a bad idea.

        Sooooo, I was walking through the door of Geography class and Tn was walking the way she used to go, and I was like "Oh, so you've waited enough time to go back to walking through this way, huh?" I can't wait to give her a piece of my mind, telepathically that is. Someday I'll get it to work... someday...

        It's getting late, hope you had a good read. I'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 "Going For Ice Cream is the Perfect Date."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: I'm Not Kidding - SUHO

        Whenever there's a discussion related to dating, my teacher always mentions how the perfect date would be the two people out to get some ice cream. Getting ice cream is apparently the perfect date.

        So again we watched some more "Nazi Hunter" war documentaries in English. Very relaxing, I'm not gonna lie. Some dudes go on their phone whenever the teacher puts on movies and stuff and I'm just like "Why?" God damn media.

        Also, today was a Wednesday in which I was like "Wait, it's only Wednesday?" On Wednesdays, we have lunch after 4th period and no break, so we have to go through 4 periods with NO FOOD. Yesterday and the day before, we were using chromebooks (mini laptops that the school lets us use) to create our PowerPoint and research for our presentation which is like, next week maybe?

        Because of how we didn't use our textbooks like, at all the last couple days, I decided not to bring my Biology text book to class today. I always bring it though, just in case the teacher just decides to have us use it out of nowhere. Since today was Wednesday, I didn't feel like carrying my 1000 page textbook through 4 classes, so I didn't bring it.

        And whadya know, we needed them today. We were supposed to use the textbooks to research and prepare for the frog dissection lab we're going to do like next week or something. I didn't have my book so I just did whatever. During the very beginning of the school year, our teacher told us that we were going to dissect a frog in Biology. She didn't say it was going to be like at the end of the year, I mean, why not during the beginning? It'll make Biology seem interesting instead of taking notes on osmosis and diffusion (oh my goodness, diffusion and osmosis! I've waited my whole life to learn about this!).

        We started painting some Japanese pine trees in Drawing class, "Sumi-E" style. Yep, that's about it for Drawing.

        I finally made a shot in physical education. We practiced passing and played a few games of "Knock-Out" for our basket-ball unit. I can now say that I suck at basket-ball.

        For Geometry class, the teacher gave us like 25 minutes to study for the quiz today that we had. It consisted of constructing lines using a compass. I don't see why we 25 minutes was needed, this stuff is seriously not hard. Using a compass to construct lines is just common sense. We could just use a ruler to measure to lines, but our teacher says we can't do that. We need to have markings to show that we did it correctly.

        It's kinda common sense where to start drawing with the compass in my opinion. After time was up for studying, we took the test and it wasn't really that hard. A few people in class were still taking the test since the teacher was like "Be quiet, there's still people taking the test". Apparently the class talked a bit too much and the teacher was like "You all could just talk as much as you want, I'm gonna just-" and then he ripped up someone's test (he didn't go specifically to someone's desk, he just took one out the turn-in pile and ripped it up).      

        I was thinking "Wait, what if this was a prank that teachers do where they rip up a fake test?" Everyone remained silent after that and then the bell rang. Then the teacher was like "Oh by the way, that wasn't a real test. It was blank one." and I was just like "You cheeky dawg, you".

        Geography class, we just wrote down notes on China, with it's culture and great wall and all that. My teacher saw this dude in my class checking out this girl in the back of the class and the teacher was all like "Ooooh, okay ... I see ... I see" making a gesture like "Mhmm, I see you checking dat girl out". Then he was like "Hot day, going out, ice cream dripping" like it was some romance movie. I lost it when he said "Ice cream dripping". I'm like "Did you just mention that ice cream date thing again?"

        I don't remember what I was going to talk abou- oh yeah. I remember now. So ya'll know Ez right? Who doesn't. I was looking at her, which she rarely uses, which I accidentally clicked onto, and I saw this answer she posted where I just lost it.

        The question that was asked was "whose name always makes you smile?", quoted by the way. She replied "His name has a T Y L and R I'm pretty sure you can guess who it is Everyone knows it's ...TAYLOR LAUTNER!! I can't say "l like Taylor Lautner for his acting and not his abs" with a straight face hahhah"

        At first I was reading "T Y L and R ..." and I was like "Yep. She's gonna say it. She's spelling her lover's name". Then I read "TAYLOR LAUTNER" and I was just like "Did you just? She just did. She saw the opportunity to do that and she did. I gotta give it to her, clever, very clever. You cheeky dawg, you".

        You don't see stuff like that very often. Anyways, I got more Running Man episodes and Hell's Kitchen to watch so see you tomorrow. Man, it's hot. Probably because you're here. My friend keeps on saying that. That cheeky dawg, that.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 "Wasted A Lot of Time."

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: Babay - Zion T.

        I kinda forgot what I was going to write about. None the less, I wasted a lot of time today working in the program "Blender" to create a frame for my game.

        I'll make up up today's post with a long one tomorrow. And no it's not because I'm lazy, but I procrastinate too much and then it's too late. See you tomorrow.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014 "Unexpected News."

Monday, May 12, 2014
Week 39
Songs to Remember: Works for Me - The Twelves

        Curse you darn allergies. Curse you pollen. Can you please find somehwere else to invade besides my nose?

        Today I've been having some bad case of allergies. It always happens near or during the summer time. Which means, every 10 seconds in class I got to sniffle. It's so annoying. Yet, I still go to school because being absent on one day of school means you're done, son. You're done. Game over.

        Anyways, we watched some more holocaust videos in English class. "Nazi Hunters", that is the best title I've ever heard for a holocaust documentary. We've also gotten started on the project for Biology, the one where we have to present for 25 minutes straight.

        We also gotten started on practicing our free-throws for basketball in physical education. I don't think I made even one basket, out of what? Like 12 shots? Basketball is just not my thing.

        In 6th period, my teacher decided to let us "gamble" again, or take risks if you want to put it that way. For our work he was going to assign us, we were supposed to draw 8 colored pictures representing 8 countries and have a haiku done for each.

        He had this one dude in the class to make a couple free throws through the hoop and he did. So now we only got do 5 with no haikus. Luck, as, f***.

        Also, I got some surprising news. Not good really. My friend (probably my best friend as of now), said he was going to transfer to a different school for next year. I guess I'm going to have to truck it by myself next year. Yep, next year will be a wild one.

        See you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014 "Just Existing Around Part 2."

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: Oh! My Goddess - TRAX

        As I was saying in the last part where I left off, I didn't message Em on Facenovel because I didn't want to be creepy.

        Luckily, and I mean luckily, she messaged me, which surprised me. Pretty crazy right? Out of nowhere she was like "Hi". Em is very energetic and weird I guess, in a good way. Back when she came to school, she hung out with "creeps and weirdos" as she called her friends. In a good way of course.

        Her friends don't really talk to me, or actually, I don't talk to them. I don't even hang out with them. She introduced me to them, but I don't even know if they accept me. Even if they are "creeps and weirdos". I know I'm definitely not normal, but am I weird? You could say that.

        Every person I know has character, a sort of charisma you could say. I could list all the personalities of everyone I've talked to or seen. But me, now that's where I'm stuck at. Do I even have character? What is interesting about me? I think hard a lot of times (too many times to be exact), but no matter how hard I think, I can't figure out what personality I have.

        That brings up the question: "Do people even like me?" Not the like, like sorta thing, but the "like my presence" kind of thing. Am I "fun" to hang out with? When my friends and I have a group conversation, does what I say matter? My conversations are obviously awkward as hell, maybe that's what makes me interesting? Nahh.

        I don't talk very much either. I think it was because of the consequences of talking out loud (as teachers dislike) and being paranoid of saying the wrong thing I guess. I think I talk a little bit too little, because even though I barely say anything at home, my mom still yells at me.

        With asian parents, it's definitely a more strict environment at home. I barely ask my mom (at all) to "drive my to the mall" or "get me new clothes" or any of that really. But my mom still feels the need to yell, because other volumes of speech definitely aren't necessary to get the point through.

        Oh, and today's mother's day. I don't celebrate mother's day. I do what my mom asks me to do, I still get yelled at. She gets on my nerves. Today she told (yelled actually) me "Why are you always on the computer for?!" I don't know, mom. Considering nobody likes me, I got nothing else to do. "Go read a book".

        So nobody likes me, platonic-ly that is. Let's first take a look at the list of my rejections: my first time getting rejected, well I didn't actually think of it as a rejection, all this girl did was trying to shrug me away. The second time, same thing. The third time, over Facenovel, the girl tells me not to get mad at her for rejecting me.

        The fourth time, girl just tries to completely ignore me, and got mad a little. The fifth time, over Facenovel, it became awkward as, I actually don't remember how it went online. I just checked like right now, scrolling through the chat history and uh, wow was it awkward. What was I typing? Haha, yeah I cringed a bit.

        The 6th time, yeah it was pretty hard. It was the thing with Ez. The 7th time, well she completely avoided me, physically. The 8th time, I got un-friended from Facenovel. The 9th time, well that hasn't happened yet, but it will.

        I was gonna talk about how people dislike me, but after reading that conversation history about that 5th rejection, it cheered me up a bit. I thought about my past self like "Hey, that was me". It was pretty cool.

        But yeah, I don't talk like, at all. I think more than I talk, which is pretty bad for me. I tend to be awkward in every way I can and without my control. I'm shy about simple stuff like go talk to my teacher about grades or whatever. I'm not exactly "athletic", nor am I good at video games (I'm decent I guess). I'm not that smart either, I'm above average. I'm also lazy, like not starting my 70 question assignment which is due May something.

        I also think "People think..." too much. If I try to I don't know, whatever, then I'll think "Hey, that dude's gonna think I'm blah blah blah" I think too much about what people think about me. I should just do things for the f*** of it. That I'd want to attempt next year. Right now, I'm just existing around. That's all I'm doing.

        Where was I going with this topic? I don't even remember, but what I do remember is that my friend (I guess) always asks me "So how's life?" I always answer "It's okay I guess". My life's a bit lower than "okay", but it's going okay, I GUESS. See you tomorrow.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014 "Just Existing Around Part 1."

Saturday, May 10, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: Bad Memory - Pro C

        I can't wait until sophomore year. I'll be able to start anew kind of, 'cause right now all people really regard me as "Who's Drew?"

        This entire day I've been working on this game I've been trying to create. Nothing all advanced and all that, just something fun that I can say "I made this." It's not that hard, but not that easy either. It's challenging and new so I've got something to do.

        Since I've been working on this all day, I've been on the internet all day (and not outside where the real world is). This means I've also been checking Facenovel often. For I don't know, news within my social-circle or whatever.

        Also, I just realized that I kinda predicted the announcement of the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remakes. During those few days (like a couple weeks ago or something) that were super hot, I said it was like "the second coming of Groudon". And whadya know, this week Nintendo announced the remakes for Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.

        Anyways, back to the topic, one dude whom I sorta know, is "with" Em now. By "with" I mean he asked her out and uhh he posted on Facenovel "She said Yes!". Like, what.

        Also, on my Facenovel, it always says that Em is offline, even though she does post statuses and change her profile picture and such (she posts it all public). Weird right? I message her once and it takes at least a day for her to reply. She's home-schooled (now) so she's always home basically.

        And like, yesterday she said that she wasn't going to the movies and no one else would because of how her mom said she couldn't (I guess). Well, about an hour ago, that one dude whom I sorta know posted a status saying "Just came back from the movie with my lovely girl! No picture tho sry! w/Em".

        The dude literally looks just like me, like a Chinese version of me. When I first met Em (or actually, when she first met me), I thought she was pretty cute. I wanted to talk to her on Facenovel but I didn't really have the courage too, the sole reason as I don't want to be "creepy" as every female calls it.

        It's getting late so I'll continue this tomorrow. Cliffhanger ... See you tomorrow.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014 "Relaxing Day."

Friday, May 9, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms - HIGH4

        There were a couple of fights at my school this past week. Too bad I didn't get to see them. Darn it!

        Today has probably been the most relaxing day in a while. In English, my teacher had us take like a 5-question quiz on what we read (or were supposed to read) last night, and after that, he played a holocaust movie for us. This was just one of the many movies I've watched today.

        For Biology, the teacher explained to us how we're going to be doing a group project during the next week or so. We're all in groups of 4 and each group is going to have to do a presentation on one or two mammals, and we have to give out quizzes and hand-outs and stuff.

        Also, it's worth 100 points. But what's even crazier is that it has to be at least 25 MINUTES LONG. Like, my solo presentation for Geography was only 8 minutes, and it was worth 150 points. Also, it's going to be on like May 22, that close to finals week (which is like June 1 to 4). After he explained all of that, we made our groups and he played a movie about animal and plant life, called "The Challenges of Life" for the rest of the period. Very relaxing.

        3rd period Drawing: all we did today was finish up our bamboo paintings (for those who didn't finish yesterday), claim a topic for an upcoming project, and turning in our Study Drawings (drawings we have to do, one every 2 weeks,with assigned topics like a face, an album cover, insects, etc).

        I already finished my bamboo painting yesterday so I didn't have to work on it at all. Everyone in the class had to choose one topic that has to do with endangerment to the environment/animals. Things like oil spills, litter, poaching, etc. I chose pesticides by the way. The upcoming project is that we have to spray paint (onto paper) a scene with our topic, giving a message in a sort of way. What's funny is that we're spray painting, which isn't really good for the air.

        We finally started basketball for physical education. We did drills like dribbling and keeping control of the ball. That's basically it.

        During Geometry class (probably the best part of the day), within the first 5 minutes of class, the lights on the far right side of the classroom, almost right above here I was sitting, was flickering. At first I saw like little flashes of light while I was reading my book and I thought it was just someone using the flash on their phone.

        But then people were looking at the ceiling so I was like "Oh, the lights flickering". Soon it went out and there was a smell in the air. I couldn't really smell anything since my nose is like stuffed all the time, but a lot of people were reacting to the smell. One person was like "Oh, it might be mercury" and my teacher was like "Yeah, I think we should just evacuate the classroom".

        Everyone was like "Aww hell yeah" 'cause you know, no lectures haha. We sat down at the tables where the Seniors usually sit (called the Senior tables) and just sat there for the next, what? 50 something minutes? We did nothing. Time went pretty slow, I was pretty surprised. I finished half of my book within that time, and it's a pretty lengthy book. The teacher had an electrician look into the light and the they came back saying "Yep, no danger. The light was touching a plastic sheath and it just burned the plastic. No mercury, just plastic."

        So we just stayed outside for the rest of the 10 minutes. It was awesome. So anyways, it's getting late so I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014 "Are You People On Something."

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: When the Moon's Reaching Stars - Persona 3 OST

        My teacher said "Are you people on something?". It made my day 'cause I think about it almost all the time. Seriously, what are people on nowadays?

        So these couple past days, we've been doing the same thing in English: do a quiz on the pages assigned to read, watch a holocaust YouTube video, and do whatever. Not that exciting, but not that boring, I like the class.

        In Biology, we did a quiz on plants. Very, very boring. It was also too easy, I got at least a B (for Biology). We spent the whole 50 minutes of the class just doing the test. Very good use of time. Just kidding.

        We did do something new in Drawing class though, we started practicing Sumi-e painting by painting bamboo stalks. Pretty cool, but also pretty challenging. The brush never brushes the way I want it to. All in all, Drawing class is something cool I guess.

        Instead of starting on Basketball practice today for physical education, we took a surprise test for our Softball unit, only it wasn't much of a surprise. She didn't announce the test beforehand, so we didn't get to study. Instead, she just went over some rules like "Okay, there's a runner on first base and the 1st baseman catches the ball, what happens?" and stuff like that.

        We took a good 30 minutes on it. After that, she passed out the test and I finished it in like 10 minutes. We did not need 30 minutes to study for the test. The questions were pretty obvious, for example, "What do you call a ball hit and rolls on the ground?" the only rational answer out of like 4 would be "grounder". Like, come on.

        Geometry class got me very pissed. Not because of the work, but because of the teacher. Our teacher wasn't here today, so we had a substitute. In my opinion, he was not a very good sub. He got on my nerves a lot.

        First of all, before 5th period "officially" starts, we have a silent sustained reading period, or "SSR" for short. It lasts like 20 minutes and acts as a sort of homeroom, since we don't have homeroom before 1st period.

        I was trying to read my book, but he kept on pacing back and forth. I sat right up to the front-right, so his noisy clothes kept on bugging the shyt outta me. My regular Geometry teacher usually reads, like we all have to do. This dude just wasted time and paced back and forth to piss me off.

        After SSR, he gave us the assignment and we started working on it, which was a worksheet. When the teacher gives us time to work on stuff in class, he usually lets us talk as much as we want, unless it's really loud or really inappropriate. This dude kept on saying "Sssh, do your work". We were all doing our work, while having conversations, it helps keep a pace. Every 5 seconds he would say it over and over again.

        6th period came and just did a short practice quiz on what we currently know on Eastern & South-Eastern Asia. One of the questions was what country and city this tower, called the Namsan tower, was located in. Hearing the name Namsan tower, I thought of it as a place that Running Man has visited (Running Man being a Korean Variety show).

        I answered with Seoul, South Korea (I pronounced it See-oul, what a dummy I was being), and I was correct. I was like "YES! Thank you Korean variety shows!" Another question was what was the name of this fruit, the fruit being rather spiky, tan, and smells really really bad. I knew it was Durian, and everyone else did too.

        After we all answered, he asked us if anyone in here actually liked the fruit and the taste of it. He told us how only 4 other students in his other classes said they liked it, and the teacher was like "Are you people on something?" while making a cigarette gesture. I was like "Did he just say that? He is now considered one of the coolest teachers I know"

        Oh and uh, you know how Em messaged me if I wanted to join her and her friends to go to the movies on Saturday? Well looks like she can't go. I asked her if her friends were still going 'cause I find one of her friends really sweet and cute and umm, yeah.

        Sooo uh, yeah that's what's going on right now. I'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 "Woohoo."

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: Don't Save Me - HAIM

        Apparently there's only about 20 school days left. I'm hoping next year's going to be different, as in my classmates. I want to meet new people.

        So we're reading up this book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor. We also watched a couple YouTube video documentaries on the holocaust, featuring footage recorded of dead bodies. What fun.

        Seriously, how many more books on the Holocaust are we going to read. I'm not saying we shouldn't read em' at all, just don't cram all the details down our throat. And please don' show us dead bodies from the 1940's. I've seen enough dead bodies in my 15 years of living.

        Skipping Biology because there's never anything really exciting, we're starting to do some water-color painting in Drawing class. Except, there's not exactly any color, it's mostly just black and white. The teacher had us vote on whether we wanted to do water-color painting, or this "Asian Sumi-E painting". Of course we wanted to do the Asian painting.

        It consisted of like, channeling our "chi" into our brush strokes while we're painting the "soul" of whatever we were painting. People have studied this "Sumi-E" painting for years, and we're only going to be doing it for a week so I'm not expecting to be good at it right off the bat. Very different from what I've drawn before, therefore it's exciting.

        Physical education, oh physical education. Please don't remind me of softball ever again. Our team got completely OBLITERATED, DEMOLISHED, whatever you want to call it. We sucked hard for our last day playing softball.

        Our team was a fairly average team, with only like 2 good players overall (maybe 3, I don't know). We had 6 people on our team and the other team had only 4, so the teacher had this really athletic dude in our class play for their team. It's now 6 against 5, and in my opinion, it's fair as it is, considering the dude was really good at making plays and such.

        Their team wasn't even that bad either, they were average at least. So to make things even more "fair", the teacher played for their team as well to make it an "even" 6 versus 6. The teacher taught for a long time, playing physical education softball for years and years.

        To get my point straight, their team was over-powered. The final score was like 1-18. Guess which score was ours? Yep, 1. We got one point in total and it was from a home-run from our star player. The other team had several home-runs. After we had 1 point and they had like 12, the teacher was like "Okay, you guys could do this by yourselves now". How did she expect us to comeback from a 12 point lead? One thing I'll remember from playing softball is for me to "Get off the base!", as quoted from my teacher.

        In geometry, things were going okay, but then some girl was like "This is pointless, we won't ever have to do this in life" or something like that. We were studying on how to draw congruent angles and stuff using a "compass". You know, that pointy thing that makes perfect circles.

        Then my teacher got upset and told the class "I'll let you guys decide what we study next. We could just skip this chapter if you want. It'll be on the test, but I'm sure you'll all do fine" and I'm just like "Auuuugh, these kids can't just persevere through 50 minutes a day of using a compass?" WHat I don't like is how the teacher has to take it out on the whole class rather than the people causing the problem. In my opinion, Geometry is "easy as f***" as some people say, like me. Definitely not hard.

        The part of the day that made me smiled was in 6th period, where Tn's friend told the teacher how it was Tn's birthday today (which I did not know). The whole class sang happy birthday and then the teacher was like "Woohoohooo!" Cheering for Tn I guess, he did it several more times since people enjoyed it.

        It made me smile because I couldn't believe what was happening. I just smiled like a camera was pointed at me and quietly was like "What the f***!". It was awesome, I like it when my teachers yell "Wooohoohooo!" out loud in the classroom like that.

        I literally just read a stupid comment on Facenovel. I'll talk about it later. Right now, I got to read a book. I only do it if I want to be tired. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 "What to Do."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: Disco Ball - Saucy Monkey

        I got homework to do. Also I got hit in the head with a softball today. I'll make it up with a long one tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014 "Day Well Spent."

Monday, May 5, 2014
Week 38
Songs to Remember: A Day Without You - S.M The Ballad

        Happy Cinco De Mayo, also known as no-school day. I love how after there's like a 3-day weekend or a long break (like spring break), someone asks "When's the next break?"

        All this weekend I've been playing Rust (tired of that game by now) and started learning the basics of Unity. Unity is a computer program used to create games. Since I'm tired of all the bullshit in the games I play, and how I can't find any new games that are to my liking, I've decided to make my own.

        It's not that hard as you'd think. In my opinion, it's just time-consuming and tedious. You do trial and error in order to get it right and you got to write lines upon lines of scripts (coding), for stuff like player movement and all that.

        I've gotten a lot done right now. So far I've got the name of the game down. The rest I still got to work on. For me, that's a lot already accomplished.

        Today I was wondering if I were to get my glasses this weekend or not. I was thinking maybe it was going to take 2 weeks to make my glasses instead of 1. Then my mom told me this morning that after she would come home from grocery shopping, she'd drive me to the optometrist place to pick-up my glasses.

        I was hoping that the people from the last time wouldn't be here today, and luckily they weren't. My mom wrote her signature on the paper thing and I got my new glasses. I originally was going for the Ray Ban brand glasses, but I liked the look of these Nike glasses (the model is called "5518 Glasses).

        I didn't get to see myself wearing them until I got home. I looked in the mirror and I was like "I look pretty pimpin'" Just kidding, but I was surprised how different I looked. With my glasses, I didn't look like myself anymore.

        I looked like any other dude with my glasses at my school. I lost my "trademark" look I guess. But I'd like to change my image to prepare for sophomore year and hopefully there'll be new people I'd get to meet.

        And that was my day well spent. About 12 hours of video games. Not bad. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014 "The Media."

Sunday, May 4, 2014
Week 37
Songs to Remember: Ma Boy 3 - Electroboyz

        Ya'll know Twitter, tumblr, Facenovel, Instagram, Snap-chat, all those apps and websites that we use in our every day life? Well they certainly have an affect on society and, well, whatever I do.

        Starting off with Twitter; all it provides for us is a selfie featuring Ellen and a whole bunch of celebrities and boring, pointless, tweets. Let me give you an example.

        Many, many, many (and I mean many) girls at my school tweet things that don't make any sense. First of all, they tweet using nothing but 2nd person point-of-view. They also making it as if they were talking to their crush or ex, but we all know that they'll never see it.

        One tweet that'd demonstrate this is: "ur hecka cute too bad ur a dick". That was one. Here's another: "i miss hearing ur voice first thing in the morning when i wake up..." And another: "come back i'm so sad and i can't do this anymore".

         You know instead of pointlessly writing this on Twitter, it'd kinda make a difference if she told it to her ex instead, or whoever those tweets are aimed at. She also posted: "TALKING TO YOU IS SO BORING. you literally give like the boring stereotypical replies" and I don't even know if it's aimed towards me or not. Twitter, giving guys unclear answers since (when was Twitter founded? 2006?) 2006.

        For tumblr, I actually have no problems with tumblr. I just listed it cause' it came to my mind. Ya'll could have fun looking at your gifs and whatnot.

        Facenovel is a big one. The "pointless posting" syndrome from girls on Twitter also follow people on Facenovel too, but I don't see it too often. Facenovel is there just for texting and for showing other people how much they're missing out.

        There's a huge amount of pictures that people on post on Facenovel, featuring them, their friends, and 20 other people at parties or whatever. Some people, like me, have Facenovel for the sole reason of communicating and to catch up on my school's social circle. I don't really interact or "hang-out" with my friends outside of school, so Facenovel is there to provide me an insight on what's happening.

        Facenovel also sets the standard for popularity. Likes, comments, all of that stuff you can plainly see to determine if you're known or not. People at my school whose name gets passed around a lot, usually have like over 100 likes on their selfies. People like me, who are barely trying to get by, have as so much 5 people tell me happy birthday on my wall. That's how Facenovel stands.

        Instagram and snap-chat, one is used for photos of coffee filled beverages, the other is used for nude pictures. Seriously, coffee isn't special. If someone wanted coffee, they'd go get their own rather than see "Omg, just got mocha hot lattes! Toogood4you!".

        I actually don't have a phone yet. So that means I can't catch up on any of things that those cool kids are playing, like "Puzzles and Dragons" or "Flappy bird", if people still do play that.

        Oh and another thing, this was just really funny. That one dude, Rl, the guy whom I was so confused about how he got a girl to like him, Hl, that I kinda freaked out about? Those two? Well, apparently they're now "Facenovel official". You know, the "blank and blank are now in a relationship" thing that Facenovel attention-whores like to post. I don't mean it in a bad way, just, you don't gotta tell people that man.

        On the post thingy where it said that they were now in a relationship, one guy I know commented " I once said the day Rl gets a girlfriend before me I will get my p3nis chopped up." He then asked "Can I back out on it?" This was probably one of best things I've found on Facenovel. I completely agree with him. The one day Rl gets a girlfriend before me, I will-

        And there you have it. I probably could've explained more, but I gots work to do. I also have no school tomorrow so that's a "Yaaay!" for me. See you all tomorrow.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014 "Procrastinated."

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Week 37
Songs to Remember: Ment - Double K

        No, I did not forget to write, I just procrastinated a bit too much and now it's kinda late (it's abou 10:57 PM right now), so I'll make it up with a long one tomorrow.

        See you tomorrow.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014 "Why Do You Wanna Be My Friend."

Friday, May 2, 2014
Week 37
Songs to Remember: Ment - Double K

       I've finally gotten out of an academy in which I signed up for. All things are going fine and then bam- another academy sends me a letter in the mail saying I got accepted into them. When will it end?

        I had a total of 3 tests today, the first being in Biology class. It was on Mitosis and it wasn't really much of test, more of a quiz really. It had a total of 2 questions: the first being to list the stages of Mitosis (cell division) in order, and the second being drawing out a stage and explaining what's happening.

        Pretty easy in my opinion. A bit too easy. Anyways, today was basically a free day for Drawing class. The teacher put on a documentary on Andy Warhol (the famous artist) while we were allowed to work on our drawings and stamps project. I'm currently drawing Nicholas Cage's face. I have no regrets.

        For softball, our team actually lost, and that's a first. The other team won by like 2 points or something like that. Their team had my previous team's captain, and he hit pretty hard. One of our players kept on the throwing the ball inaccurately, so we always lost out on an out for first base.

        For Geometry class, we had a test today on angles and arcs in circles. You know those times when you get an answer and it's not in the 4 multiple choices? Yeah that happened to me for this test. I tried like 3 times until I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. All in all, the rest was pretty easy.

        Now for the big test of the week, the India test for Geography. My teacher didn't show any mercy on us, even before the test began. He was explaining the "short" response" part of the test for us. He said "There are 4 topics on the back of the paper. You have to pick... 3 and do an 1/3rd page essay for each."

        Yep, you heard me right. He wasn't going to say "Out of the 4, pick 1". No, no. He says to pick 3 out of the 4. Awesome availability of choices. I almost didn't finished as answering 30 multiple choice questions, 2 short answer questions, 9 map labels, and 3 "short" essays isn't really doable in 45 minutes.

        Oh and uh, the girl didn't present today as we had the test so she'll probably go on Tuesday. You know? The girl who sits in front of me? The one whom I have never heard her voice before? Yeah that one. And uh, I got a 3 day weekend so uh, praise the lord for Cinco De Mayo. I'm not really religious in a lot of ways just to let you know.

        But the highlight of this day wasn't the test (or at least, I thought it was), but of a question I had to answer on Facenovel. That one girl, Ct, whom I've been talking to for the last couple days on Facenovel, asked me (on Facenovel), "why do you wanna be my friend?"

        I don't get those questions a lot (or at all for that matter), so I didn't really expect for her to just straight up ask me that. I just told her what I really thought of why I'd want to be her friend, with it being that she's different and her personality.

        And of course, as all girls, she had to go and make it harder for me like "How am I interesting?" Gosh darn these "How, when, where, and why" questions. Anyways, it turned out fine I guess, I mean she didn't really feel ecstatic about me complimenting her in the most deepest ways possible, but it was more of a "meh" feeling, which is fine by me for now.

        So yeah, it's getting late, I'm hungry, and I got to go to sleep so see you tomorrow.